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A member registered Apr 06, 2021 · View creator page →

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I like the garphics

The game is very practical and fun, it would be nice if you added some kind of feedback message saying how much you do per click and/or second, would it be nice if you added some icons to make it more cute?

eu não sei se só ta bugado pra mim ou se só os moderadores podem votar, mas pra mim não aparece botão para votação.

WOW, Very nice game, cute art

Thanks for playing!

Thanks so much!

Got it, ok thanks for the feedback, I'll see what I can do to improve this!

This is really funny, and it's also fun, and the art is cute!

I really liked the artistic design, a minimalist and detailed look at the same time, it left me a little confused but it went together so well!

The art of your game is simply amazing, the mechanics are fluid and fun, a really great game!

Damn it! this game is great i love the gameboy graphics, very nostalgic and good mechanics, i like it!

this is an exotic game to say the least... But I liked the system, I'll try to do something similar in the future!

I love this art style, vibrant colors and retro design, I think it's really fun! I really enjoyed your game!

I couldn't win even once... But the arts are very beautiful and the story has a subjective development, I like that!

I just created a .rar file, see if it works this time, if it works I hope you enjoy the game!

Wow, I hadn't seen this error yet, I'll see what I can do to fix it... but I think creating another type of compressed file might solve it. Thank you for letting me know and for the compliment on my art!

wow, this game is smarter!

I Love You My Darling

my score is 145.

the game is dinamic and have a cute art.

Tem ate 11 59 pra enviar, envia do jeito que ta ja

Fui o primeiro a enviar o projeto, cadê a concorrencia??

(1 edit)

i can't play the game because the game ended before it even started and I couldn't go on with any of the buttons.

but the pixelart is beauty.

thank you very much for your feedback, i have improved some aspects but i want to make the game easier to understand and play and not so confusing so i will work more on it.

thanks for your feedback and suggestions, i currently have fixed some of these bugs, and others i haven't seen before but i will fix them.  thanks for the support.

Thanks, I ended up not being able to deliver the game in its best but in the future I will post the complete version of the game.

it's quite fun and colorful, a little confusing but still a good game.

It's a divergent theme, but it's very interesting, with more time this game could be even more interesting.

is fun and crazy

is very interesting idea and fun, but left me with a little headache.

the light is very cool and the gameplay is nice and fun

is confused but fun

its fun

is crazy!!

ah... i don't know what to say... crazy? funny? I do not know.

this game is crazy but fun.

I really liked the character and the environment that you want to pass to the game, but the sounds are very lacking in a game, in mine I wouldn't be able to say either.

the idea is very good, and the ambient made the atmosphere funny in a way, I liked it.