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A member registered Jun 19, 2016 · View creator page →

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You're welcome 😀

it's called compasspro from here :)

More improvements made

Have been busy lately, so haven't been able to work as much on it as I would have liked to.

But I have gotten a chance to get some things done today, these are not an exhaustive list but all major additions:

  • Add highscore (remove max rank) with a simple binary save file format.
  • Add laser that points where the gun is pointing.
  • Add exit button to main screen.

Thank you :)

Not sure what video you're referring to, I do know however that rotation is instant, it is something I've been meaning to fix just haven't gotten around to it. That might have been why it was looking like I shot both forward and backward. The solution I had in mind for it is to tween the rotation so it isn't so abrupt (especially when the cursor is close to the player).

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Some more improvements

  • Start scene
  • Game Over scene
  • Now the disease can and will kill you, however I still need to add a countdown to show how long you have left before you're dead.
  • Added blood particle effect when zombie dies
  • Zombies can now dash (it has a cooldown)
  • Player sprite flashes red, the speed depends on the number of stacks of the disease.

Probably forgot some things I've added.

I do know that the sound is abit odd, noticed it after uploading to youtube, it is however not a problem with the game.

thanks, have a lot of things planned, just hope I get a fraction of it finished. 

I have implemented screenshake when shooting as well as blood particles when the zombies die.

Hope to get some more time to develop the game tonight 😀. Time is a scarse commodity I'm afraid hehe

Thanks for trying the game.

Yeah the zombies speed needs fine tuning, and perhaps a dash/charge ability. That's what I had in mind anyway.

I am aware of the mouse, one solution that springs to mind us tweening the rotation so as not to be so abrupt when the mouse is close to the player. I do intend to fix it, might not happen during the jam depending on time constraints. 

I have also implemented blood particles that stick around when the zombies die. As well as some screen shake when the player is shooting.

If there is time left I want to implemented an options menu where you can enable / disable gore/screenshake since not everyone likes it hehe 😀

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All mechanics aren't implemented yet, the disease system is partly implemented. What is not implemented about the disease system yet is that when you are infected by it you will die if not cured in time(however long that is haven't been decided yet).

There are lots of plans that I still want to get done before the jam ends, should I succeed:

  • Some lightning, right now it's abit dark, but I want to add torches and stuff to light up the scene.
  • Dead zombie corpse
  • Particle effect on zombie death
  • tileset
    • torch
    • some kind of wooden gate
    • dirt road
    • other details such as: bushes
  • Some shaders to have the screen flash red when getting infected, the flashing should get faster the closer you are to dying.
  • Passive experience gain
  • Kill streak (to reward more experience for consecutive kills)
  • Screens
    • Start
    • Credits
    • Game Over
    • Win

That is not an exhaustive list though.

Should you want to try the game out, I have uploaded a debug version (windows only).

New day, new opportunities!


  • Updated level with some trees and stuff.
  • Added zombie spawn positions that will spawn zombies at random intervals.
  • Added antidote spawn positions, antidote will respawn at random intervals. (not final)
  • Added ammunition crate spawn positions, crate will respawn at random intervals. (not final)
  • Fixed a bug where zombies try to destroy crates/antidotes that has been picked up by player or destroyed by some other zombie before it can reach it.

A video showcase as usual

Like your idé, played Celeste alot. What makes it even better is that you're developing in PICO-8 which Celeste was originally created in before they made their full game :)

Another Small Update

Zombies now have a chance to destroy Objects(antidotes & ammo crates).

Screenshot with debug label above zombies to show current state :)

Hello, thanks for being interested. Will definitely keep you in mind for other game jams, but this one I'm going solo for :)

Added a few sound effects

First time trying to do some sound effects, so they wont be perfect. Added sound effects for:

  • 3 Different sound effects for zombies
  • Projectile sound effect
  • Reload sound effect
  • Quaff Antidote sound effect

More to come at a later date, a video just to showcase it:

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those images give me huge roguelike feelings 😀

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that's where you'll spend most of your time, fine tuning the algorithm 😀

Thanks, yeah I'm trying to get a few things done every day, but didn't have time one of the days to work on the project 😀

A Small Changelog

  • Added player sprite
  • Added zombie sprite
  • Added Zombie attack state
  • Instead of using military ranks I went with a simpler route, using rank numbers. Max rank is as of now 12 (which is when the player should eventually win the game)
  • How much experience is required per level is for now calculated with the formula: 1000 + (rank * 350) * 1.2; (subject to change)
  • Each zombie grants 110 experience points (subject to change)
  • Using antidote will now cure 1 stack of the disease
  • Player now gains experience when killing zombies
  • Player now gets infected when getting hit by a zombie, stacks up to 3.
  • Player walks slower when affected by the disease (how slow depends on how many stacks)
  • Player grows larger when affected by the disease (how much depends on how many stacks)
  • HUD
    • Rank (top right corner)
    • Disease debuff (top left corner)
    • Experiencebar

A small video showcasing some of the added stuff

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Day 2 Update

So far today I have accomplished a few things, nothing fancy but it's still progress.

