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A member registered Jul 06, 2023 · View creator page →

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Thanks for playing!
I doubt you're a bad gamer, what you experienced is a reccuring topic amongst the other reviews and people I've seen playtest. I got too used to the feel of physics when developing, I neglected considering how other players would take it.
Regardless, thank you very much for your feedback :)

(1 edit)

This is the most interesting take on the theme I've seen, beautiful visual style as well!

The only feedback I have is that tuning the knobs felt a bit tricky as the "pedal" would pop back down once the cursor is off it (even though I'm trying to turn it).

Overall very impressive, loved the music element :)

This is a really cool game!

Loved the mix of 2D & 3D, quirky characters, the world & textures; really cohesive style and easy to follow gameplay.

The only feedback I have is rather nitpicky:
-The smoothing on the camera sensitivity is not ideal (for me at least), it made everything look smoother, but it didn't  feel super responsive.
-I really loved the game, but I don't think it fits the theme that strongly.

All said and done, I would without a doubt play a full version of this game, so much room for potential.
(Also S+ on the Banjo style voice dialog)

Absolutely love the style and feel of the game. 
Definitely could of used a bit more polish (as do most games in 2-4 day jams), but the main thing that came to mind was just how big and empty the rooms were. It got a bit sluggish moving mutliple boxes over a big area.

But I can easily see a further refined version of this being a popular puzzle game!

Great minds think alike (or something :)  )
You're right, all the feedback is pointing towards the feel of the ball / control and physics of it. 
An indicator is a really good idea, wish I had of thought of that!!
Thanks for your feedback~


Thank you very much for your feedback!
The physics of the ball seems to be the issue in the spotlight (jumping & velocity). After seeing the reviews and watching people play it, unfortunately I agree. I did want it to be semi-real and a bit challenging, but it turned out not so fun - woopsie!
Thanks for playing it and reaching out :)

Thanks for giving it a go!
I agree, the visuals are a bit crude. I had intended to polish it a bit but ultimately ran out of time

Thank you so much for giving it a go!
I'm sorry you didn't get to experience the full game, but I truly appreciate your feedback and kind words~

Thank you so much for your feedback <3
And thanks for playing!!

Thanks Mr Mig :)

Thanks for trying it out! This was my first stab at a puzzle game - I don't think I made intuitive enough. But thank you very much for the feedback :)

Cool game, love the vibe and art-style. Would love to see more content & combat.

Dev here! You may find weird glitchy surfaces when exploring, this is due to some issues with running it in the browser.
If you would like a more expanded & clean standalone version, let me know!

This game is very hard, good luck!

Thank you so much!
Funny enough I did intend on having keybind settings (amongst 100 other ideas) but ultimately ran out of time to implement. Thanks for playing and thanks for the feedback!!

Thank you so much!! :)

This is quite impressive for a 2 day game and I loved playing as a little sneaky raptor. Very good visuals as well. The game could be a little harder and the file size is a bit hefty, but overall really nice game. Good stuff~

Funny take on the theme and I very much enjoyed steering into and swatting the pesky humans. The spawn rate of enemies could definitely be a bit faster, but fun game overall! 

I like the retro visuals, but I couldn't figure out how to beat the very first level! (clicking the button doesn't do anything)

This is really fun to play! Love how smooth everything feels and I'm impressed this was all done within the 2 day time limit. Would love to see this idea further developed~

This is a really good game and I'm surprised not more people have played and rated it yet. Smooth and well designed with good RTS-like controls, decent upgrade system and extremely satisfying to watch your swarm grow and delete the humans. Would love to see more mechanics like the car that force you to control/micro your zombies more. I would honestly pay for a fuller version of this game.

Played for 15mins and ended up gathering hundreds of zombies to try and kill a car, didn't succeed but was fun watching the entire swarm get smushed :)

Fun little puzzle platformer. I think it would be cool if the heavy weights could kill the player if they fell ontop of you, adding different ways to kill the player. But really good stuff!

This is awesome. Love the shift of controls from player to projectile steering. Really clever and well executed~ I think adding some roguelike upgrades would make this even more fun (if further developed). Nice work!

(1 edit)

This is a really clever idea and take on the theme. The snake is a bit buggy but I imagine thats due to the time constraints. Would love to see this developed further!

Impressive amount of content - had a good chortle at some of the dialogue~

Thank you :) I'm very glad you enjoyed it ~

Thank you for playing and commenting!

It's interesting to see a lot of people focusing on the archer initially. Personally I end up moving the tank the most to block arrows and attack the archer's target.

If you have time to respond, did you end up getting to the "kill the adventurers" stage?

Thank you so much for playing it!

Thank you very much for the feedback :) 
Regarding the inversions: I was afraid it wouldn't translate the theme as well as I'd hoped. Because of that (and to reinforce the theme), I made it so you have to kill the adventurers at the end of the round (with an evil wizard & abilities) AKA the roles reversing, but it seems I've made it too difficult to actually reach that phase.

But I appreciate you playing my game and commenting :)

Really fun idea. Loved the pop-out animation and sounds when you move. Having a tutorial would've been nice, but this idea has a lot of potential. Very nice~

Cool game! Love the idea of the behind-the-curtain life of the boss before the hero barges in. Combat was neat, and was fun being able to change the heros path based on the treasure placement~

Excellent little puzzle game. Love the art-style as well. Good stuff!

This is awesome. Funny and creative take on the theme, with the gameplay being fun as! Loved the sequence of weapons, forcing you to change targets strategically and the Kitchen level was pleasantly challenging~

Spooky stuff. Gave me Amnesia vibes. Love the atmosphere with the black/white and really smooth object animations. Cool ending, just wish there was more game to play :P 

Cool game! Would've loved to see more visual feedback and maybe a cost for each ship. The "intensity" for each wave on the travel bar is a really nice touch~

Very unique and creative. Love the puzzle element of lining up potential point amounts and then trying to adjust on the fly if you make a mistake. Woud love to see some audio implemented. Very nice~

Thank you!! You're right though, this current build is quite harsh, I would've made it a bit more forgiving if I had more time~