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Flying Fajita

A member registered Apr 02, 2023 · View creator page →

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I will have to look into that, thanks!

Could you explain exactly how it didn't work?  This would help a lot.  Thanks for playing and commenting!

The arrows do seem to be a bit unfair, and this game is really tough.  Adding checkpoints or something would really help it a lot.

(1 edit)

Thank you!  That's right :)

Thanks for the feedback!  I might do a bit of a rework with the commanding system, it does feel a bit slow to use and low skill.  I will probably add audio after the jam, it was just being really annoying to work with, and I didn't want to have half the game have buggy audio.

Kyiv is the capital of ukraine

Could you make the controls support touchpad?  You can't use the gun with just touchpad

Cool game, the second wave isn't coming in for me?  Also, you should probably make it more clear to drag the gnomes out, that stumped me for a while.

I thought this game was really funny.  Not sure what the goal is though...

Cool game!  The levels are a bit easy (With the back and forth strategy), and the movement is a bit slow.

Flowlab is an awsome game engine that is super simple and easy to learn!

I'll be making something small too- hopefully this time I can do better on the art side

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Yup, that's how you get out.  I can make the jump easier in the next update.  Thanks so much for playing!

The game is ready to play now!

The full game is not quite done yet.  We will allow the main game (or what we have of it) to be played after May 18th.  Thanks for playing though!