I kind of liked the cartoonishly durable Kel in the earlier versions, will the additional sources of damage be togglable features like the penalty funds or are they planned to be mainstays? Regardless, I don't see the changes as bad, I'm actually quite excited to try them out.
King Kaboom
Recent community posts
I believe there are a couple typos or innacuracies in the "readme.txt" file for Futaken Valley Version 0.031.40.
The Version header at the top still says 0.031.39. Also the "Inside water" operation mentions A or D + Z, however when playing the game, movement in water is controlled by holding any directional movement key A (move left), D (move right), W (look up), S (crouch) and tapping the Space (jump) button to move (or in the case of swimming left or right, to move faster) in the held direction. I understand that this is a very minor issue and that it can be corrected in later versions, I just wanted to bring attention to it.
Lipstor, I understand that but the game still is in beta, so we don't know if the dog mechanic may come up elsewhere or if Cynthia is even a required encounter to finish the game. In other words, we don't have the full context of the game yet. Besides, It's not uncommon in games to have secrets or situations where the solution is very vague and even nonsensical. When thinking about this my thoughts immediately go to Super Mario RPG Legend of the Seven Stars, a game for the Super Nintend or Super Famicom. In that game there is a hidden quest to obtain the ultimate equipment, however the game never obviously mentions or hints at this quest in any way. The quest is not necessary for finishing the game, but there are very slight hints to its existence. At a certain point in Super Mario RPG Legend of the Seven Stars, the player gets a key item that has seemingly no use at first. Later in the game, there is a secret path that has no indication that the player can walk onto it to find an NPC that gives the player another item that would seem like it has no purpose if not for the fact they had the previous item. In order to make use of the two key items, the player has to back track to an area that they had already visited and then find a secret path that wasn't there when they were in that area before. After presenting the two items to another hidden NPC the player has an event that eventually leads them to the secret ultimate gear.
Like I said, the sequence of events in Super Mario RPG Legend of the Seven Stars to get the ultimate gear is very vague. However, by giving the player the knowledge that there is something that they have yet to find a use for, they start wondering what they can do with this one hint that they have. Cynthia presents a similar situation. An average player may not think to have the dog trail them to Cynthia. Once the player finds Cynthia and sees that they have no way to further interact with her, they begin to wonder what the solution could be. Now this is where the player could do a multitude of things. The player could go onine and ask how to progress with Cynthia, as you, Lipstor, say man people do. Another possibility is that the current player is very persistent and actually likes to try to figure things out themself. So, this persistent player begins testing things on Cythia, such as weapons, gear, actions, items, and whatever else they can think of. Eventually they may give up and go complete other content. At some point the game tells the player that they can have followers, and they may also remember the strange dog that they didn't interact with earlier. The player then may try interacting with Cythia while they have a follower. Maybe they'll try with a puppet first, and see nothing happens. So then the player goes back to the dog and tries to see if they can get it to follow. Once the player gets the dog to follow they then try to interact with Cynthia and realize they've found the solution. This whole scenario tells the player that they are rewarded for attempting multiple different interactions. Maybe they are a bit annoyed that the quest was so vague, or the opposite, maybe the player is satisfied that they figured out the solution on their own.
Both the possible players I presented for the Cynthia sequence, are the same possibilities that occured from the Super Mario RPG Legend of the Seven Stars secret quest. I think both those possibilities are good for the game as a whole. In the possibility that the player decides to go look up the solution, or ask for the solution online, the player sparks conversation about the game. That's good! It's good for players to go online and ask for advice or talk about the game, it helps to keep a community. The other possible player that decides to continue to find their own solution for Cynthia's even will feel good that they figured it out on their own and that the game didn't disrespect their capabilities by making the solution too obvious.
