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A member registered Oct 01, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thank you so much for this! I learnt a lot about shading :)

An idea for the eyes - you could have made his breath come out of the mouth and eyes since he's got a hollow skull :p

I just get a gray screen after clicking Start Game. (running on Linux)

There's no Linux build so I can't try it out :(

There's no Linux build so I can't try it :(

All I see is the splash screen and then it crashes :(

(running on Linux)

I liked that the controls were so easy and tight - no stress getting around. It was also nice and reassuring that I never felt that i was in any real danger :D 

I like the little indicator ring / radar! It was incredibly helpful!

This is such an interesting idea. I like the atmosphere - the pace and the music were very relaxing!

The controls were a bit weird - it took me a while to figure them out, and even then sometimes the slow mouse movement meant i couldn't look where i wanted before hitting the edge of the screen - perhaps that's just a problem with the browser version though.

Lovely graphics and sound!! The overall level of polish is very impressive considering the time constraints!! The controls felt a bit twitchy and frustrating at times, but that's part of the challenge (for the player) for this type of game I guess. I wish the weapons would latch on to the ship a bit more easily.

I like the music and graphics! That plane that you sit on as a flat surface in space is a nice idea. I wish I could rotate the camera though! Since I couldn't rotate the camera, the minimap was super helpful. There should be some kind of purpose / motivation for building solar systems to keep the player engaged. However, the music made it almost therapeutic and I guess it's okay just like that then - without too much added excitement :)

xD yeah, i decided to make it so that you couldn't just make a dash for the planet and win :p

On the menu screen I tried to explain that there is a force field and I thought it would be pretty intuitive while playing. It's really interesting to see how everyone has different perceptions of things! Thanks for the feedback :)

Thank you! I'm glad the last boss served its intended purpose :D

Thanks! Thank you for the great feedback, too! Yes, I need to lower the volume of some sounds - especially those laser beams on the Godot heads. Comically, I found some nice ambient music loops about 10 hours before the deadline that I intended to include, but in my mad rush to finish on time I completely forgot to put them in there xD

The combat was hard to balance and the controls were a bit iffy... rigid bodies, damping, force vectors. It was hard to get right. The infinite shield bug certainly helped, although that has been ironed out now and it's less forgiving :D

Nice that you found a way to beat the boss other than just staring it down and seeing who died first lol

Thanks!! It runs well. I got up to level 22 but now i have to go to work! >_<

I want to try it but there's no Linux build :'(

Is it possible to build for Linux?

Loved the art and atmosphere, and how you set the scene at the start with the text!

Wow!! Very polished - loved the art, movement, simplicity and style. <3

Great concept! Very original and the atmosphere was indeed spooky! I didn't realize I was taking damage until I was dead xD

Haha, thanks! The eating animation is a bit too linear (speed and weight) - needs more weight on the open and closed states, but yeah, not enough time to do it properly xD

Thanks for the info! I obviously need to learn more Godot and sort out those errors - I didn't even realize others could see them. xD

The bell alternates between spawning and throwing bread. Yeah, not an ideal way to do it :S

Thanks for the feedback - yeah, there's actually a score counter in the code, but I never got around to displaying it. The original plan was to make it something like Tamagochi with happiness, anger, hunger etc. and if you grow big enough you eat the baker and escape lol. Never got that far apparently xD If there's no bread, the bell spawns a new one, and if there is bread it throws it. So it basically alternates between functions.

I'm really impressed how much you got into this game in just a week - sound, dialogues, companion character, various jumps / moves! Amazing!

I found the character a little annoying to control at times as I couldn't really break out of what he was doing if he was halfway through something >_<