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The game has good graphics and polish. But it’s incredibly difficult to play; it’s almost impossible to keep track of the 18 sliders. This is a popular mistake when you make a game and don’t notice how you become a professional at it. During development, let other people play the game and watch their reactions. Difficult game ≠ interesting game
I won't lie, the game is pretty boring and doesn't look that good. But don’t be upset, you posted your game, the quality of games will come with experience. For a game to look good, everything in it should be in the same style, try making a game out of geometric shapes. And the mechanics... try to make not several crude mechanics, but one interesting one. good luck with your next projects, keep making games
I just played your game. If I understand correctly, your game didn't receive ratings for two reasons: first, the game was uploaded incorrectly, which prevented people from playing it; second, the game needed to be downloaded, so next time, make a web build—it's not difficult.
About the game itself: it looks well-polished and has pleasant graphics. However, it feels a bit boring to play. It would be better if the magnet followed the cursor. Don't be discouraged—take these publishing mistakes into account for the next jams. Good luck!
I have completed the whole game. The game looks very cool, it is well polished. I know that you have uploaded your inru with all the first ones, it is a pity that you did not have enough time to make more levels. You are great, good luck in the future
p.s. sorry, I made the game in a team and I did not upload our game to the jam, so I can not rate your game. Here is our game https://itch.io/jam/wmj2024/rate/3212971
Cery cute🐻❄️🐻❄️. I really liked the graphics and style of the game. the camera movements give a cool effect. the gameplay is interesting, overall the game is 10/10
p.s. sorry, I made the game in a team and I did not upload our game to jam, so I can not rate your game. Here is our game https://itch.io/jam/wmj2024/rate/3212971
I really liked the game, it reminds me of one of my favorite games - shogun showdown. And the game is also very atmospheric
p.s. sorry, I made the game in a team and I did not upload our game to the jam, so I can not rate your game. Here is our game https://itch.io/jam/wmj2024/rate/3212971
this game is cool, it adds new unusual mechanics to usual platformers, good luck in the next projects
p.s. sorry, I made the game in a team and I did not upload our game to jam, so I can not rate your game. Here is our game https://itch.io/jam/wmj2024/rate/3212971
The game is really good, the main mechanic is unusual and interesting, and the game is also very polished. So juicy
p.s. sorry, I made the game in a team and I did not upload our game to the jam, so I can not rate your game. Here is our game https://itch.io/jam/wmj2024/rate/3212971
I really liked how you implemented the core mechanic, it works well and makes the game memorable p.s. sorry, I made the game in a team and I did not upload our game to the jam, so I can not rate your game. Here is our game https://itch.io/jam/wmj2024/rate/3212971
It's great to see such high-quality work within the framework of the game jam. Good luck to you in the further development of the project! p.s. sorry, I made the game in a team and I did not upload our game to the jam, so I can not rate your game. Here is our game https://itch.io/jam/wmj2024/rate/3212971
I enjoyed your game a lot! Great job for the game jam, I'm looking forward to your future projects p.s. sorry, I made the game in a team and I didn't upload our game to the jam, so I can't rate your game. Here is our game https://itch.io/jam/wmj2024/rate/3212971
The graphics look amazing! It feels like the style of the game is carefully thought out. It creates a great atmosphere!!!!! p.s. sorry, I made the game in a team and I did not upload our game to the jam, so I can not rate your game. Here is our game https://itch.io/jam/wmj2024/rate/3212971
The gameplay surprised me with its originality, it feels like you put your soul into every detail. Thank you for such an experience! p.s. sorry, I made the game in a team and I did not upload our game to the jam, so I can not rate your game. Here is our game https://itch.io/jam/wmj2024/rate/3212971
It was a lot of fun to play your game! The mechanics work great and bring a lot of fun. Great job! p.s. sorry, I made the game in a team and I didn't upload our game to the jam, so I can't rate your game. Here is our game https://itch.io/jam/wmj2024/rate/3212971
Кстати, улучшение которое лечит здоровье полностью, убивает всю сложность игры, если в нужный момент нажать кнопку магазина то считай что ты бессмертный, вместо этого можно увеличить лимит лечащих дронов или добавить метеориты из которых будут выпадать лечащие кристалы. Вообще лечащие дроны очень имбовые ибо враги летять пачками и после зачисти пачки, ты можешь тупо постоять и вылечить всë здоровье до следующей пачки, лечащие метеориты заставят игрока больше двигаться по карте вместо того чтоыб просто стоять на месте и ждать пока метеориты сами подлетят к тебе.
Руда кстати очень долго фармиться, можно добавить улучшение которое сильно увеличивает урон по метеоритам но по врагам наносит слабый урон, тогда появится смысл в замене пушек во время игры, или можно добавить метеориты которые сложно добыть но из них выпадает много руды, например метеорит который быстро движется по кривой и скорость увеличивается(то есть в какойто момет он будет быстрее игрока и игрок если не успел его слосать просто потеряет время) и за ним придестся побегать но в награду получить много руды, или метеорит из которого при разрушении вылезают несколько вргаов(тоестт рискуя получить урон инрок добывает больше руды). Это разнообразит игру и даст игроку выбор, безопастно добыть обычные метеориты и получить мало руды или рискованно добывать много руды.
P.s. : извиняй что так поздно