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A member registered Jun 09, 2017 · View creator page →

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This game really good, the smooth movement. the music.  Hope fully music will post on youtube in future. hehe

Kind of hope able to press space or up key to jump, maybe a small delay to move again after revive, I keep running to dead.  xd 

I like the idea for this, I suggest able to keep shooting while holding the mouse key

Quite fun once getting hang of it

Doing great for first game  :D

Enjoy playing this  :D

I like the art style, but can't grasp on how this should play  :/

I like the idea for this game 

Thanks for your feedback, glad you enjoy it   :D

Yea, I think if it is more story driven and more polish can be more spooky.  xd

I like how the blackhole work with the light, but cant figuring out how to solve the  level 3 with the black hole at the middle. I just spam to mirror until it somehow hit 

I love this game, at first I thought I'm the one controlling the player, but after awhile found out I need to spawn mobs to stop the Colonel Kaboom. Interested to see where this game will go if you plan to further develop it 

I like the twist on this, kind of hope the root will run further tho. hehe

Fun game, I like the sound effect and how to start the game

Cool Game, love to see if this game going to develop further  

Fun game, too use to pressing space to jump instead of W, so keep getting hit by non-dodgeable attack  XD

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Fun game, holding item while moving is quite challenging.

I like the art style, confuse on how should I play tho, I just choose the largest number.  Got bugged on boss fight, as nothing happen after pick 3 card and ring the bell

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I like the idea of this game. Puzzle take me some time to solve it. I like arts style and music.

I enjoy the puzzle, most challenging is level 3, I able to figure out by accident when turning the  middle mirror   XD

I suggest:

  1.  have a mini map to know what going on at another side.  
  2. Able to move thought wall as level 5 is long way and difficult walk around when I look through the map. 
  3. Able to attach back after detach without move away.
  4. Have an indication when laser is pointing to goal. 

I like the atmosphere that it have. Just confuse on how should I play, keep missing my attack.  xd

Nice game, kind of hope it was zoom out a bit as it is kind of hard to navigate around.

cool game idea, nice arts.

high score 290, you can hold spacebar to keep braking the ice every frame  XD

Nice, the arts and music is cute and adorable. Just sometimes the shooting enemy will spawn under the UI and look like it  shoot me out of no where. Speeding enemy running around too fast and it hard to shoot them. 

Fun game, just initially can be confusing on how to play though .