Ominous pads and cool use of SFX. I like the subtle introduction of the rhythm and cool organ melody. Song creates a tense vibe, nice.
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Dramatic opening that makes good use of tremolos and harmonic tension to create an uneasy vibe. I like that you spread the melody around to different instruments, kept the piece nice and dynamic. Lots of reverb... creates a sense of immense scale, though at times I felt the reverb was a little too much and created a mushy texture that crowded out other parts (such as the cello at 1:40), particularly during the fast string runs. That said, this was a very cool cinematic piece.
Dramatic dawn scene and I like the hatching-like texture added to the thatch roof (hatching thatching!), though considering how far the lit area extends across the roof relative to how far the lit area extends on other objects, I'm left a little confused as to the direction of the light source. Still, really nice evocative piece.
Very interesting piece. Begins with call and response melody and its variations before fading into a reverb/pad ambient noisescape and then the melody returns. The structure of the song really nails your interpretation of the art representing a dream. The melody itself reminded me a little of Ocarina of Time's windmill theme mixed with a bit of Final Fantasy Tactics.
Really like the guitar intro, though I felt the transition to the symphonic section could've been smoother (perhaps introduce the wind pedalpoint as the guitar phrase is ending?). Symphonic section is well orchestrated. String melody is adventurous and I like the clarinet counterpoint. Cello provides a nice warm texture.
Nice flute melody at the beginning. I like the horn and flute melody & counterpart. The legato horn melody that followed was quite lovely. Very soft and gentle timbre. Felt the staccato strings could've been brought down a tad, they feel a little aggressive for this song (maybe pizzicato strings would be a good alternative there?).
First 12 seconds are barely audible. When the drums and guitar come in the song becomes a nice rock ballad. I thought the chord progression at 0:27 worked well to create some tension. Felt the synth at 0:40 could've used a low pass filter to tame some of the higher frequencies, let the listener focus on the bass phrase. The melody at 1:06 is nice.