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A member registered Apr 07, 2020 · View creator page →

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Introduction: GK here, professionally I'm a senior game developer, and I take part in jams to try new things or learn something new. I have an Idea for the jam and I'm looking for few people to work with. 

Game Concept: A 3D platformer beat em up with adaptive soundtrack. Game starts from the boss fight and at the end of the fight the boss send us back in the level which is in a dream world. Each loop brings us closer to escaping the nightmare. 

Roles needed: Using Unity Engine :

-Writer for dialogues and other narratives 

-3D Modeler

-Level designer 

-Music composer - Fmod 

Preferred method of contact: Discord.

Other stuff: My main goal is to learn and have fun (and maybe end up with a playable game).

Interesting idea, kinda like a bullet hell where we need to collect bullets and avoid bullets both shot by the player. Some more juice and polish would have been awesome! Also more room layouts would have been quite fun! Still had fun with the game.

Yo thanks for trying out the game! Glad you liked it!

Yo thanks for trying out the game! I did the ghost such that it won't move for a while, the player has to plan on taking the color and go in direction to evade the orb. I think that part you are talking about is the last level green orb, that's the challenge there you have to plan it out such that you can jump to evade the ghost! Anyway I'm glad that you liked the idea

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Nice attempt! A bit simple, but reminds me of good ol flash games!

Yo thanks for playing! I'm really glad that you liked the game and level design!

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Hehe, gald you enjoyed it! Thanks for playing!

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Such bad performance might be due to your system being low end and It's probably a WebGl thing, you could have turned off the lights and try. Better would be to download and try.

Well I'm making games for long time now, even professionally, but sureee practice always help. 

Hehe, thanks! Glad you liked it!

Thanks a lot, glad you liked it!

Glad you liked it! Yeah could have optimized stuff but due to jam limitation didn't try much there, Thanks for playing the game! 

Thank for playing the game, Glad you liked it
WebGL performance is bad, that's why recommended to turn off light, also yeah could have used some optimization for the clones but heck it's a jam game :P  

Hehe This was a fun lil game. could have used some environment. still nice one

The art work was decent and really nice concept! The movements were a bit hard to control mainly because of the camera, it was hard locked on player so it followed the jump too and didn't show what's in front.
The overall idea was nice and the recolor was pretty cool!

Yo thanks for the kind words! Glad you liked the visuals and the game!

(3 edits)

Hehe, yeah that's the fun part of the game! Thanks, glad you liked it! 
I used a hacky way to make em follow the players path, the position of the player is read and stored in a list by the follower and then  the position at index 0 is used as input  / target for the follower, once it reaches the position, the position is removed from the list. Kinda like a queue, first in first out.

Yeah webgl build itcan have performance spikes. Thanks for trying out the game!

Yo thanks for trying it out!
Glad you liked it!

Hehe, Thanks a lot, glad you liked it!

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Hehe, that's the fun  part of the game,  Thanks for trying out the game and I'm glad that you liked it!

Nice game, and liked the artwork, too much screen shake tho ;P Made it a bit overwhelming to play further. 

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The idea seems nice but some I couldn't really differentiate between different colors and the ui and game glitched a bit, or maybe I was lucky to always land on correct color. Liked the art direction, movement and controls were a bit too stiff but not terrible.

Nice art direction, love he visuals, It gets too chaotic too soon,  and a bit har to use controls apart from that it was a nice experience 

Fun game with really good visuals and feel! 

Really nice artwork and execution! Had fun playing this one!

The presentation was really good, but for some reason some untouched pixels made it impossible to proceed.

The movements were a bit too fast but still was fun to play around!

Very nice take on the limitation. really nice artwork and a neat level design, Had lots of fun playing this game! The wall jump had a curve but was still a fun game!

Very fun take on the limitation while also suing the theme, Had fun playing this one!

Really nice artwork and style, enjoyed playing this one a lot!

A fun game with interesting guns, really neat artwork!

Nice game, love the execution and whole presentation

Nice artwork and style of the game!

Was a fun and rather colorful experience, Love the feel and look of the game, I too have a similar take on the limitation. 
Love the game, Had fun playing it!

Interesting take on the concept, could have been more of a game mechanic where idk you should some blocks and ask player to place stuff and then reveal the level. 
But for a first game, great job! The controls were a bit stiff but overall it was a nice game!

The presentation was really good! Interesting levels

I tried playing it but the game is very unstable, the render is glitchy making it very hard to even understand what's happening 

Neatly done game! A relaxing bullet hell :P The sfx and art was pretty neat!

(2 edits)

Pretty fun  game, love the art style and the whole gb look, The movements were a bit wacky at times but didn't really spoil the game much!  The story and whole setting was pretty neat too! 

A good entry !

The artwork  is amazing and the feel and look of the game was really neat!
Had fun with the color switch mechanics!