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A member registered May 20, 2022 · View creator page →

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This game gave me depression and then cured it instantly, what a ride, truly a modern classic.

I'm now confident that my vision is functional.

I'm willing to believe this was made in 7 minutes I guess.

life changing indeed

The red blocks kinda jitter around when the spawn location changes, and it ends kinda abruptly, but thats fine.

Really nice work for 7 minutes - it's definitely functional which is all you can ask for.

Balls everywhere! I repeat there are balls everywhere!

If only clicking made me this rich in real life. Nice work!

 I like that we can see the tools people use since there are recordings, wasnt expecting someone to use node.

This is pretty good for 7 minutes, nice work!

I reuploaded it with the slices change if you feel like trying again.. The code for it isnt in the recording so I didnt feel right adding it initially. 

Since it was just confusing people, I added the slices as a "finishing touch" per rule 5 I guess? The code for it isnt in the recording so I didnt feel right adding it.

It was only 3 extra lines of code, a static body, and an extra rigid body object.

I just added those for the video. What's uploaded on itch is what I got done in 7 minutes.

If this was a 9 minute jam you would have slices 😅

(1 edit)

I checked a few of the extra boxes (mobile support, scroll bars) in the submission page but that's all I can really do.

There should be a loading screen, and then it should load instantly into the game (no menus).

If you hear audio it's working. The only control is clicking and holding the mouse (reccomend fullscreen)

I am not sure how to help there, it works just fine for me in multiple browsers and devices?

Process was the same as all my game jam games.

Thanks, glad you thought the grenades are fun. I did play a lot with their timing.

Thanks for playing! I'll see what I can do to make the movement feel a bit better.

Thanks for playing! haha yeah , my intention was for the player to use their tools/equipment to fight the monsters but you can also engage them that way - I like when games enable the players to figure out their own solutions to problems.

Not a bad start. I like bouncing the arrows, it adds a bit of challenge.

As others have said the bow shooting could be better, the puzzles you have are designed well for it, but idk.. it just doesn't feel right not being able to aim it. At the very least make the shoot button something other than S.

Thank you thank you!

Cute little game! I approve since I also have cats in my life and don't want to ever see them go.

I think you should have some sort of music in the title screen, especially since there are settings for volume in the main menu. When I first started it I guess I was expecting music and thought my headphones weren't working for a brief moment.

This is fairly well polished, and the menus and controls all feel really nice.  Music and sfx all sound good as well. This feels very close to a real game so good work!

It took me a little bit to wrap my head around how I should place the cards. A step by step tutorial would go a long way here I think, or maybe have smaller levels where you introduce the different card types one at a time. The little messages at the top kind of serve that purpose but since they were slow to auto-cycle and didn't always apply to the card I had in hand they weren't that useful.

Also minor thing,  using the mouse wheel to scroll the guide book is really slow. It works fine just clicking and dragging but since I'm on a mouse my first instinct was to use the scroll wheel.

Thank you! I actually haven't played that game before, I'll have to check it out! 

Hmm, it could be you died of cold, you can use the torches  and/or get indoors to get warm enough and the frozen damage will get healed. Or could be you didnt have enough crafting materials.

In either case, the health/freezing system needs work for sure. I can see it not being obvious how to protect yourself from the cold in it's current state. 

Also I plan to rework the crafting system. There is a little recipe display in the UI above the torch/medkit/bomb but it's probably not obvious how it works right now.

Wow this was a lot of fun! I actually don't mind the rotating camera controls - it adds an extra layer of skill to the game and makes it feel unique.  

My only complaint is that I'm always clicking the very top of the screen - maybe just adjust the vertical camera angle a tiny bit so the enemies are in the center of the screen more.

Thanks! Yup planning on expanding on it a whole lot more.

Thank you so much! Yeah a visual overhaul, including that kind of polish, is probably what I will be working on next.

Been a long time since I played a text adventure, very cool!

I couldnt figure out how to aim the cannon and got stuck there unfortunately, but most of the other prompts were easy to figure out.

What is here is well done, so nice work!

I think this could be expanded by having other areas you can explore once you reach certain sizes, or something like that. Eating galaxies maybe?

I am not sure what the rating system for this game jam is supposed to mean, but since there is gravity, I'm giving it 5* for graveitas.

It gets a little difficult but I had a lot of fun with this one! Nice work!

Maybe a better low health indicator would be good? Sometimes I died even though I had money to heal. That's about the only feedback I can think of - everything else is really solid!

Nice simple little game. I couldn't figure out what to do right away when I ran out of ammo, so I lost a lot of pumpkins 😅

What is built out here is really well done and you nailed the atmosphere.

 I managed to escape but it's a little unclear what I was supposed to be doing, but I know it's just a quick demo so it's all good. Would love to see this expanded.

This was really solid, a lot of variety in the weapons and enemies too. Nicely done!

Multiplayer worked pretty good as well, this could be a lot of fun with friends.

Thank you for playing! Yeah atmosphere will be a big part of this game when I expand on it.

Very simple but still fun. I actually beat it without using the space bar ability much (is it supposed to take it away from you at some point)? 

I like that you just reset to the current wave/boss when you die - most game jam games just reset the whole game so that was nice.


Yeah the visuals need some work for sure, but im working on it!

(1 edit)

This one was pretty fun. I thought I was going to be overwhelmed just reading the control instructions but since the mechanics weren't all introduced at the same time it wasn't bad at all.

I ran into the same bugs that others have mentioned below, so not much to say there.

 I sometimes forgot the names of the cultists that flash on the screen when I press a button, so it would be nice to have some sort of indicator (maybe their portrait glows or something) to better indicate which one I should be switching to.  And some variation on their appearance would be good too.

Nice work!


 Yeah I had plans for a tutorial but couldnt get to it in time :(

I'm glad the monster was frightening. Thank you! 

I'm already at work fixing the lighting effects, and I'm also planning on making better looking tilemaps.

Thank you so much!

Thank you thank you! 

Agree with the music - I actually tried modifying the song my musician gave me to make it loop but I couldn't get it to sound right on time.  It's easier when you have a song that's built for looping.

Thanks! Yeah Godot is a pretty great engine. Ill have to play around some more with the lighting  and see if I can make it look nicer.