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A member registered Feb 23, 2024 · View creator page →

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Thanks for the input, both here and on your stream! Foregathering was a huge step in my development, using a lot of tools I was unfamiliar with. It's great getting feedback and having the palces to improve pointed out, and im hoping to address a lot of it after the jam in a handful of updates!

I appreciate the slow cooked reviews! It's gotten me a lot of insight, and I hope to update this game with some of the input after the jam, and carry it with me into the future!

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Big grats on beating it! I do agree with you on several points, such as interactivity. Its moreso the roles they fill rather than the specific moves, for example Bao is prone to damage, so you need Autum to heal them, and Ya'Ctu or Devin to distract so the low-health Autum doesnt get beat up herself. I'm hoping when I come back to Foregatheing I can flesh things out a lot more. As for being dropped into the middle of a plot, again I agree. It's a symptom of trying to set up the grander story with only a few days to do so .-. Perhaps a Game Jam wasn't the best time to work on a series setting up a scope that large!

Regardless though, It means a lot that you are wanting to not only play through it, but actively want to come back! I have some ideas cooking for some small updates to impliment after the Jam. QOL such as a brightness slider, and some content regarding a very...plush...individual........I shall speak on that no more. Regardless, huge thanks again! I hope to create a series you and everyone else can continue to enjoy :3

Love all the cute combos you can make!

A clever twist on the Genre, i was appauled at how short it was! Would absolutley love to see this fleshed out into a larger more complete game!

I have 4 ratings as of writing this. Feel free to rate others with less first :3


The controls switching is cleverly done, keeping the WASD/arrow key "format" but moving it around the keyboard and rotating it. Keeps it familiar enough while still throwing you for a loop. Also, custom engine. Very nice.

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I don't very much like browsing the big list, so give me a synopsis of your game! What is it about, and why did you make it? What do you love and hate about not just the game itself, but your experience making it, and what are you gonna bring with you moving forward?

For me, Foregathering is an attempt to dip my toes in the RPG genre, and explore topics and themes I don't see a lot of elsewhere in an enviornment that is blunt and direct, but still courteous and respectful of its source material. It's an excuse for me to learn about different people and cultures, and try to understand them on a deeper level, so I can create characters that not only I, but other people can fall in love with and relate to on many different levels! On top of that, i gotta pat myself on the back here. The Lost Soul is probably my favorite model I've ever made of anything. It's just awesome.

Hopefully ya'll give it a chance, and I look forward to seeing what you all have created!


Great to hear the battle menus are engaging, and it means a lot that you want to play the game even more beyond the jam :'3

Hopefully I can surpass the bar I'm setting here and turn this into an awesome series that you and everyone can indulge in

Thanks a bunch! As odd as it sounds I'm actually kinda glad someone is having a hard time! Balance was hard to tune, but everyone in my playtest beat each boss after only a couple tries and I started to wonder if I made it too easy 😅

If you ever want to get back in and try to get to the end I can give some pointers, but I appreciate the constructive feedback! Woulda made more player resources if I had the time, guess I gotta save that for the next game!


Thank you so much for all the insight! Im glad the characters are conveying their stories and personalities. I wanted to set the stage to be able to build up and expand upon the world and everyone in it, and it seems I did a pretty good job. The hardest part for me was the balance. I recently came off of The Desolate Hope, and that game kicks your butt five ways to sunday. I wanted something similar but that was more clear and distinct. Offered a challenge, but rewarded you when you took the time to learn, all without taking away time from the rest of the jam! Its definitely something I want to do some tweaking with, and I already have some ideas for the next game in the lineup. Hope to see you there :3

Million dollar idea for ya

My first jam too! Technically not my first game, but it is my first RPG!


Ui is something I always struggled with. Would love some constructive feedback on what I put together here!


https://jupiterbrains.itch.io/foregathering-exordium les go

A silly game. Using photos for the sprites is clever! And their editing creates a unique aesthetic!

The "tutorial" for the game left me with more questions than answers, but I got a grasp of things once I  realized the hand was simply missing the sprite of the held object it clicked.

Speaking of, for a game that has several short endings and is begging to be speedran, it felt tedious to get sucked into the tutorial every time I wanted to go for a new ending. But, thats just a nitpick.

Overall, its got style, and its nice for a quick pick up :3

Enemy designs are clever, and the theming is cohesive! The concept of queing up spells via, what I like to call, Magic Marbles, is a Unique take on deck building RPGs.

The grid based movement, while I see the goal, feels restrictive and slow in first person. Very stop-and-go. Perhaps a different perspective can turn that stop-go movement natural, a la top down dungeon crawlers.

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Ey yo lets go. This was actually my first time working on anything RPG related. The only two I've ever played were Pokemon and Desolate Hope, so hopefully I did good :'3


Wouldn't go as far as to call it a VN, but I did borrow many aspects from the genre!

In Foregathering, you and your friends fight beasts and spirits from beyond the veil, with Active RPG mechanics, original 3D models, and loveable characters :3


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I so very wish I had more time with the Jam so I sould do more with the characters I made, but alas I am proud of my work regardless!

https://jupiterbrains.itch.io/foregathering-exordium Hey, even if you didn't make it in time for a Jam Submission, you should try finishing it and sharing it around regardless! Don't let your hard work go to waste :3

https://jupiterbrains.itch.io/foregathering-exordium This should be a fun game to stream :3

Thats odd, no one that playtested got this popup. These prerequisites are required to launch any Unreal Engine game, although I doubt you've never played a UE game before. It may be your prereqs are in an unfamiliar directory, or simply outdated. Regardless, you should just be able to hit "Yes" and it will install them. This should also help prevent this error from popping up with any other UE game in the future, including on older version of the engine.

I do want to thank you for bringing this up though. This was missed by me and my testing group, and it clearly can cause confusion. I will make note of it in the installation instructions. Unfortunetly its not possible to include them as part of the actual game, but I am glad to see that the installer prompt is working. That is unfortunetly all I am able to do.

As for a web package, not only are we unable to edit our submissions, but UE stopped supporting HTML since sersion 4.24. My game was built using 5.3, which means even if I had the ability to update my submission, a majority of the game would break and need to be rewritten for an older version of the engine. I did however learn just how many people use Web Based games, and I will try to keep that in mind going forward!

https://jupiterbrains.itch.io/foregathering-exordium Love to see everyone come together for this :3