I'm not saying that making Cynthia's event solution easier is a bad thing, but I can see why Mofu may not want to add such a hint as well, since it is a common thing in a game to add content that's so well hidden that players may not find the content for a long time. Regardless, the game is still in development and maybe the context of the rest of the game may make Cynthia's event more easy to solve. Like I said, I don't think Mofu means to disrespect you by not adding your solution. I think it's good that Mofu is actually deciding for themself what they want to do with Cynthia's event. It shows that they may not be as pliant as we think. I think you, Lipstor, in particular should be glad, since you've always seemed so worried that Mofu may add whatever is asked of them to the game. Mofu saying that they don't think the issue that you've mentioned with the Cynthia event is important shows that Mofu still has his own vision for what they wants to do with the game. Maybe all the other suggestions Mofu did add before might of been because the game is still early in development and that Mofu views now as a good time to experiment with certain content and abilities. Mofu could also be a bit over zealous and was trying to add too many ideas at once. Maybe now Mofu is realizing that they need to be more concise with their own development, and work on larger scale problems and content before trying to correct minor things. I hope this may help you consider other possibilities for development, Lipstor. Thank you for reading.
Thank you Yamaho. I'm afraid I'm not really here to persuade Lipstor to change their behavior. I'm just trying to gather viewpoints, context, and facts around this situation so that everyone can make informed thoughts on what has been happening here. Providing this may help others, including Lipstor, understand what issues may be causing this drama. It's a lot of work for something I really probably shouldn't even care about or even gotten involved in, but oh well. I guess my curiosity got the better of me. Regardless, I do want to see this game succeed, and making sure the community doesn't tear itself apart should help in that goal.
The idea seems sound, but if Mofu doesn't want to add it, it is ultimately their choice. I don't think Mofu means any disrespect to you when they decide that they don't want to add something you suggest. It may be a bit dissapointing, but I don't think it's anything to need to continuously ask for. If Mofu said they're not interested in the choice before, they probably won't change their mind now.
Ah, I get it. You want there to be something that hints the player that they should bring the dog with them before entering Cynthia's area. I can understand that idea. The wall idea is one solution, but I'm sure there's other solutions as well that Mofu may be trying to test. Mofu did mention adding some sort of quest log. Maybe the quest log could hint towards needing the dog to trigger the event. I wouldn't say that adding a wall is a "fix" to Cynthia's event, rather that what triggers Cynthia's even should be more obvious, expecially if Cynthia will be a required fight to progress. I can understand that you're frustrated since you have to often answer the question of how to initiate Cynthia's event, but maybe Mofu will think of some way to indicate to the player that the dog is necessary in future updates where Mofu adds more story or mechanics.
Lipstor, I'm curious about Cynthia's event. What fix exactly does it require? I just tested the Cynthia event on the latest version as of now and didn't notice any clear major bugs with it. The only thing I can note is that after defeating Cynthia, there is an exit to the left that is not active. I know the game's not complete so I expect there to be some loading zones that haven't been implemented yet.
I've only see you reply to Wind a couple times in your chat history, so that backs up your claim of not knowing Wind. However, since alts are easy to make, it's possible that you have created alt accounts and talked with Wind before. However, I find that unlikely since looking through Wind's comments a lot of them are talking to Mofu or Lipstor, and not really any other users. However, I don't think it's wise for you to comment on Wind's posts in any regard. It seems they've let passion get the better of them and the insults they are posting are clear violations of the Itch.io community guidlines. They add nothing to the conversation and contain very few valid criticisms. Even if there were valid criticisms, adding insults does nothing but undermind your reputation and argument. That is why I've tried to be as respectful as I can when addressing others here. You've made some good arguments yourself, Yamaho, but I can't disregard the insults you've slipped into your arguments against Lipstor. In one of your other responses to me you even claim that Lipstor " . . . can't understand human language . . ." which is just a blatant falsehood that adds nothing to your argument. I already know you don't like Lipstor, that insult is doing nothing but evoking Lipstor and inviting more drama. So if you want this comment section to be ". . . a game forum, not a toilet." Then I reccommend you refrain from insults and instead offer criticism with valid evidence to back up your claims.
I have no way of knowing for sure where Yamaho has been on the internet before browsing this forum. This forum is public and requires no actual Itch.io account to be able to read every thread in this forum. You only need an Itch.io account to be able to post messages yourself. It's likely that Yamaho just found this game while browsing Itch.io, that's how I found this game. While it's true that Yamaho has only just started actually posting in this forum, you can read the forum without commenting or even having an account. Yamaho themself has admitted to having been " . . . following this forum for several months . . ." and that they ". . . applied for account recently. . ." They even explain that they " . . . will often read the comments for knowing the possible content of game . . ." Which they said they did before they applied for an Itch.io account. I have yet to see any lead that indicates that they're connected to the piracy forum you've mentioned. I doesn't mean that there isn't one, it just means I haven't found it yet if it does exist. It's not easy parsing all this info and providing quotes, so it's possible I have failed to notice some information. Sorry if I've misinterpreted what you meant.
