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A member registered Jun 26, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thank you ^^, yes his wife is waiting for him at the end of level 3.

Tetris but you are in the bricks, and you have a gun 10/10. But in all seriousness, it's a pretty cool game.  And I love the aesthetics :)

Fun game, it was a pretty relaxed experience overall. The level design was pretty good, my only complaint is that the last level had some very tight turns. Great job overall tho!

NIce! This game isn't like anything that I've seen so far in this jam, that's really cool. The controls are pretty smooth and it's satisfying to eat many flies at once, good job!

Nice game, that didn't overstay it's welcome. At first I thought that I had to reach the portal with both balls tho, haha.  Once I knew that the red one was an enemy that game was pretty clear.

Nice concept, it got pretty chaotic when I had a lot of enemies on my sword, but that was part of the fun as well.

(1 edit)

The setting made me uncomfortable, but I liked that you had a cutscene at the start that was pretty cool.

Pretty cool puzzle platformer game, I have to say that the difficulty is way too high at the start tho. It took me a bit to get what I was supposed to do.

The game is visually very pleasing, however, I'm afraid that the game is way too hard. I wasn't able to survive for more than 5 seconds and that was me doing my very best.

I'm really sorry, but I wasn't able to figure out how to progress. I was stuck on the key side, because I couldn't jump. And I was stuck on the lock side, because I couldn't jump high enough :( . The art and music was pretty good tho.

Very cool game, the controls are good and the aesthetics are amazing for a jam game. My only complaint was that it was hard to get my yellow vehicle in the rings if my blue vehicle was at the exact opposite of the screen.

Pretty sweet game, it had a nice bit of narrative and didn't overstay its welcome.  The music and art fit the game as well, and I liked how the two creatures could interact with one another. 

Pretty nice ball and chain controls. I do agree with others that it was too easy, I could just spin around in circles and never get hit. I didn't like how the game froze or slowed down whenever I hit an enemy, it made it feel very laggy and made me not want to hit them.

Fun game, but once I used all the letters only 1 new letter spawned at the time.  And after a while I  didn't have enough vowels to make words with.  I like the concept of the game tho.

Pretty fun to play, however I have some feedback:
The jump physics felt off and there was a level where both of my balls fell down and I was softlocked.

(1 edit)

It's a pretty original concept regarding this theme, good job! The game was quite easy to understand, however, it could be chaotic at times.

The concept of 2 climbers just swinging around to move is pretty fun. However I think that the game in it's current state is a bit too punishing to the player, I would not instakill the player if they touch the bottom of the screen. Good job regardless.

Neat concept, at times I wouldn't notice that I was close to getting over the distance limit. It might be a  good idea to give off a warning before you die.

The game looks very pleasant to the eye, I'm unsure how to "win" tho. I collected all the magnetic balls, but the level didn't end.

It could become a decent game, if you visualized the chains and added some different mechanics.  I was very confused at first.

Pretty cool concept for a game made in 4 hours, could become a nice phone game if polished out a bit more.

Hey thanks for making this, it's my favorite game from this jam yet. It's nice that you already teach the players the mechanics in the title screen and the puzzle design is fun. Great job!

Hey thanks for the feedback, I'm sorry about the camera. I'm glad you had some fun with it regardless of that.

It's a nice puzzle/platformer game, although I felt like a couple of jumps were too hard. Cool art style as well.

It took me a while to master the controls, but once I did it was quite satisfying.

Interesting game, I like the audio a lot, it really gives of a creepy vibe. I'm not sure if the game fits the theme, but I like the idea of changing graphics.

I do have some feedback for you:

- Don't reset the whole game when the player touches an enemy. Give the player hp or reset the current level. It's way too punishing at the moment.

- In level 7 I spawned and before I could process what was hapening I died, becuase an enemy walked into me.

- Make the enemy hitboxes smaller.

- The player can sometimes not move in a direction. I suspect that you can only move while centered on a tile.

- I think a top down perspective would work better for this game.

I hope this feedback will help you with improving the game, good luck!

Thank you so much for leaving a great comment and playing my game!

I'm planning on improving upon the game after the jam is over and will be improving the things that you pointed out.

I actually had a better idea to implement the theme but wasn't able to make it, because I definitly overscoped. My idea was to give each mage the ability to rewind themself to their position from 3 seconds ago. And if the mages worked together they could instead of that rewind the entire world 3 seconds. I didn't have enough time for it tho so at the end I was kinda improvising with how I've had implemented the theme.

Pretty cool game.

The animations, art and music were amazing for a game jam

Now that I've seen what you can do in a week, I'm curious what you can do in a month or year.

The only thing that I struggled with is the lack of checkpoints in the first level and I wasn't able to beat the (first) boss.

Also I found 2 bugs:

the boss instantly attacks you when you spawn and you can't dodge it.

in the bossfight you survive at 0 hp, until you get hit again.

Good game overall!

That would be a good solution, but I was thinking of adding controller support to the game. So a mouse wouldn't workt anymore then.

Thanks for your feedback!

I agree with all of your points. I think that i'll update the game in a bit and i'll adress every con.

I was thinking of letting the player input a direction to throw at as well to fix the first con, do you think that would be a good solution?

Hey thank you for your feedback, I completely agree with you! 

I kinda shot myself in the leg with spending way too many hours on the level generation and not having time to implement proper enemies, sounds, art and the boss.

I was also planning on adding things such as a tutorial, but I didnt have the time sadly.

I think that i'll improve the game after the jam is over and I'll adress each of your points.

Thanks for playing my game.

Hey I saw this game on Mark's stream and just had to try it for myself. Really cool game! I wouldn't mind seeing a full game made out of this. 

It was an experience, it sure was.

Cool game, once you get it it's a little bit easy tho. i liked the 911 dispatcher in the background.

Nice game, I liked the gunplay. Only feedback I have is that the enemies felt kinda samey, and the lasergun was overpowerd.

Well made game, but I honestly felt like it was frustrating because the timer felt too punishing. Also I didn't like how the skull ate my inputs midair.

Cool concept, but I feel like you could change up a couple of things.

I feel like the enemies didn't really feel dangerous enough, because of the low damage output.

At some point the player lost control of the movement and the shooting, and I did nothing.

I accidently skipped the dialogue at the start 2 times, because I was trying to walk and shoot while it got explained.

I feel like you can definitely make this game really fun, but the player would need more agency.

I feel like the aiming was a bit awkward, especailly when the enemies were above me and could shoot me immediately. For example, I tried to jump on a higher platform, but got shot instantly and couldn't really shoot back because of that.

Also I fell off the map and I didn't die, but the game just kept going. 

Very cool game. My only complaint is that I felt out of control, but that's the theme so that's good I suppose.

Great jam game, had lots of fun with it. I liked how you kept your mechanic interesting by introducing new submechanics.

A minor complaint: one of the levels in the middle was harder then the others, I felt that that level would be more fitting as final level.