Interesting idea for the gameplay and nice visuals! It's a shame you didn't have time for a final boss, because the large night sky silhouette at the end looked really cool.
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Thank you!
Regarding the invisible bullets - I think the missing lasers might be a bug that only affects some GPUs or browsers. Annoyingly I can't recreate it on any of my machines. I think the downloadable version probably doesn't have that issue. (But hard to know for sure since I don't see it :\ ),
As others mentioned, managed to get it working by zooming in the browser page.
Absolutely love the character sprite, it's very cute. Thought the art was nice across the board too. The collisions were a little wonky sometimes (such as getting stuck against walls, and falling at the edge of platforms). I found being sent right back to the beginning after getting hit pretty harsh too.
Overall, I think this was great for a first game! if you could iron out some of the issues, and refine it some more, it would be really fun.
Really like the concept of a murder mystery, solve the crime type game. Impressive work for 72 hours!
I did have an issue with the menus. My mouse cursor was invisible and so I couldn't click any of the options. For anyone else that runs into the same issue - press the "Esc" key to bring back the cursor and then click on of the buttons. Sometimes it takes a few attempts.
Absolutely outstanding entry!
I love the ascetic, definitely gives me strong N64 vibes with some Playstation 1 bits here and there. The graphics and music capture that era perfectly.
The player movement feels excellent and very deep. The game gets more and more fun as you unlock more. The animations make everything feel very satisfying. The level design also complements the movement with consistently challenging and fun platforming sections.
I'm amazed at how large the game feels. I played for a couple of hours and still have not quite managed to finish it. (Although I think I'm pretty close to the end. I'll definitely be coming back to finish it of at some point.)
A few minor criticisms:
- The enemies are not quite as interesting as the rest of the game. There's a couple of standouts like the sword which are fun to fight, but I typically found myself able to completely ignore most of the enemies and didn't really need to put in any effort to avoid them. (Feels a bit silly making this criticism given the time restriction. I think the selection of enemies is very impressive for a Jam entry.).
- Not having a map led to me doing a bit more aimless wandering than I'd like. I think I spend at least 30 minutes trying to figure out what I'd missed before finding the stomp / high-jump ability which would have been entirely mitigated with a map of some kind.
- Some areas feel a little blocky, lacking in detail. I think the bridge is a really good example of an area that feels geometrically interesting and also has great level design. It would be amazing if all areas of the game were similarly visually interesting. (Again, I realise its a bit ridiculous to expect more than you already have, given the Jam time limit.)
Overall I'm completely blown away by what you've achieved. If you choose to expand on it, I'd love to play a more fleshed out and polished version of this. If not, I look forward to whatever you make next! Hope you win the jam, full points. :)
Sorry about that! The particles are missing from the web build and you are being hit by steam. (An intermittent hazard that is completely made out of particles). Unfortunately I can't patch in another visual indicator right now because of the Jam Voting period.
Also, regarding the download, I have gotten in touch with support since it seems to be on their end. Nothing I can do about that right now either I'm afraid. :(
Thanks for playing regardless, and sorry you ran into those issues!
The save in the final boss room was actually a mistake haha. I put it in for development, and did actually remove it from the level files, but the Godot importer didn't pick up the change. As you say, I completely ran out of time so that boss is pretty terrible. The accidental save might be a blessing in disguise!
The invisible damage is due to the missing particles issue. You should be seeing steam jets but unfortunately they don't render on the web build. Thanks for pointing it out, and I appreciate you making a video. I can't fix it at the moment because of the jam voting period, but I'll try to patch it after.
It's a bummer that the download doesn't seem to be working for a lot of people right now. Seems to be an issue.
Thanks for the feedback!
Very impressive! Love the graphics, audio and the general gameplay feels good.
I did find the wall jump quite strange. There seems to be a bug for controllers with an analogue stick where you can move the stick up and down and rapidly climb the wall. Not game breaking by any means but definitely doesn't feel intended.
My only real complaint is that the map didn't seem to work for me. (Not sure if it's not implemented or if I just ran into a bug.) If not for that, I think I would have played all the way to the end. (And I think I was pretty close to the end regardless.)
Great work, I hope to play more from you folks in the future!
Really nice aesthetic and the controls feel good. I was really impressed by the introduction cutscene and the interesting behaviour of the enemies. (Especially the bats).
As far as negatives, I did find the difficulty to be a bit much. I possibly missed some upgrades that would make things easier, but at some point I was just running past enemies because I knew I would die in two hits. I stopped playing when I got to the purple (I think key shaped) item, and fell in a spike pit before I could grab it due to the darkness. That felt quite unfair.
Despite that, I think this is an excellent effort for a month long prototype. With the difficultly smoothed out, this could be a really cool game if you continue it. (And I hope you do!)
Thank you!
It was great actually, Godot's quickly becoming my favourite tool to make small projects in. It feels super easy to turn an idea into a functioning game while also being very flexible . Coming from a C++ background, it's a breath of fresh air to be able to throw together something fun in a few hours!
I really like the concept and I think it is well executed other than one thing: For me, the audio seems to be backwards from what I'd expect. For example, if the mouse cursor is left of an animal, I'd expect to hear the animal's call from the right speaker. (As if the mouse cursor has ears and I'm hearing from its perspective.) I double checked my speakers are setup correctly with an audio test so I don't think it's a problem on my end.
Regardless, I think the concept is really cool and the beast hunting you is legitimately creepy! Nice job!