Thanks for the information Lipstor and I'm sorry for your situation. If you have more private means of communicating with Mofu and others who have concern for your wellbeing, you may want to use those channels instead of this open forum, though. I would still urge you to find more professional help though if you're still having suicidal thoughts. Resources for mental health varies depending on one's location, so I would like to suggest you take some time to take care of yourself and seek whatever help you think you may need. I would also say it may be wise to take a short break from this forum to help you reduce what seems to be a large stressor for you.
I do have a question, though. Why can't you delete your own comments? Or is there some misunderstanding? I ask because I was just able to make a post on the comments and then delete it. Refreshing the page doesn't even show a "message deleted" notification either. Do you have any ways of proving that your message was deleted directly by an Itch.io moderator? I've reviewed the Itch.io community rules at the following link: https://itch.io/docs/general/community-rules and it is possible for Itch.io moderators to remove and even suspend accounts if certain posts are deemed too inappropriate. I just wanted to point out a possible discrepancy with you claiming that you can't delete your own posts.
Lipstor, it is possible that Yamaho isn't lying when they say that they have been " . . . browsing this forum for a long time . . ." You can browse a comment thread without having an account. So even with a 10 day old account, it is possible that Yamoho has been reading the comments without having an account for over half a year. As for Yamaho and Wind talking in their language to one another without having had prior interaction visible on this site, I don't have much I can say there. I'd need to find or recieve some more examples to come to any conclusion. Unfortunately it's getting late for me and I'm beginning to lose focus, so I may be heading to bed shortly.
I can agree with these points. As I've said earlier, Lipstor should be discussing their mental health in private, either with friends, family, or professionals. I think you're right that it's probably not best to post one's personal mental health issues online. After all, not everyone wants to hear about someone else's struggles with mental help, especially in a forum that has nothing to do with the topic. I agree that the dev should have more respect for their own views and goals for their game. I did mention earlier that "I think the most important person to please in this situation [individually developing a game] would be yourself [Mofu]." Especially since I don't think it's possible for the dev to please everyone in this situation, at least not in a reasonable time frame or manner. I do wish to caution you however, Yamaho, that I think it would be best for you to make sure that you're not contributing to off-topic or otherwise hurtful discussion. Just, try to be mindful and civil and to stay on the topic of the game's development. Thanks for taking the time to read my comment.
I wasn't excusing Lipstor's behavior in these situations. You do have a point that a public forum for a NSFW futanari focused erotic video game is not a great place to mention suicidal tendencies. That sort of topic is difficult for many people and can create a negative mood. Topics of suicide are best discussed with personal friends, family, or professionals in private environments. Directly dealing with your claim, "I don't think a bad life is a reason for one to hurt others easily. . ." I don't believe a bad life is an excuse for hurting others either, and I wasn't trying to claim otherwise. As for your claim of "I bet there are some more miserable people in the world than him,so could they do harm to others?" How miserable a person is is hard to quantify, and at any given moment someone could have it worse than someone else. I don't think that argument really adds anything to this topic. Of course, if this was just a rhetorical question, then I get it, but it's hard to convey that in text and can lead to misinterpretation. I have to object to your claim that "nobody cares whether a person is sick or not . . ." I feel that not taking into account that someone is sick is refusing to acknowledge a possible reason or variable for their behavior, which can lead to a loss of context. Let me make it clear that I do not believe that someone should be absolved of responsibility even if they do have some sort of sickness, though. I must also object to your claim that nobody cares about ". . . what a person really thinks." Not caring about what a person really thinks, and not seeking the explanation behind their reasoning seems like a large deal of what has spurred on this conflic to begin with. I've been saying that a breakdown of communication is what seems to be happening here and that not caring what someone really think could be a major factor of that.
