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A member registered Aug 16, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thanks. My first idea was something like that, but I have run out of time so I had to cut corners.

Thanks. I had run out of time so tutorial is in style "drop it in the middle of a lake and hope after it will drown a couple times it will eventually learn how to swim".

(2 edits)

At first it was interesting that there was more than just move and jump, but after multiple tries it was only confusing especially that assigned buttons weren't intuitive.
I didn't like that glide was separated from the jump.
For me slide is not sensitive enough and I died many times only because I pressed slide button, but character didn't slide before spikes.

Pixel art looks good, but blurry/compressed on some parts.

I had problem with remembering level order so I had to give up. At first I thought that I could glide easily above all platforms, but good level design blocked using glide on close platforms.

Cool drawings and animations.

Great idea that you don't instantly die when stress bar is full, but after some time when bar is full.

I think that would be nice if there was sprint, because constant dodging is not punished that much.

I was afraid that npc movement will be annoying, but nothing like that happened and after dodging e.g. a crowd there was enough space to not take damage.

Not bad.
Tutorial could be faster. Speed comparing to distance between tips is very slow. A couple of times I thought that that was everything and then far ahead was another tip.
I don't know if this is necessary to explain game in such a detail e.g. health points.

In battle movement speed was ok.
I could precisely shoot were I wanted, but I would expect more punch when my bullet hit an enemy e.g. pushing him back a little.

I'm not sure if I understood gameplay correctly. Tutorial mentioned points, but during gameplay it looked like we defend something, but in the end it doesn't matter.
Soldiers that look like they suppose to be strong dies after short time since beginning of an battle.
Some balancing in my opinion is needed.

Otherwise was good to play. Gameplay chaotic like it should be.

Thanks for Playing. Only after I read your comment I realized that indeed my game is Frogger like.

Thanks for Playing.

(2 edits)

Models and animations look good. I would only complain that targets look similar to background elements.
Stealth mechanic is intuitive, but I'm not sure how to feel about that enemies are able to see me through walls.
I would complain about too slow speed on vertical directions. At least faster descent or fly mode canceling would be nice, but otherwise after a few tries I could learn how to move faster. Tutorial helped that flying is under W not Space.
I didn't notice description of the game and I thought at first that UI showing hive alert showed thing good for me.

There are a few bugs:
After finishing tutorial I couldn't use stealth ability.
After reloading page I could sting everything without limits.
Until I was moved on Z axis and I couldn't attack targets.

High reward targets were harder to get as promised.
It was cool that some enemies walked in circles around protected targets instead just walking right and left.

This was my first game jam so my first decision was to not implement music and sounds. Better with no sound rather than with horrible sound.

Thanks. It's about farming, but another kind ;) .