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Destroy KABOOM!View game page

Do you have the skills to defeat the ultimate enemy? Seriously, you don't stand a chance. Inspired by DOOM
Submitted by jedizombiekiller — 1 day, 4 hours before the deadline
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Ranked from 39 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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I love the theme of it all. It gives off tons of 90's action game vibes with it's pre-rendered graphics, cliches, and amatuerness. It's a really good satire and subversion of the boomer shooter genre

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super original! i love this whole "reverse doom" idea and the modeling and rendering of all these characters makes them look almost like action figures which adds a whimsical feeling to the game. i don't know if this has happened to anyone else but for some reason the game would never spawn kernels for me, maybe if i run it again it could work idk. anyways, this game is super super cool, i really enjoyed the concept. plus the name is really good too! well done!


Yep, the Kernels not spawning is a weird bug that I don't know what the cause is. But it doesn't happen all the time so it's mostly okay for now with a reset.

Anyways thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it


Fantastic and really interesting concept to be the guy spawning the monsters, really brings me back to playing Dungeonland. I figured out the exploit pretty quickly on my second run to just spawn the biters right next to the player. This concept still has legs, just seems like you’ll have to experiment a lot with KABOOM’s AI and the player spawning resource. Really makes me want to see a full release.


Nice game, great style and concept. Really like the name xD

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

this looks and sounds fantastic, but I ended up waiting the whole game to charge energy and swarming kaboom with kernels in the end to win


Yep! That's one strategy to win. Though, you'd probably have better chances of swarming him with Funglers since they do more damage at a much longer range. My main way of combatting the easy allegations is to say you should strive to beat him faster but I do understand that people log off when they beat the game lmao.
But thank you for the review! I'm glad you enjoyed the style of the game.


It's crazy how cool this game is. First of all, the style of this game is really well done, it's like a 90s 3D that reassembles games from the Nintendo 64 and PS1 era, while also having also looking like something out of a toys commercial from the era. I really loved this vibes and just because of that I think this is one of the best presented games in this jam. Gameplay wise this game is also amazing and fun, like the whole concept being a mix of tower defense and shooter is executed so well and it's so original This game is filled with charisma, style and fun. I must congratulate you for such a masterpiece and if you decide to make this a full game, I'd definitely check it out. Amazing game!


I'm still considering continuing the game but I'm glad to see the reception is really good! I'd love to hear suggestions on how to continue the game. I'm really glad you enjoyed it all! The style is something I really wanted to make sure looked right and it seems I achieved it judging by the reviews. Also the toy commercial thing wasn't exactly intended but may have been influenced by my brother giving me GI Joe action figures as reference while I modelled Colonel Kaboom lmao


I found the gameplay loop to be really addicting, one way you could make this into a full game could be creating an arcade mode that goes forever but the difficulty scales as you keep playing. Of course, this mode could be complementary to the small campaign you already have, but to be honest this game is so much fun that I’d play an infinite mode from time to time. 

Submitted (2 edits) (+1)

This is a genius idea, doom but you spawn the monsters, it can surely be imporved since there are only 3 levels and 4 monsters but it's already very great, also I love the 90s aesthetic the whole game has both in terms of visual and audio, you just need to remove the smoothing in the lower camera :D

P.S: Trappers are a bit op, you can beat the game with just them


Love the different characters and the ending

The gameplay is very interesting and interesting

Just ended too soon for me


I love the graphics and the twist. It did feel like you just had to keep spamming which left me wondering why I won and it felt a bit unrewarding but with some tweeks and some more explanations this could be really cool! Incredible work, keep it up!


love the visuals, really catch early 3D era aesthetics, gameplay is a bit rough on the edges but it really doesnt matter, its quite fun.



The idea and graphics are great. I do love the original Doom like graphics and map. I agreee with previous players about how there is more spam than strategy, but I overall love it! Good job!


Loved the idea for this one, really fun and creative! I think that in terms of balance, it might be a bit too easy to have a massive snowballing effect since damaging the player gives you money, perhaps that needs to be adjusted slightly so it's a bit harder to overwhelm the solider in the first few rooms. Anyway other than that, I loved the art, dialogue and story, really great entry :)


You actually did what was intended! The goal of the game is to overwhelm the hero. I think you either got lucky or are just that good at the game (maybe good at understanding the game) since most other people struggle even with the energy leech mechanic. I tried to balance the Trappers by making them exclusively for energy. You can spam them but it won't deal much damage and you usually won't get enough energy to spawn any other enemies. At least that was what i intended.

Thank you for playing the game!

