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A member registered Dec 29, 2022 · View creator page →

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Sorry about that

Thank you fellow crab game enjoyer!

Yeah sorry about that. I was going to make some tutorial messages but ran out of time. I tried to help a little with the progress bar at the bottom but clearly could have done more. Thanks for the feedback and thanks for playing. :)

Yeah, they stop once you get big enough. I was gonna have UI to show this but… ⏰

The only answer here is bad programming. I didn’t know a good way to make sure you could get slightly bigger shells as the game went on, so every time you pick one up, it recalculates all the shells to a new size that can range from -0.1 smaller, or 0.5 bigger.

Thanks for playing!

Ambitious effort! Sorry you didn’t upload the right build. Also, cat!


nice game! I got 625.

Thanks for playing! I wanted to add some more creatures and such, but ran out of time since I’m solo.

Thank you for noticing that! :)

Thanks for the feedback. :)

Art is very much not my thing. I agree, I wanted to have other crabs and some other animals but.. time makes fools of us all

The best comment

Crabbo loves you back

Awesome. Thank you for playing it. :)

Thanks for the helpful feedback :)

Good concept and use of the theme. Like the other comment said the controls can been a bit finicky, but it’s great work overall. It told me I had cleared the house when there were still a few people left btw. Might be a small bug

Cute art but I’m not too sure what I was meant to be doing.

Nice job. It was maybe tuned a hair too difficult for me. I kinda struggled to feel I was making any progress. Nice game for how little time you had.

Nice work for the weekend. I was able to do pretty well by spamming spacebar near a grinder :D

Scientist go bzzzzzzzz

Very fantastic for a weekend jam. Or for a longer jam really. It’s basically the same game I made but much better and more interesting. Congrats to the team.

As your kill more people the water on the planet will become more and more red. 😈

Thanks for playing!

Thank you! :)

Oh wow. I have no idea how multiplayer works in Godot. I’m going to have to pull your source and poke around. Very cool!

Congrats on your first jam! No small feat! Seems well made and bug free. Hope you continue the journey.

Thanks for playing it! :D

Congrats on your first submission I liked your art (nice parallax background) and music. Good luck!

Very sorry about the bug. I played it anyways, and it’s good. Congrats on your first GWJ submission. Hopefully the bug doesn’t get you down.

Congrats on your first submission! I agree with the others, a cooldown for the water would add some peril and decision making to the game. Nice work though and good luck. Hope you continue on after this jam.

Thanks! Forcy did all the music and sound and he killed it. 🎶

Thanks for playing! Yeah, I agree I should have had that especially since the quit button don’t work in the context of a web browser. 🤦🏻

Awesome game! I rated you highly. :)

It was pretty smooth sailing until level 16 then I think there was a mechanic I couldn’t figure out and got stuck. Great job for a one week game!

Nice work! The modular customization is very impressive. The store UI felt a little bit busy to me and took me a little bit, but this is a solid game. Well done.

Great characters and story. Hinting at getting stronger to fight harder enemies really entices you to play more. Well done and good luck!

Nice game! Looks like you fully embraced the 2nd wildcard. :D Congrats on finishing the jam and good luck!!

haha thank you! The piece movement ended up being so much harder than expected and I’ve seen a few edge cases still where not all pieces will clear, and I think you can rotate the piece through the bottom of the gameboard.

Thanks for the kind words!

If you guys couldn’t get a web version working, you could do other exports. I downloaded your game and did an export on my Mac and at first glance it seems to work fine unless I’m missing something.

haha! Thank you! We got the silly switch added in the last hour before the deadline because our awesome artist cranked out a clown Dr. Parasite in like 10 minutes. And our sound engineer was like “oh hey, pitch shift is a thing”

Great job finishing the game jam! I think this was a cute take on the survivor genre. Keep up the good work and welcome to the GWJ community. :)

Nice little game. Congrats on finishing the jam and welcome to Godot Wild

Something happen? I’m getting this when I try to play the game.