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A member registered Sep 03, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thank you! We're working on the difficulty for the post jam version.

Thank you! We're working on the difficulty for the post jam version.

Thank you! We're working on the difficulty for the post jam version.

We're working on the platforms for the post jam version.

Thank you!

You can submit any project from any time. Jam dates are just for giving a time and motivation to work on the game.

Thank you!

Thank you!

Great presentation and concept. Took me a couple tries figuring out souls were taking the shortest path to portals and it wasn't random. Letting players figure out added a lot of depth. The bonuses were interesting. But I had the same visual bug on level 5 and couldn't finish the game.

Nice twist on Pong. Liking the block variety and each round being different. It was chaotic!

Hectic and fun. The visuals and particles were nice and who doesn't like destructible objects? Really liking the map design variety and amount of different models. I was enjoying exploring the map and seeing what was there. It was a bit hard seeing if I was hitting missiles and how far they were. I'd consider some UI highlighting items that can be collected and a win screen. I almost didn't know I had to land and touch presents to collect them.

Good theme use which worked for both players. Really liking the boss character in the background. Dodging fists was hectic, though a bit easy if it spawned on the other side of the screen. Is there a way of choosing which side the fist spanws from? Letting them spawn from the top or bottom would be neat. Definitely could see this having more stages and attacks.

Simple and fun. Good gameplay loop for a mobile game. Maybe different bird types at higher difficulties, like 2 birds joined together so players are needing to move more than one bird per turn?

Thank you for playing!

Simple but addicting arcade game. It was very difficult after 30 seconds, but kept me coming back for one more round. I'd suggest an extra 2 or 3 seconds on the timer.

Fun and surprisingly relaxing game about cooking. It takes skill to flip just one of the two dice, and I felt I was always improving.

Thank you for playing!

Thank you!

Really liking the presentation and TTRPG theming. It's fun to play, and the rulebook with the team names was a nice touch. The movement feels a bit slow, though. Would love to see more enemy types and feedback for hitting enemies.

Amazing presentation and polish. A fun top down shooter with great enemy and skill design. I liked how you reused dice rolling for multiple things. I'd suggest a tooltip explaining that dashing reloads. It was a bit unintuitive.

A polished and complete feeling game. Loving the very crlsp sound effects. Gameplay is simple but engaging, and feeling satisfying.

Easy to learn and very addicting. Lot of fun dice combinations. Really liking the game explaining the results of the roll too. It was a very nice touch. It's satisfying when you get a good roll, specially with the rattlesnake and longhorn. Don't really have any suggestions, maybe more effects and juice for player actions?

Great presentation. Reminds me of Prince Of Persia. A lot of love went into this game. Liking the different challenges and details like bugs flying in backgrounds.

Cute and fun. Liking how platforms spell messages. The ending reference made me smile. Would like to see more levels post jam.

Great presentation. Liking the atmospheric lighting, audio and dialog, and bugs being allies was refreshing. A minimap would be nice. The first level is easy to get lost in.

This is a review swap where you are guaranteed to get a couple reviews. Get assigned a couple games to review and get the same amount of reviews you give.

We encourage you to checkout and review other games too, not just review swap assignments.

How to join the review swap

  1. Join the jam before the deadline.
  2. Submit your game link on Discord or in this thread before November 9.
  3. Games will be assigned out of the pool of games from group members. Each person is assigned the same amount of games. (will be 3-5 games per person, depending on amount of submissions)
  4. Play the game and post a comment on the game's page.

Thank you!

Good arcade game. Liking the background and the juice when something takes damage.

Good concept and presentation. Relaxing music. Gets very challenging. Specially the level with 4 particles.

Thank you! Yes, it was intended. We had a couple levels for that game mechanic but had to leave them out of the jam version.

Haven't seen this concept yet. The music notes and finishing a level are very satisfying. This would be a great mobile game.

Thank you! We're thinking of adding to it post jam.

Liking the concept but it's unclear what to do. Moving pieces seems to throw them around the level. Spreading glue and joining does a wiggle animation and seems to join. But not sure if it's working or if I'm doing it right.

This is very polished and relaxing! Liking the minimalism and chirps when more birds join you. The way they move and flock is very satisfying.

Good concept with potential. Making a 3D puzzles game in 48 hours is ambitious. I had trouble getting past the platform where I should stack blocks and jump up the stack. It's hard moving on top of blocks without joining to them. Is there a different way to beat the level?

Great concept. Liking the game feel and rope physics. Hitting enemies and just moving around the arena is fun and feels great. Throwing the mace is satisfying, but it's hard to aim so I didn't use it much.

Good concept and presentation. Liking the rope and jelly physics. Gelatinous cube with a gun is a fun concept. I found the controls difficult to use because moving and aiming are using the same keys. The game is pretty unforgiving because the first part of the levels are covered with spikes, giving no safe place to learn controls. After learning them, it felt great swinging over pits and dodging obstacles.

Thank you! I did the level design. Adikar did the music, and FartFish and Amorphous did the art.