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A member registered Mar 30, 2016 · View creator page →

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First off; thanks for hosting this jam and congrats on all the engagement!  I managed to rate 87 submissions and really had a blast; it was definitely a WOWIE time.  I had a few favorites; Mr. Swing King cracked me up with the poses and the use of the 'WOWIE' sound; buggybug was particularly memorable - that bizarre 3D environment was a real trip navigating, found myself having a bunch of fun with it; bug jar and white rectangle were some of the more polished experiences that were also fun!  Any of the titles being developed into a full release is something I'd support and be happy to see the developers accomplish.

Lessons Learned: I really love thinking about and developing games; my day-job (math modeling/programming/data-science/analysis) has been keeping me away from game development for too long; this gamejam was a great excuse to peel away (~4 hours) of dev time to submit a silly idea.  The experience was invigorating - and I am now seeking to maintain momentum, jamming to shake out what I can do Godot engine. There is a fair amount of engine details and technical know-how in Godot I'm optimizing and seeking to expand on; but the #1 thing this jam drove home for me the importance of the design step; coming into the project with a game mechanic in your mind helps to move the project along very quickly.  I spent the first 2 days of the jam prototyping technical mechanics without any direction - seeking for an idea - finally my wife brought the idea of bed bugs to me with the gameplay mechanic; then after getting the kids to bed; for a few hours on the last night I shook out an extremely rough prototype of the concept - and it was so much fun.  Ahhhh!

Things to do differently: Maybe provide an official WOWIE sound clip that's encouraged/required for players to put in the game.  I really thought the jam was great fun; no particularly suggestions.

Thanks again I had a blast!

5 stars all the way!  The WOWWIIIEEE camera zoom with the crunching audio at the end of stages along with the character pose; oh man so good definitely my favorite.  I got stuck!  But thankfully got to experience several levels with the little red dudes - the animation is hilarious - really well done!

I struggled to pick up the core gameplay; did a lot of clicking and saw a lot of -4 != 4; I did really enjoy the visuals and audio; it had a gripping presentation - reviewing comments here helped me to figure the game out.  Nice work!  :D

I thought it was cute!  The gun in the bug's hand - I was wondering about that for a bit - Haha after the flying bugs started showing up I understood why it was there; actually thought the game was great w/o the mouse shooting mechanic - platforming and jumpin on buggies - nice job!

I really enjoyed this!  It reminds me of Terrarover!  Very difficult but fun to practice that mechanic and get that robot moving!

lol so THIS is where the bed bugs are coming from (had a similar theme) our games should combine forces; your character bugs the beds; my character shows the aftermath!

I liked the music and the platforming was fun! 

Grace Hopper yes!  Theming was excellent Wowie!  Loved the puzzles too.  :)

Nice puzzle mechanics!

WOWIE 5!  I really REALLY liked this; the ability to tune in the rotation speed; dashing; intense music was really fun; I just wish the timer lasted longer I wanted more more more!  :D

I like the character!  I found it really easy to get the player avatar to lay his head on the edge of platforms like this and hang out.  I liked the music; the sound effects came in a little loud made me adjust my headphones a bit.  Nice job!

Ooo those worm things coming out and eating the bugs was great; didn't expect that!  Having to dodge them and using them to free you from the chase was a cool mechanic!

doh!  I had used the ladybug to push the A and it went out of view; then I squished the ladybug.

Nice job on the random generation!  The gameplay mechanic is an interesting thought; having the mouse motion impact so many objects while trying to herd them out of sight.  Congrats on the jam!

omg I'm stuck at the main screen; whaaaat is the puzzle!

The glitch finder was a nice mechanic; sounds are great!  The music in combo with those sound effects really gripped me; set up a pretty intense mood - the level design itself was tricky!  I started abusing checkpoints to get extra little hops out of reverting back to checkpoints to make my way up

Phew unfortunately I really struggled to get the wall jumping done; it was very glitchy; unsure if it was part of the theme but it made it really challenging to scale up the first area.  I liked the visuals!

lol oops sry!  :X

Looks so good!  The distance blurring; glowing on everythin; while keeping to a simple presentation - really nice!  The area was huge I somehow wandered all the way to the top border and left borders of the world without finding a single powerup; but then on my walk back around I did start to find speed upgrades and things.  :D

Awesome job! 

The dynamics in the music during the boss fight was sweet; I may have been experiencing some unintentional movement bugs in the browser build; sometimes the right-click would open context menus (even in fullscreen) on Firefox Windows 10; just FYI prolly a fault of the Unity WebGL builder thing or whatever.