I would also like to address the character of this "wind" or Wind blowing on summer individual as well. I have seen them post quite nasty things in regards to Lipstor. I'll show the post I had cited earlier as an example.
You stated yourself that you ". . . don't think a bad life is a reason for one to hurt others . . ." However, you admit that you believe that Wind was in a bad mood yesterday. So if I understand your logic correctly, it should not be right for Wind to say that Lipstor was supposed to have committed suicide and that they believe that nobody likes or loves Lipstor. I'm not just saying its Wind who should stop bullying, and I don't care who started the bullying because I believe everyone needs to stop with the name calling and taking things out of context. Everyone here is equally responsible for upholding a civil and organized discussion. In fact, discussion should mainly be focused on Futaken Valley itself. The only reason I've been addressing these drama issues is because I believe that the drama itself is affecting Futaken Valley's status and its developer Mofu. Of course, it's ultimately Mofu who will let us know how or if the conflicts have been affecting them, after all they are capable of expressing their own thoughts.
I'd like to ask you another question, Yamaho. What is your purpose for being involved with this game's comments section and community?
I mean no disrespect towards you and I respect that you've given me your time, Yamaho. I do appreciate that you are explaining your position, knowledge, and insight of this situation.
I've found some posts that could indicate that this is true.


Unfortunately, since the original comment made by Lipstor was apparently deleted, the only way to gather more information on this would be to address Lipstor directly. Out of respect for their privacy and mental health, as well as my lack of expertise on such a touchy subject, I don't think I should pursue this line of questioning. I do note that I see nobody accusing Lipstor of using suicide as a persuasion tactic against Mofu nor do they state any reason other than stress and a bad mood for why Lipstor would have considered suicide in the posts I found. Also it seems Mofu themself realized that Lipstor was stressed and needed to calm down. Regardless, it seems that Lipstor decided not to commit suicide and that they have since not made any other posts alluding to wanting to commit suicide. I can't really come to any conclusion on this with the current information I have other than it's good that Lipstor didn't commit suicide, since that would be terribly tragic. Also, constant bullying and people literally saying that Lipstor should kill themself and that nobody loves them could possibly be a factor in their considering of suicide. I'm not going to say that those reasons alone are a good reason to consider suicide, but those two reasons could be compounding with existing conditions for Lipstor. I don't believe we should so lightly blame Lipstor without the full picture of their living situation, which they have no obligation to, nor do I expect them to, provide. However, this is all mostly speculation on my part, so I would understand any criticism that comes my way for this analysis.
You must be thinking I was talking about Mofu. No, when I said, "Well, they haven't responded to my post yet. . ." I was refering to Lipstor. They haven't responded to my posts pointing out how some of the criticisms aren't completely unfounded. I was saying that Lipstor should be given some time to respond to my posts before we make any accusations. After all, it would undermind my efforts to understand what Lipstor meant in their posts if I didn't wait for them to acknowledge my prior posts before making any sort of accusations.
As for your claims of Lipstor having "some fans covering up for his [Lipstor's] fucking behavior" and this apparent suicide threat that Lipstor has made, would you please provide some source for these claims?
Well, they haven't responded to my post yet, so lets give them the benefit of the doubt here for now, yeah? As for the piracy forum being mentioned, I'm not going to post any direct links to it. I found a link to the forum I'm referencing on the first page of my Google results when using an incognito Firefox browser window and searching "futaken valley free", Omit the quotes. Try searching the results yourself and see what you find. Although, I caution you to do so at your own risk, there seems to be some untrustworthy sites that pop up when using that search.
(Resumed from a prior post)
I also have another image that I think shows off my suspicion that misinterpretation could also be causing a lot of issue.
