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Jonathan McConley

A member registered Feb 05, 2023 · View creator page →

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Very Challenging. Like, maybe too challenging. I had quite a bit of trouble getting all the slimes on stage 1.

Some bug fixing to be done for sure, but an otherwise amazing game!

List of bugs I found (In case you also didn't find them)

- If you stand on top of a block that gets shot you take damage (not sure if bug or feature)

- If you die in motion the camera stays in motion

Obviously would be more fun with more levels but from the looks of things that's in the works. The settings menu pulls up a completely blank canvas, which is certainly an interesting approach to settings.

Probably would be a lot more fun in real-time rather than in turn-based mode.

Only gripes:

- No Music

- No Sound Effects

- It seems like if you don't pick up an item the first time you pass it you can't pick it up

- A lot of the potion effects have confusingly complicated executions like double jump seems to have a timing element to it for whether or not you can even double jump.

Other than that, amazing game.

Forgot to use the arrow keys, a tutorial would be a great addition to this game. Otherwise, amazing.

I can't believe this was done by only two people in only 3 days! This is incredible. My only gripe is that it is difficult to see exactly where the exit door is because it blends into the background, but that's well-telegraphed with the rotating object by the door.

Music and Sound Effects go a long way, also the first level performs terribly compared to the rest.

Other than that, no notes, great Puzzle Platformer.

Very cool concept! I was often confused about exactly what each move would do to the board, so if that could be made a bit clearer that would be nice. I feel like if you could insert the blocks anywhere on the outside of the grid it would be a lot more enjoyable.

These games are not personally my cup of tea, but if you add some calming background music and some sound effects I think that would make it a great relaxing game.

All very good ideas, thank you for the input!