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Very original. I love the inverted "Duke Nukem" gameplay and the visuals. Well done!

it seems that there's a bug that causes KERNEL/corn guy not to spawn.

(Thank you for making this available on Linux :))


Thank you! I wanted to try to port it to as many things as I could and I noticed that I was able to export to Linux. I wasn't able to test it so I'm glad it ended up working lmao.

I also noticed the glitch through one of my playthroughs and I have no idea why that happens tbh. It doesn't seem to happen all the time luckily


I just love it. Didn't get what was going on after 30 seconds into the experiences, but then I was totally invested. I really liked the idea of frustrating the hero's plans.

In the beginning, I just spawned basic mobs, until I realised that by combining them I could really be annoying. So I feel the game invites the player to experiment with different combinations.

Also, the idea of facing and AI with different  AIs, being you who coordinates them, underlined that, in spite what I am looking at looks like a FPS, it is in fact a management game. Quite a great crossover!

The interface might look too big for the mobs that can be spawned, but I think that is secondary, as what matters the most is where you place them and how you build your army. The hero's view is just secondary to this end.

Personally, I like UI brutalism (like those webs from the 90s, stuffed with gifs and violent colorful backgrounds. So I really liked to see all that move, with an intentional low quality audio and tons of action. You made mechanics go beyond graphics, which (IMO) is what nowadays AAA industry lacks about; too much glitter but no compromised with handling things "under the hood". In this case, getting to be in the background was very ammusing!


A clever twist on the Genre, i was appauled at how short it was! Would absolutley love to see this fleshed out into a larger more complete game!


I really liked the second person view approach the game does. Graphics and sound is good, It does a good job of delivering the vibe of the game! Really good job ^^


Very fun game loop and love the reverse DOOM idea, I think you capture the DOOM feel great, and feels great and high-action to play. Great visuals, homage to the real thing while having your own unique plant-y style.

 I will reverberate the sentiment that there is a bit of latency when buying and placing units but it is pretty manageable.

 The balancing is a bit strange though, I think and it feels like both my win conditions were based on some lucky cascade configuration. I also think my second win condition was only because funglers started roaming the arena without being engaged


Thank you for the review! I'm glad the visual style came out well. it was my first time doing something to this extent with the style.
As for the balancing, that's a bit intended! Kaboom is intended to be a bit unpredictable (kinda like how an actual player might play) so there are plenty of different strategies to win. Sometimes he acts dumb and gets himself killed. You have to exploit every weakness you see.
One of the methods is spawning as many Funglers as you can too. They work well when they aren't being targetted. They can deal damage from anywhere and deal it passively. It's a strategy to spawn them in a room and get Kaboom to enter the previous room so he isn't able to engage. The main issue is getting enough energy to do so and keeping him in the last room. My main concern was the difficulty which I tried to balance as much as possible and I hope was just right when you played it. There are some strats that guarentee a win, but they take the entire game to do (Which is saving up for Funglers until the last room where you spawn them all before he enters it.) I hope the boringness of that strat gets people to want to try another strategy instead.


Nice bruh i liked it 


This is a really fun concept but the controls are a bit awkward, having to click to buy something then click again to select it before you can place it makes so the most efficient strategy is to just buy nothing but the cheapest option so you don't have to switch between them. You also have an issue where all the cool and interesting stuff is happening in the bottom half of the screen but I don't get to see much of it because I have to focus on the top half. A more integrated layout and binding the options to keys instead of needing to click everything would go a long way towards making this super fun and engaging!


Thank you for the advice! This is my first time doing a game with UI as a heavy aspect. I knew it was a bit awkward to select them but I was running out of time to change anything about it. If i ever update it, I might make the selected trooper change to your most recently bought one automatically so you can go immediately from buying to spawning while still being able to select if you need to change.
As for the 2 screens, I'm not really sure how I'd fix that. Technically you can play the game without the bottom screen (UI for health would have to be adjusted) so it's more just there to make it fun to look at when you're able to. I found that I would look at it mostly when he was overwhelmed with enemies or when I didn't have any energy to summon new ones. Maybe the issue was a bit worse with your strategy since Trappers aren't meant to last very long, making you have to respawn them often.


i was very confused at first and i audibly said wow when i realized what i had to do! this game is one of those really great ideas that can only come out of a jam, fanatasitc execution to boot!


killer presentation and vibe. I was confused at what I was doing at first but it was a fun little challenge.


Thanks! I really wanted to sell that sorta 90's action game vibe where they made any excuse to use pre-rendered graphics. I actually consulted by brother on a lot of decisions since he's a total 90's action hero geek.

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