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A member registered Nov 21, 2016

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Thanks for posting :)

Yeah we know, we had a few ideas to make it more challenging but couldn't finish in time. We scoped for the initial team size but we lost someone in the middle of it so it made it very tight. We are still working on it and will probably post another build once we found the right balance.
We are also open to suggestions if there's any coming our way.

Thanks for giving it a try

That's a cool idea,

as already mentionned you can easily exploit the edges to defeat the logic :)

don't know if that's just me but I seems to get a variable frame rate (the snakes visibly change speed quite randomly) or maybe that's voluntary?

Anyway simple but as addictive and enjoyable as the original

Thanks :)
I won't lie, it is a different challenge to manage that team size but if done properly, that can lead to a very good vertical slice in a very short time. I must say part of the team here is quite experienced industry devs though so that probably have to be taken into account even though that doesn't guaranty success (proof being some of our past entries XD).

Thanks for noticing, we had even more stuff in the backlog TBH XD

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No worries, didn't give it much time either and/or am bad at games :p

Good concept and realization, as said before could use a bit of explanation but not too complicated to understand.

I had a bug on the 1st level where Bob would fall through the floor.

Great job for just a 2nd game on your own. I wish I'd done as good when I first started :)

Love the idea, but the fact that the level rotates slightly more that 90 makes it very hard. I'm guessing that was not intentional?
Maybe adding HPs would make it easier (and allow some power ups to be picked up)? That might already be in the game but couldn't get to the first door after a couple tries.

Wanted to add that it's a nice touch to have made the power ups only collectable in weak mode

Super fun idea and if I'm being honest, very similar to one we discarded because we were afraid it wouldn't be so fun.

Happy to say we were wrong and it's quite enjoyable :)

If I can suggest a fix, it would be nice to clamp the mouse position to the window (so it doesn't loose focus). I've been wondering a few times why I couldn't move anymore and I think it's because I clicked out of the game window.

Very nice entry all in all, I'd be interested to see more of it!

(1 edit)

Very fun idea, well done!

I do agree it could do with a little more FXs (like you said in another comment, camera shake is a bit timid :p).
Was also a bit confused about that car seeming usable with F but that doesn't do anything.

Is there a way to win the game btw?

Maybe this guy is the end? :p

Nice one, especially because it looks like it done with a custom engine? if so, that's even more impressive.
On the game design side, unless I've missed something, it would have been nice to have a default weak attack on left click. Not sure if there was cooldowns on the skill either.

All in all, solid entry and nice great work!

Nice one, good example of simple mechanics that works.
Would love to see more pick ups in there to boost the cookie.

Was a bit confused about my cookie teleporting to the bottom when going up while not on the first row of the board (bug or random feature?). I think it might be the looping on the edge feature that bugs somehow.

Anyway, great effort there :)

I think the main problem with the UI issue is because we changed the texts for resources towards the end and I didn't check it would still fit in the TextBox ><. When I saw it, it was too risky to even dare making a new build so we rolled with it. But we have a couple things in the backlog for UI/UX. Thanks for taking the time to play and the bug report anyway :)

Thanks for the kind review :)
The UI is unfortunately what we tend to do last so sometime lacks a bit of polish. We have a whole backlog of UI fix and improvements on the pipe and we do agree that we could do something off of this first draft.

The funny thing is we actually thought for hours as well and had other ideas that were probably more designed around the theme as you said but discarded them because they would have been way more risky in 40h.

I totally understand your point and to be honest I am probably the guy within the team who agrees with you the most.

I can assure you we do accept and value criticism. After all, it's just a jam and we all do our best to have a great time ^^.

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Hey lethandralis, thanks for your comment :)
So you think we didn't explore the theme well enough because it's not original? 
We know the game is, despite still being in the theme, not a brand new fresh concept but to be fair, the design has slightly drifted from the initial pitch ( but you know... time/production constraints ^^ ).
We did have another pitch that was a bit more original, but also much more ambitious and we heart-brokenly discarded it because we didn't feel it was doable in 48hours.
I'm now curious about what you would actually change in the concept? Did you have something in mind?

Let's say the design slightly drifted from what we first pitched, mainly due to time and production constraints ^^.
You may be right in saying that the central mechanic is out of focus, and we would have certainly tweak how it works if it wasn't for the deadline getting closer and closer.  
I'm not the designer, so I won't elaborate too much but we all agree we probably spend too much time and focus on driving the team, and might have, as you said, not step back enough.
I think we are trying to acknowledge of that and, from those already there, it was already an improvement compared to last year edition. I'm sure will do better next year ^^.
Thanks for your constructive feedback though, we'll try to keep your advice in minds when we'll iterate on this entry again (probably after the shit-ton of bugs we need to fix first xD).

The things you mention as design fail are mostly by lack of time to fine tune, as you said the ideas are good they just need more tweaking (besides bugs).

There are arrows to show the five nearest planets but there's a bug in this version not showing some. 

Also, the bigger the arrow is, the bigger the planet will be.

also optimisations are on their way!

No worries, always glad to have (especially constructive) feedbacks and you clearly got a point there. :)

Thanks for your feedback :)
We didn't have time to tweak a lot of things and among them the spaceships rotation for example for which we are not completely happy with.
We'll probably upload a new fine tuned version  when rating is finished.

This arrow showing up at start is fixed in the next  build :)
Thanks for the feedback!