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A member registered Feb 07, 2022 · View creator page →

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I enjoyed the story quite a bit, and I think you did a really nice job on this. My biggest gripe is in the formatting, I think the font could have been decreased to make it all fit on one page and for readability. But all in all, I enjoyed this.

Very fun story! Keep writing! I can't wait to see what you create for the next Writing Jam!

Story of the competition, hands down. The character development in the first paragraph was enough to sell me, everything else was just superb. Very nicely done.

Oh no! I hate that you told me this but thank you for telling me this haha. I appreciate your comment.

Very nicely done! I enjoyed your story quite a bit.

No worries man! I did that too and now I am rethinking how I've been rating them! I appreciate you giving it another shot.

Regarding the faction. Saurian Starhosts are going to be released either later this year or early next year. I just was so captivated by the idea that I had to put them in my story.

Hey Druski! I think you might have downloaded my first draft of the story and saved it to read later? I updated quite a bit of the story since then, including removing the "it was over" portion and the shortening of Brek'thar! Redownload it and let me know what you think! 

I appreciate the honest feedback! Thank you for reading and commenting, I'll work on that area of my writing!

You really did a fantastic job on this. I hope to see an actual narrative campaign come out for this! 

Very nicely done story, I enjoyed the world-building that you accomplished not just for the Dynasty, but also fitting in other factions. Good pacing, enjoyable tale.