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A member registered Oct 25, 2024 · View creator page →

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I /think/ its just a firefox issue.  I've only used unity and its my first jam and I noticed basically all of the godot games behave poorly in firefox for me, but work a /little/ better in safari.  I'm guessing this is just some things that are not well optimized.  Maybe its fine on windows firefox, but I only own macs so I am unable to test it.

Anyways, probably not worth worrying too much about because only weirdos like me use firefox :-P

:-) Glad you enjoyed it!

Love the concept!  Background music is relaxing as well

Love the aesthetic!

Super peaceful, good vibes.

For anyone unable to guess the password, please DM (don't post here) me your guess so I can better understand what clues are causing confusion :-)

If you're unable to guess the password, please DM me your guess so I can better understand what clues are causing confusion :-)

A hint to the hints is that one of the memories you find has two parts of the password in it.  Maybe I made it a bit too cryptic.  Thanks for playing!

Axe mechanic is great!  

I liked the puzzle aspect of making sure you can still get to the higher blocks before you destroy all the lower ones.  Fun double jump mechanic if you do an explosion after a spring jump.

Art design, music, and atmosphere are top tier, great job!

Fun concept!  Would love if there was a way to stun the slime guy or maybe a way to fight him at the end?  Great job!

Great concept for the three hour jam.  A bit less fleshed out compared to other entries for the 72 hour jam.  Wasn't sure what would awaken the monster, wasn't clear x was the button to swim up at first.  

I liked the robot and sound design, they were well fitting and cute.  After a certain point if you fill up the grid you can just press space in one spot indefinitely and push your score into 6-7 digits until you get sick of pressing space.

Cool original concept.  Would be nice if as you did the mouse dragging it showed the line you drew.  The "juice" of the big numbers for big scores felt super satisfying!

Addictive.  746 seconds.  Good implementation of restriction!

(1 edit)

Car controls great!  Made me a little motion sick though, but I get motion sick kind of easily from some games, including my own, until I get used to them.  

Got a bit over 4700 before I had to let the storm get me just to see what it would do.  Seems if you just hold up and right you could play indefinitely.  Neat concept.

I like the upgrade paths!  I was able to sell all of my q,e,r's after i had 900 worth, but then I couldn't open any doors.  

Music was great.  The pups were relentless.  Got within 1 piece on the final level when my battery died.  Had some issues playing the game on Mac in firefox, but worked in safari.  Is the game supposed to be only in the top left of the screen or was that me?  Overall one of my favorites so far!

Big fan of the grass! This was really fun.  Was a bit confused at first since I couldn't move when swarmed with zombies wasn't sure if I was pressing the right controls.  Is the goal to mow all of the grass or kill all of the zombies?

Thanks for the feedback!  Maybe I'll add some text when that scene starts.

Love to hear it.  Ask her if there's any features she'd want to try and we'll build them in!