I think in this situation, Sorata was right with believing that they "sensed either mockery or sarcasm in your question." I believe that you were trying to imitate the people who ask Mofu for content to be added to the game and then insist that it must be in Mofu's best interest to add said content in to the game when Mofu considers their request. However, it seems that it's been established that Mofu is a crowd pleaser, and may actually make decisions that are detrimental to both themself and the game in an attempt to satiate all of the commenters requests. So by asking this question, you were trying to point out that Mofu is easy to persuade into making decisions and that this aspect of Mofu could hurt game development if people keep pressing for certain changes. Of course, my entire assumption here could be incorrect. The possibility that both my interpretation of the following posts and Sorata's could both be plausible indicates that there may be issues with communication. Sarcasm and certain figures of speech can easily be misiniterpreted on the internet, which is why it is important to very clearly state your position on certain topics. Lipstor, I'm not trying to hurt your image or insult you, I'm just trying to provide knowledge and context for these occurences. Feel free to add further context or attempt to correct any statements I've made. Anyways, I've noticed both here and on the piracy forum, that a lot of people have been losing interest in this game because of troublesome threads and hostility in the comments. I'm worried this could lead to the game being further set back. Despite the ongoing issues in the comments sections, I've also seen people both here and on the piracy forum who want to see this game be completed and satisfying to play. I'm trying to operate in the best interest of those who want to see a new and promising game reach completion. I apologize for the long posts, but I feel it is necessary in order for me to clearly and concisely explain my thoughts on these topics. Thank you to those who've read this far.
Alright, thank you Lipstor. I did do a search as you suggested and do believe I have found some signs of shady or otherwise unauthorized distribution. I also believe I found this piracy forum you've mentioned. I've read a number of the comments and noticed a criticism that seems to have some validity to it. For example, I see you criticize others for wanting certain content added to the game. However, you have also stated you wanted content added to the game, and like those you criticized, you were upset when you didn't see this addition. The example I found was about some sort of bug with an event that you suggested could be fixed by adding a wall. I've included an image of the relevant message chain. I have highlighted the text you posted that I wanted to have attention drawn to in yellow. I also highlighted a response from Mofu in green that I believe was directed at you, I will explain the significance of this detail later. For now let's focus on your yellow highlighted text saying ". . . Mofu always add others requests, except if it's from me, because I had told him half year ago how to fix an issue with one of the events, and he doesn't want to add something as easy as a wall."
Now, I understand your comment is on a fix for a bug and not main game content. However, Mofu may have their own plans on how to address this bug. As indicated by Mofu's quote "I have never excluded your request. I respect you very much." it seems that Mofu never intended to disregard your suggestion and make you seem unappreciated, and in fact it seems they respect you. Mofu is not a native English speaker, so I can't be for certain if what they've said is accurate to what they mean, though. Also Lipstor, even if what you said in the quote was meant to be some form of sarcasm or hyperbole, it would seem that such context was lost on Mofu in this situation. Overall, this comment could make you seem pushy, or bitter that content you want for the game wasn't added in a quick manner. This is similar to other's complaints about wanting content added, but in their situation, you tell them to stop asking for such content. So people start getting angry and seeing a sort of "double standard" where they're not allowed to ask for this or that to be added to the game, but you deem that you are allowed to push for certain content. (continued in another post)
Lipstor, I do have more questions. Could you get Mofu to confirm your claim of them saying it is okay for you to reply on their behalf? Or at the very least, provide a quote and source indicating that Mofu is okay with you replying on their behalf? Most of what you are saying seems logical and makes sense, but it's a bad habit to only take people's words at face value. I just want a source of confirmation for your claim, I feel it is important for providing context and confirming that what is being said is true.
I would like some proof of these piracy forums as well. I would understand not wanting to provide a direct source to the forum as that could raise unwanted attention to that topic. If you'd like, I could provide an alternative contact to send something like that if you don't want to post the sources to these alleged piracy forums here. I just find it strange that there would be piracy for a game that is currently in a free open beta. Piracy is usually an issue of access and distribution, and I don't see how it's more convenient to pirate the game in its current state versus just downloading the current version directly from its creator's download link. Unless the issue here is that the people pirating it are trying to hide who is actually developing the game and claim it as something of their own creation; if that's the case, putting more branding of who created the game into it could fix that issue. I don't have a lot of information on this, so I can't really provide much more insight on that topic.
Okay Lipstor, thank you. Hopefully clearing this up can help the situation here. Like I said before, I just hope to see a promising game completed and result in a product that is primarily satisfactory for the developer. The idea being that if the developer is satisfied with the end result, others will also be satisfied. After all, Mofu is an independant developer, so they don't have to worry about deadlines, publishers pushing for changes in content, or shareholders' bottom lines. So in this case, I think that the best choice of judgment and the one that should get final say-so in development, should be Mofu themself.
