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A member registered Jul 27, 2021 · View creator page →

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Jaki jest twój nick na Discordzie? :D

Gra niestety nie skonczona, ale prezentacja mega :D

My score: 794. What a shame that there is no music or sounds :(.

I finished the game fast, i love the idea. The level of puzzless was a little too low for me :D. Pls add music before end.

I like the idea, but not the execution. Obstacles here in my opinion are unnecessary. 

Easy record :D

Unfortunately my GLIBC version is 2.28 so i cant run this game on my Linux :(.

Its trap. Every track make mouse speed higher. So better build one track horizontal than 100 vertically on the same distanse. Score is counting distance from the left to right, but no on the rails :D

Snake as train :P
It would be better to control with AWSD. 

In the future i am going to prepare system to easy add high scores in my games :). I know that in trijams its not that important ;)

So difficult to Keep on the rails XD. You should add some magnetic attraction to rails. Becuse sometimes I spent my most "jump energy" to back on rails one time.

Generally i like the idea because its something defferent.

I think i tested any way to finish that and max score is 23 :D. This loud sound on the start should be a little quieter.

Hmm, After a longer while train stopped :o. Next time remember to make:

1. Restart Button

2. Any result:  how long player survive or how many points player get 

Very satysfyaying gameplay. :>

(1 edit)

My Record: 662

Coldowns and uncomfrtable controls make it very hard. Even if i know what to do, sometimes i cant avoid my death :D.

I love the background art. 

Hmm, I prefer games when i have impact on gameplay. I won 2 times by only clicking R :D. Meybe luck :P

Interesting idea. After 111 moves i finally won. The animation of train destroyed my head XD. It turned bad way then after a 2 steps It changed immediately direction and moved to finish.

Nice try. +1 for Godot using :D. Unfortunately You forgot to block key mashing because we are not punished for click bad key. I can play forever by using that. XD

That was very sad trolley and also very motivated to fight for his life :D. It would be nice if there was any score/time becuse at this moment there is no goal for game :( (cant win/ cant get best score).

Great graphics.  I would change ores area for clicking, beacuse many times i missed ores even  after many clicks.

Check other browsers. I checked and works on any for me :o

I created game with similar screen size limit and I were moving camera by the direction the player looks/go, for example. when i go right camera show more on  the right side.

Great idea. At first I thought it was too easy, but after a while I realized that later the level is much higher :D. What a shame that there is no music.

(1 edit)

I tried only accepting cards which are viable, but the political power reduce so fast. I think game need a goal like best score or stay over 0 after 30 cards. I like the music :>.

Movement is very  plesant to use. For me the problem was the camera which should show a little more, i died many times because of target that I didnt see :(.

The funniest thing that After i were mashing random buttons and I saw gameover after a while It showed opponents blood and over gameover appeared Win screen XD,

The controlls is a little uncomfortable. After a moment I got use to and noticed that if I drive around the map the coins respawns and i can play forever on the same way :D

I found most chests without using Q XD. I love own arts on gamejams like this. The only thing what is lacking is music :(.

Gameplay in point of theme. 39 points :D . 

Opponents bullets sprites going backward :D. Great work with tutorial on the beginning. Its the part which make game easy to start and understand how  game works. After fighted a few rooms It begin being a little boring, the opponents not change the difficulty and we dont have visible power , like bigger fire or 3 bullets in one. It would make game more enjoyable.

Its funny because i have concept of that and actually It needs only 1 or 2 minutes of coding to create lines showing the possible distanse to reach but We decided that it would be too easy with that and at the end cancelled the idea.

Jeśli horror straszy to jest dobrze zrobiony. Dobracowana oprawa graficzna z klimatem.

Jedna z lepszych realizacji na tym gamejamie. Mała lecz dokończona gra. Personalnie bym tylko zmienił aby była animacja wchodzenia/schodzenia z drabiny/schodów, zarówno przez gracza jak i klauna, bo brak jej potrafi zaskoczyć :D.

Brałem udział w wielu gamejamach i ten należał do jednych z lepszych pod względem organizacji. Co prawda poczekam jeszcze do wyników jury, bo to też ważny aspekt, ale jeśli jest kryteria ocen będą brana pod uwagę to obstawiam że raczej bliżej obiektywnemu niż subiektywnemu ocenianiu. 

Jedynie na przyszłość nie polecam aspektu dodatkowych "wymaganych tematów" (oczywiście opcjonalne dodatkowe są spoko) ponieważ psują różnorodność gier - większość wybierze te łatwiejsze do umieszczenia i skończyło się jak myślałem -  większość jest albo w cyrku albo w kopalni XD. Lustro jako głowny temat było wyśmienitym wyborem.

Cenię gdy zasoby gry są w większości autorskie pod grę ,więc wolałem dać bardzo młodemu uczestnikowi szansę aby zrobił muzykę do tej gry, niż korzystać z assetów :>. Trochę szkoda że źle ogarnąłem zgadki i nie każdy wysłucha wszystkich utworów (które są w dalszych poziomach), szczególnie że tym dalej tym wydaje mi się ciekawiej.

Są urozmaicenia w innych światach (las, kopalnia). Miało być więcej ale lepiej dopracować to co jest niż potem oddać grę z glitchami co moment :D

Generalnie wszystkie polegają na myśleniu, jedynie zabrakło czegoś co już było przygotowane ale gdzieś umkło, oznaczenia środka od którego łatwiej było by ogarnąć które pola trzeba odbić. Zdecydowanie też poziom trudności wzresta zbyt szybko.

Mechanic was a little out of Nokia, beacuse jump depends of power of click :D. Cute game, It should be on Nokia when outside the range of 2G network.