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A member registered Apr 09, 2021 · View creator page →

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Really smooth tune, nice! Only criticism I have is that I felt that the pad starting at 0:46 could be brought down in volume a bit, it kinda' drowns out the melody.

Thanks for the feedback

Love the bass and the E.Piano melody was really good.

True to the style of the game's OST.

Really enjoyed the melodies, the counterpoint works well, and nice bass groove. My only gripe is that you have about 14 seconds where not much is happening starting at 0:46. I'm assuming you wanted to let the melody breathe for a moment there, but IMO a measure or two would've sufficed.

Really enjoyable jazzy piece, love the composition. Only minor gripe I have is that it's a bit too quiet for my taste, had to crank up the volume on my end.

I like the variations on the main motiff you made.

Cool song with nice rhythm and bass, though I felt the higher pitch melodies got a bit crowded at times.

Ooh, this one was interesting.  Intro was cool and ominous, I like the tension created by the measure of dissonance in the contrabass followed by the half and whole guitar notes. The violin melody and bass counterpoint worked really well, especially with the synth pad providing an ominous ambience. Song builds up chaotic tension as other instruments pop in with their melodies and the increased tempo provides quite a bit of exciting tension towards the end (along with the drums and arps). If I were to gripe about anything, I found the ending to be a little bit too abrupt (and honestly I just kinda' wish the song was longer, you've got something good going on here).

The instrument limitations you imposed on yourself were an interesting consideration. Nice funky bass riffs.

Bass was a little quiet for my taste, but overall I found the song to be nice funky piece with good use of melodic counterpoint.

Fun, energetic track.

Nice beat and I liked the melodies. Song maintains a sinister tone throughout. My only minor gripe is that the intro was a little bit too long for my taste (c'mon, I wanna' get necrodancing!).

Very clean mix and an enjoyable song overall.

Fun disco piece!

(3 edits)

Dynamic piece with an intro that reminded me a little of the "Halloween" (movie) theme and two distinct sections. Good job and I enjoyed it overall. My only critique would be that the rhythm loses some of its dance energy during the transition between the sections when the bass drum drops out and there's just legato strings, but the measure of bass drums and swoosh after the drop at 0:54 set the expectation that it would immediately return to a dance rhythm only to go into a legato free-flowing section... anyone necrodancing to it would be somewhat confused IMO.

Nice uptempo rock. I like the synth run at 1:38.

Succeeds in creating a chaotic and frantic tone with its staccato riffs and driving rhythm.

Thanks for the critique

Me too!

At times the shakers overpowered the other instruments, but other than that a very enjoyable song.

Really nice song, though IMO the horn in the second part and the clarinet in the third could've been a little bit louder.

Beautiful trio between the clarinet, flute, and piano and a very good composition. However, I found the volume to be a bit too low, had to crank up the speakers on my end to hear it over my air conditioner.

Nice call and response melody between the guitar and mallets and I like the switch to sitar for the second half. Really liked the final phrase.

Nice swing rhythm. Guitar strumming works well. Pleasant gentle melody. Like the key change at 0:51. Nice song.

Nice bird SFX. Bongo rhythm works well. Mallets + piano are a nice melody and counterpoint. I like the addition of the guitar rhythm. Dramatic when the violins come in. The moment at 1:02 is absolutely beautiful. Strings and woodwind are beautiful around 2:20 and the staccato string rhythm works well. Absolutely gorgeous song with a very crisp mix. (Although I will admit it sounds like the sort of song they'd run in a pharmaceutical commercial while someone narrates all the medicine's horrible side effects. :P )

Please consider bringing up the volume on the piano and bass a bit, and maybe lower the high hats a little. You have a nice piano melody, but it's hard to hear.

Some nice guitar melodies. Interesting second section, certainly has a different vibe.

A nice call and response motiff between the woodwind and keys with some nice variations interspersed, though with a bit too much repetition IMO. Also, the woodwind and keys were getting a little drowned out by the drums; maybe bring up the volume on those elements? It's certainly a piece that has potential.

The keys give it a sorta' 80s vibe. The song has potential, but the transition at 0:40 was a little rough, felt like the melody lost the beat.

Groovy and nice synth melody.

A nice jazzy lounge piece. Very dynamic composition. I like it!

Chill piece with very distinct and varied sections. I like it.

Fun, playful little piece. I like it, though the synth lead was a little harsh on the high end of the pitch IMO.

Interesting piano piece, a bit avant garde.

Nice, gentle guitar melody. Surprising melody solution at 0:56 and was not expecting cowbells. Overall I liked the song.

Love the guitar melody, nice articulation. Really nice moment when the mallets come in at 0:48. Love the brass/organ section. The percussion works well. Very nice song.

(1 edit)

Composition-wise this is a beautiful piece. I also like that you've panned the instruments, though it's a little extreme on my headphones. The trumpet seems to have been exiled to the far right away from the band.

Beautiful guitar melody and legato horn countermelody. The nature sounds worked well in the beginning, but I felt they could've been decrescendoed when the guitar came in so as not to compete with the music (except the bird call at 1:16, that was cool).

(1 edit)

The delay and reverb certainly give this piece a sense of space. Pads and electronic sounds create some dissonance. An interesting, introspective piece.