Oh the also - the character design?  Haha I loved that - really interesting take on a pointing slime.  :D 

This was a fun one; interesting selection of Beatles tracks heehee; implementing a leaderboard is sweet - I'm curious how you setup the storage and reporting of the player scores.  Very cool.  :)

1:42:73 on a first run!  This was a fun one!  Great setup on the goal and that animation in the beginning cracked me up.  lol

lol this game is wild; I actually didn't experience lag in the web player at all!

One suggestion may be to have the in-game explanations of the bugs presented in the same way you show the story-text; not requiring the player to click the little bug icon on each screen; no biggie though just lookin for a suggestion!  I enjoyed playing!  :)

I really liked this!  The sounds are great and the controls are tricky but adaptable; I was playing for awhile not using the dodges but they really help!  One thought was to make the current player heading a little clearer; the dark tip on the triangle got lost on my eyes a few times I thought maybe a real bright neon cyan or something would reduce the number of times I was surprised when I dashed in an unexpected direction.

I've dabbled with lots of different environments for gamedev; currently Godot is my favorite.  I got into Godot by hitting up their homepage and running over all the tutorials/learn-godot pages they had on their homepage; if you like Zelda games, there is a Zelda-like Godot tutorial on Youtube that helped me pick up a lot of ideas too. 

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Aw thank you so much for the feedback and workin thru getting a build that ran for you!

I'll have to check out these flipper games you mention; any titles or versions in specific?  I've been enjoying a lot of pinball at local arcades recently.  Would love to learn more :)

Ooo your the first to mention audio issues; which I kinda think in this lil' jam submission is a shame missing out on : what platform did you try running on?  There are windows/linux/mac builds in addition to html5 players

Thanks for the info!  It looks like some issue with the asm.js stuff in Godot engine maybe?  I found an open issue on iOS with the same problem: https://github.com/godotengine/godot/issues/35263

If you really wanted to; there is a downloadable Mac desktop copy you could try out - that should work.  :) 

Too sleepy back to bed, lol!  Spent a good amount of time picking berries; it wasn't obvious what was causing my player to glitch out and spawn in other locations; kind of just haphazardly searched for items and enjoyed the environment you setup.  :)

I really liked this concept!  I also thought the sounds were really appropriate.  Also I found the game to be hard; but that's not an issue for me.  :)

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Really?  I was under the impression that the Mac OSX builds were functional - I didn't test this particular one on my Macbook though; thanks for letting me know! 

What about the browser version?  I would have thought this would run in Mac OSX Safari, Chrome, or Firefox.

I'd appreciate any additional info you can provide; I'd like to support Mac OSX

ha so I really liked the idea; bug-falling the music was on point; and I immediately knew what to do!  The colliders being glitched out thru me for a loop at first - but then when I realized that was a thing I was able to get on with it.  :)

ha wow that camera moving the whole ground was an interesting take on the top-down shooter!  I was having good fun running around blasting in this; one time when I ran out of health my character failed to respawn or anything it just sat in that state - not sure if that was an intentional part to the jam or an unintentional bug.  Either way nice job!

lol ; i finished with 0 golden leaves then you ask me if I found them ALL!?! WHAT?!  clever design I enjoyed how I wasn't aware of their existence at all prior to the prompt.  :)

Reeesseettttttt.  Haha I liked the setup in this; really glitchy and good puzzle design going on too!  I had fun with this one.  :)

Really awesome job getting those models in so quickly for the jam; the presentation looks great - the platforming itself; not sure if you were riffing on bugs w/ the theme or not; however I experienced quite a lot of being stuck onto the sides of platforms and things - tricky jumping!

Cured!  And the flower is a-okay!  The amount of seeds that ladybug was spitting out; lol.

I did find myself waiting around for clovers a lot - I think the idea here is really cute and could be iterated on to make a great game for kids; perhaps instead of protecting one flower you are growing more; with every howevermany things collected flowers get added to a flower patch - but as far as tasking goes for a gamejam; this was well done!

5 stars all the way!  Loved the music and sfx; great concept to stick on the goal: "our goal is to get to the white rectangle" but each iteration mixing up the level dynamics and glitching more and more - spooky in some ways!  I really had fun.  :)

Phew the camera got me feeling queasy; the theming is hilarious and awesome 3D modeling for such a brief period of time!

Omg the music is stuck in my head.  Bow Bow.  Bow bow ba bow bow. Bow Bow.   :D