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A jam submission

KAIJU: Survive All MonstersView game page

Outsmart monsters, gather gas, escape the city.
Submitted by Raptorspank (@Raptorspank), k1lrk1m, TheGreatMinky, soupm — 6 hours, 37 minutes before the deadline
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KAIJU: Survive All Monsters's page


CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score

Ranked from 25 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

How does your game fit the theme?
Instead of focusing on giant monsters fighting each other like in Godzilla, our game reverses the roles and has you play as an average person simply trying to survive the day

Did your team create the vast majority of the art during the 48 hours?


We created the vast majority of the art during the game jam

Did your team create the vast majority of the music during the 48 hours?


We created the vast majority of the music during the game jam

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I really liked the idea the team had! I grew up playing Godzilla: Destroy All Monsters and had always wondered how the people in the city felt. I look forward to any updates to the game!


Thanks! I'm glad we hit that nostalgia vibe for Godzilla, that's pretty much how I've always wondered with those too.


A neat concept for sure! I hope you keep up the development on the game!


Thank! It's definitely a game I would like to explore more and talking with the rest of the team, there's a lot of things we would like to expand it to so there is a pretty solid chance we're going to take it much farther. I'm glad you liked it!


I felt so small


I hope that was a good thing haha. We were shooting for a Cloverfield feel so we wanted you to feel really small and like you couldn't threaten the monster, only do your best to not get caught in its wake. Thanks for playing!


The concept is really not bad the sound design really well done it was even a bit scary ;) For now the game really does not feel complete, however with a bit more work post jam it could become a really fun short horror game a bit like "slender man" ! I am subscribing and hoping that you will make a really good game out of this concept !


Thanks! I'm glad you really liked the idea. I'd agree that it needs a bit more work to really feel complete. Some of the feedback here and in other places have suggested adding enemies to the buildings so they aren't just perfect safe zones so I think that would probably help it feel a bit more complete, as well as with adding more objectives too. 


I love the concept!  But the controls were way too sensitive..  And the view felt kind of zoomed in...  If you get a chance, try out my game. And enjoy G Minus One!


Thanks! Definitely wish we had put more control options in. We actually discussed the FOV at one point but didn't end up getting back to it in time. I think we'll either have to add a slider for FOV or just pan it out a little more by default. I've already started working on a fix for the sensitivity too, kicking myself for not thinking of that before submissions closed.


I think per the Jam rules you can use pre-existing code, so if you have code for a good camera system/FOV before the next Jam, make sure to use it :P


Nice idea. The sound effects and music really sold the tension! But I feel like the gameplay didn't live up to that tension. I mostly didn't think about the big giant foot and I wasn't clear if I needed to be worried while in a building?

The lack of contrast on the building colors/textures made it a bit difficult to maneuver around as well. But I like the take on the theme for sure!


Thanks! I definitely agree on not delivering on the tension as much as we could of. If there is one thing I'm taking away from all this, we really should have had gas cans outside. We had it on our to-do list but never got around to it in time. But that would have helped to push people more out into the open where the foot is. For the building color, I didn't think anything of it at the time but we did go a bit too red heavy, especially with the gas cans being the same color as the building too. I really appreciate the feedback!

Submitted (2 edits) (+2)

nice game but the sensitivity is a little high but otherwise nice game. and i can't seem to find any gas cans.

also why does the monsters leg look like a chicken leg.


I'm glad you liked it! Sorry about the sensitivity, it's definitely a bit too high by default. One of the first things I'm going to add post-jam is options for lowering the sensitivity. We probably could have done a better job with the gas cans too, the red box against a background of red walls probably wasn't the best idea. I'm planning to add gas can spawns outside the buildings too so that may help a little bit as well.


Such a cool atmosphere in game and I love the stomping!

It would be nice if there were more indicators for the player to know where the gas cans are, checking out each building one by one isnt that exciting to me


wait the gas cans are in the buildings


Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed the game, we tried really hard to nail the atmosphere so I'm glad it came across. We'll have to see if there is a better way we can direct players to collectibles or make the process of finding them a little more fun. Perhaps doing an outline around the gas can might help make it a little less frustrating.

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

True! You could also maybe put debris in front of the entrance of buildings (so they block the entrance) which dont contain the gas cans, that way the player will naturally be directed to buildings that do have gas cans


damn, the approaching shadow and stomping feet really freaked me out! nicely done
but idk how I can get score, I had higher score when I died in like 5 seconds than when I succesfully escaped lol
enjoyed anyway! I love it


Sorry about that! The score was a bit of a last minute slap-dash solution by me. It's linked directly to the time it takes but for some reason instead of zero-ing out your score on a loss, I just reduced the score by a very high number. That did have the side effect of winning sometimes giving a lower score than immediately dying. I'm going to put out an update after the jam and I'll make sure to fix the score system in that one so you don't get more for losing. I'm glad you enjoyed it though!


ohh then it makes sense :) thx!


always thought of how it would be like to be a person that running away from a monster attack haha. great job! i think could work on the start where i wasnt sure what to do i keep pressing f to go in the car haha


Definitely think we could have done a better job with the tutorial there, I should have set it up so the interact text reads differently for the car when you don't have a gas can currently. I'm glad we could capture a little bit of the feeling of running away from a giant monster like that. It's a concept I've thought about for a long time too, so I'm glad we could give you an idea of what it's like.