  • Zombie (no state or movement)
  • Zombie health
  • Zombie healthbar above sprite (temporary)
  • Antidote potion with the ability to pick up & consume it. (diseases isn't implemented yet, so consuming it does nothing right now)
  • Antidote HUD sprite to show how many antidote potions you are carrying.

A little gif to showcase it:

Zombie Chase State

I have now added a chase state for the zombies, they will chase when you either attack or get to close to them. Using NavigationRegion2D along with NavigationAgent2D for pathfinding. No attack state is implemented yet however.

Also a few settings for the zombie so I can easily change Chase Speed as well as maximum distance to chase before going back to Idle State.

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Day 1 Update

Started the development of the game, had a little spare time during the day. Got basic player movement as well as rotation of a muzzle around a pivot point (will be used for gun eventually, gun is just represented as a white dot in the clip, same goes for the bullets).

Added a HUD for Ammo & Clips

Now both auto-reload and manual reloading(pressing 'r') works to refill ammunition. I can also easily tweak some parameters relating to the player and the weapon:

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Hello, my name is Alexander and I'm a 35 year old guy from Sweden, have 4 kids and a fulltime job. But I will still try to fit in some time every day to get tasks done. Hopefully by the deadline I will at least have a playable game even if all my goals aren't finished.

My intention is also to write a devlog whenever I get a chance, to keep this post updated on the progress I make on this journey.

Zombirific Introduction

You are a stranded soldier in a place infested by zombies. Fight to stay alive and avoid getting diseased and end up with a painful death.

Show your Feat of Strength by ranking up, are you skilled enough to survive until you reach the rank of Sergeant Major of the Army. Or will you die a brave death as a Private? Should you achieve the rank of Sergeant Major of the Army, all zombies left alive will explode by the sheer sight of you and you’ll have won the game!

Design Documentation

For those interested I have a Trello board with tasks as well as a Design Document. Work on the game itself haven't started yet, will be doing my first session later tonight.

Table of Content

I'd guess you can only upload one game, but even if you could make several why not spend your extra time polishing that one special game? :)

They don't have aimbot, they just shoot where you stand, if you don't move you get hit. But I agree, a chance to actually not always shoot precisely at your position would actually be a good thing. Thanks for the suggestions, hadn't even though about that :)

Gotta say, it's probably the most unique game I've played this game. The one improvement that I would have loved for this game, is panning with mousewheel instead of just the keyboard it feels more at home from other applications.

Love the concept, reminds me of the old days with Theme  Hospital taking care of patients :) Took me a while to figure out  how to chose what clothing piece to sew, but other than that it was all good.

I agree, damage definitely needs to scale up over time, starting at lower damage than it currently is on.

I agree, it may be abit to much damage to fast. Gonna have to tweak the numbers later on. Thanks mate

Yeah I need to fix the enemy generation to not ever spawn close to the player. If I continue this project later that is on my todolist.

Ok then I'm out of ideas, could be an engine bug perhaps, because I have not programmed it to change menu position if none of the bindings are pressed.

The focus is on the start menu option. I was gonna add music as well as settings for sound levels. I should have removed the settings menu before publishing, but forgot to do so. Maybe you accidentally pressed the S key?

Love the sound effects however the controls felt a little bit uncomfortable for me. Other than that I though it was nice.

My favorite part is the lightning and the interactible objects. Really good mood in this game.

Overall a good game, really liked the laser and sound effects.

Good game, liked the research tree.

Thank you

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Will fix the linux version, but it's strange that the web doesn't work for you, It does for me. I tried it now, you gotta focus the game canvas with the mouse first. When it's got focus pressing enter works.

it's ui_accept defaults, so enter in this case. Sorry about that will add it to the games page layer today.

I'm not considering bought assets, however since I intend to use this jam as a reason to familiarize myself with Monogame and I'm not to good with art. I want my focus to be in programming and not art. My intention is to use free assets from itch and similar sites if allowed

Agree I need to fix the enemy spawning so no enemies are close to the player. Thanks for the feedback

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Can I use assets made by other people (sprites and stuff), or is it only assets made by myself?

I agree, didn't have enough time to do any real polish unfortunately