As for you Lipstor, it seems the negative comments and general hostility towards you may be pressuring you into responses? While it's a valiant effort to try to respond to everyone, I think if people are calling you names or otherwise being beligerent, perhaps you should withhold replying to them, at least until you able to think of a way to reply that will attempt to de-escalate the situation. I'm not saying you haven't made mistakes, though. Although, from what I read, I doubt that any mistakes or misconduct that you have committed are serious enough to warrant how harshly people are treating you. If they want answers, they should reply in a polite and concise way, such as I have. Of course, I know not everyone is capable of making long structured responses such as this, but at the very least courtesy should be exercised. Avoid using sarcasm or vague speech, try to be concise with what you say, even if it means that you have to research a word or two, a few seconds to make a clear message now can save hours of argument later.
Anyways, sorry for my long messages, but I just wanted to do my best to fully explain my thought and logic. Ultimately this is a forum for a cool NSFW Futa themed game and I don't think people should be getting so heated over this. Passion is good, but it doesn't justify poor behavior. I think it may be a good idea to take a break and relax for a short time, tensions seem to be high. I'm also willing to hear out other people's thoughts if time permits, I just want to get things back into a civil and positive atmosphere. Thank you for reading.
To Lipstor: Okay, thanks for the clearing that up. Also, I was only curious because I felt that there was some miscommunication among persons involved. I just noticed small errors with your typed English that made me think that English may not have been your native language. What I'm implying is that there may be information literally lost in translation.
I would just like to ask another question in regards your comment about you being with or knowing Mofu for a year. I know this may be a bit personal, but how have you known Mofu? Are you two friends or business partners? I ask because I think clarification may be necessary. I've noticed a lot of harassment here in the comments and I'm afraid that this sort of environment could be harmful to not just the dev, but everyone involved and interested with this game. Of course, if this question, or any other question, is too personal for you to answer, publicly or otherwise, I understand your want for privacy.
Anyways, from my understanding, Mofu is not a native English speaker either, and you seem to be a sort of translator to help get across some of the ideas Mofu has to other language speaking audiences, is this correct? I've come to this conclusion since it seems there's been a lot of breakdown on communication here and I suspect multiple language barriers, mistranslation, and miscommunication may be the culprit here and that you seem to speak on Mofu's behalf quite frequently.
Sorry Lipstor, could you elaborate by what opposite audience means? From my understanding, when you say opposite audience, you are referring to people who would have content rather than futa in the game, is that assumption correct? Also, an additional question, are you a native English speaker or is English a second, third, etc. language that you know?
I think there's a lot of misunderstanding in the comments here. I just want to see a cool game get made. I like the content I've seen so far, but I'm worried that all the hostility in the comments may negatively impact Mofu, the game's developer. Putting my concerns bluntly, I'm worried that the pressure may cause the dev to stop, or delay, or otherwise negatively impact development for the game.
I've some concerns regarding the claims that the developer adds content because of requests rather than their own will. From what I understand, the developer seems to want to please their audience, and that is a good quality to have. However, I'm afraid that it's also important to exercise restraint in what requests you do add or explore the possiblity of adding. Unfortunately, it is nearly impossible to please everyone. The evidence is right here in the comments. Many argue over what content should or should not be included; from small issues like whether or not to include a mini-map, to larger issues like the inclusion of non-futa characters. There will inevitably be someone left unpleased, as much as one may want to try to avoid that. In the end, I think the most important person to please in this situation would be yourself. It may sound selfish, but I believe it's best for something as subjective as a video game. There will be no "best choice" for all in this situation, so I believe it's best to look at what the best choice is for you. It's important to be able to enjoy your own creation and be proud of it. I believe if you make something you're proud of and make sure that your hard work shows, that others will also enjoy your work.
Ultimately I'm no expert on such matters, so I urge others reading this to research and come to their own conclusions. I just wished to offer my own insight and possible advice to this situation. Overall, I just hope development will continue on this game and that it won't wind up dead in the water.