Nice little game. There are a good Kaiju atmosphere. I like music ! I just had a little trouble with the stairs at first. Anyway, that's cool. Good job !


Thanks for playing! I'm glad the atmosphere came across well. Sorry about the staircases, definitely a bit of a rough solution. They are actually ramps with the mesh renderer turned off so perhaps the ramps are a little bit too steep. During playtesting, we were sliding all over the place and started jokingly referring to the stairs as the real boss because they were almost impossible to get up. We added invisible railings on them which made it a lot better but now we tend to get stuck a little bit with them. We'll definitely need to look at the hitbox on that to see if it's a little too thick too. Thanks for the feedback!


The game is short, but I like it:D Also I would love to see a sensitivity options, it was too high


I'm glad you liked it! I 'm definitely going to look into adding sensitivity options, it's a little bit too berserk. I'm making a list of nice quality of life changes to throw into an update for it right after the jam ends. That is going to probably be one of the first things I add in haha


I really like the atmosphere of this game. The art is simple, but it all fits together well and just, works.

Most of the action and the interesting parts of the game took place outside of buildings, but I felt like I spent most of my time playing inside the buildings, which is a bit of a shame. Maybe the gas cans should have been outside the buildings instead of on the third floor?

I would've liked to see some FOV and mouse sensitivity options, as the FOV felt really low and the sensitivity really high, but other than that it was fun.


Thanks for the feedback! I definitely wanted to get some outdoor spawns for gas cans too so that will probably be one of the first things I add after the Jam. I didn't think about adding the FOV/sensitivity to the menu, I'll have to add that in too. We probably set the default sensitivity a little too high as well. I'm glad you had fun!


The distant roar is great! and i love how beautiful the car is


Thanks! I'm glad the roar came across well, I wasn't sure how clear the audio was going to be on that one. I really loved how the car turned out in the end too. Originally we were going to try to make a custom model for it but we had to stick with a box for the time limit. Despite that, I think the texture really helped to make up for it.


i think it helped out a lot!plus, i think the fact that it's a square adds a lot of charm to it

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Very fun idea, well done!

I do agree it could do with a little more FXs (like you said in another comment, camera shake is a bit timid :p).
Was also a bit confused about that car seeming usable with F but that doesn't do anything.

Is there a way to win the game btw?

Maybe this guy is the end? :p


Sorry about the confusion on that one! We should have put a little more in the way of tutorials for the game. It is winnable but you need to find 3 gas cans and bring them to the car one at a time. If you press f on the car with a gas can in your hands, it will remove it from your inventory and decrease the number you need. Once you interact with the car at 0 gas cans, you win. We probably should have put in a message saying you need a gas can when you try to interact with the car while you are empty-handed, oops. 

Thanks for playing and glad you liked the idea too!


For a moment, I felt like I was in a Cloverfield movie. Atmosphere so good. Buildings so empty. It would be nice if there were more quest in the game.


Thanks for playing! I'm glad we were able to capture the feel of Cloverfield, that's certainly high praise. I wish we had a little more in the way of collectibles and side objectives, we had a couple of other ideas in mind but we weren't able to get them into the game in time.


Very desolate atmosphere. The monster honestly spooked me. That laser roar is SO immersive.  Enjoyed just exploring the buildings, too.

This was fun! We had a similar idea but didn't have the guts to pursue it.  The only thing I'd do differently is maybe leaning further into the idea that this guy isn't bothered by the destruction around him? Like some "I'm being inconvenienced/first world problem" voice lines, or more monotonous tasks to contrast the ravaging being done by the monster would help.

That being said, awesome work for such a short 48hr period! I'm impressed by the polish of this game!


Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed it! Honestly, we had a couple of ideas for more objectives that ended up getting scrapped because of the time frame but we never thought about adding more monotonous/just-another-day-at-work tasks to the objectives. 

I absolutely love that idea! After the jam, I think we might just look into adding a couple of tasks like that. It would definitely help sell the setting even better.


Well, I'm a sucker for kaijus so I had to play this...

The fog and blocked off exits really helps with setting a tense atmosphere! However, I definitely struggled with seeing where the kaiju was at times, I feel like a shadow could've helped?

Still, I do very much like the idea of a guy who really isn't bothered with the entire city collapsing and who just wants some gasoline and go somewhere else, haha


Thanks for playing and I'm glad you enjoyed it! Definitely feel we could have had the shadow come across a bit more. Originally we made the fog layer because we weren't sure we would have enough time to put a body on the monster but I think it was probably a little too thick for casting the shadow. I wish we had figured out the camera shake too, that would have probably helped track it a little more. 

I really appreciate the kind words c: