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A member registered Sep 04, 2019 · View creator page →

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As everybody said, this is a very fresh concept and the need execution makes it very enjoyable.

Maybe the zooming problem that several commenters raised can be solved with a mini-map?

Also, I'd get rid of the left key to draw the next card as the space then mouse select is much faster to select the card you want.

Congratulations for this very good entry!

I like that both the simplicity of the gameplay and the cute art (big plus for the voices) make this game so easy to instantly enjoy. 

As I told you on the Discord, your game brought back memories of the Willow shield sliding scene. Maybe a lead for Akzidenz story suggestion. The game also reminded me of Toobin (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VT-hn4WnX_0)

Would it be difficult to add keyboard or controller controls? I play on a track pad and after a couple of games, my wrist hurts.

I have to confess I didn't even notice the bounce/s counter and plaid for sheer fun of watching the ball bounce. The attention to detail and the fact that this runs smoothly on my 2013 MacBook Air kept me playing even longer. I'd like to see where you can take this further. Congratulations on a job well done!

A nice take on the breakout genre indeed. I would love to see this developed with more gun/weapon types (bombs for area damage, flame thrower with fire flowing from one brick of a certain type to another, laser that would brake en entire column, etc) and maybe ammo/resources management. Like, Doom Eternal, but inside Arkanoïd.

Also, do you know of that old breakout clone : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SygD93F95js

First, thanks for giving the game a try and for the feedback. The game was indeed broken trying to load a level that did not exist yet. That is fixed now, with 3 more levels added.


Hey! Thanks for playing the game! I'm on YouTube!

The rng balance sometimes makes the game mechanics a bit difficult to understand indeed. But hey! Thanks for giving the game a try! 

Thank you phillip for a very detailed feedback and kind words, and sorry for the very late reply. That you gave the game a try not only once, but 4 times makes me super happy!

The game has very obvious balance issues that I sadly didn't find the time to fix them. I hope to fix them in a later iteration. As for the Alien Breach event not triggering game over when you have no soldiers left, that's probably a bug! Thanks for finding it!

Is that a challenge?

A dead simple (haha) but very entertaining concept!!! It sometimes plays like an Arkanoïd clone. I like that I thought I could abuse the game by getting close to the walls but eventually, the skull always escapes. I got to 113.

I did notice some bias while play testing the game but never to that extent! I'll have to fix that once voting is over. Thanks for giving the game a try, though! Any other comment?

Thank you LittleBOxes! I'm happy it works for you!

Great! I hope you like it.

Thanks for reporting. I just uploaded a new version. Could you tell me if you still get a warning? In the meantime, you can play the web version.

I don't have a windows machine. So I can't test. I'll see what I can do.

Why is that? What happened?

And thank you for playing it! Always happy to discuss some more on the discord!

Hey! Thanks for the nice words!

Thanks for giving it a try!

(1 edit)

Thanks for playing it and many more thanks for the great feedback! I'm so happy the noosing direction monogame made sense to you. That was the one I felt would be the most confusing. I didn't plan that monogame to break the pace but it serves that purpose indeed, thanks for pointing it out, as that will help me when devising the other mini games I want to add.

Also good advice on the epilepsy warning. I'd hate for someone to get hurt because of my game...

Thanks a lot for the kind words and detailed review, as usual! It is indeed one of my goals to flesh out the minigame count and then turn this into a mobile game.

Thank you very much for taking the time to play the game! I'm happy you enjoyed it!

Haha!!! A pixel art 3D live sequencer! Great!

That's a good idea. Also, maybe curbing the fire rate of the enemies, at least in the beginning. That would be great!

(1 edit)

So simple but so efficient! It looks like nothing but there is gameplay, level design and art direction. Great job!!! (damn, those timings are thight!)

I fulfilled my destiny!!! Nice job for a first entry with DragonRuby (as I unsderstand it is from reading the discord)!

Wow! I could never finish first! It's a tough game! Well done for a first entry!

Really nice twist on an old concetp. I like the graphics and sounds. My only problem would be that it gets really hard really fast!!!

Argh! I have picked up all the objects, warmed up the kettle, and opened the chest but I have no idea what the 2 remaining tasks are! Help!

The game is good in itself (couldn't go beyond "out of control") but the polish is what makes this entry standing out!!! Music, graphics, animation, intro, even text, everything feels perfectly right! Great job!!!

It's so hard!!! I swear I have tried a 100 times but still can't beat it! Yet I want more bosses! More fights like this one!

My only complaint is that I'd like to have controller support.

Great game!

I think you would have to use a C extension to achieve that.

Thank you! That was my main goal for this jam: to try and polish the game as much as possibl. I'm glad you feel I did succeed, if only a little.

Hey! Thanks! That's what took the longest so I'm really happy you appreciate it!

But ?!? Who needs a pause when they're playing with cats ?!?

I did pass the first turn by sheer luck and never managed to do it agin! That game is tough!

I didn't quite understand all that was happening but when it was real fun when I managed to start chain reactions.

Nice art and sound. Are more levels planned?

As others have pointed, the first two or three levels feel meh, and then it gets tougher and it feels like the game is playing with your mind with the superpositions and more erratic movement. Very unsettling but very fun! I wonder how you could elaborate on that idea. Nice job!

Haha! Real nice! I couldn't do better than 13.15s but I was always drawn to try and do better. Quite addictive. Also, as others have said, nice art and sound. Very compeling entry.