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Laurie Hardman

A member registered Jul 12, 2017 · View creator page →

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Thank you for the review,  I was happy to find a way to make them work together :)

if you run into problems on the second level  you can go underwater and shoot people from there to get to the third.

neat idea that was really improved by the deleting blocks, they made for fun puzzles, I think you could have got away with no move timer and it would have still been a good challenge. I liked how the grey blocks were necessary pieces and obstacles to be removed, that was clever

hahaha you even put a windmill in the background, the king of mini golf obstacles, teasing us with things we cant have 

cool idea, a unique take on the two objects and a chain idea, it was prey satisfying to slingshot the plow around the screen but I felt like I lacked a little agency in where it went . nice simple presentation easy to read visually  

genuinely fun game, I like the idea of the throwing the mace but it feels a little too punishing to be useful. visuals were basic but easy to understand 

I liked the idea but I wish there had been a bit more variety with it, like have shortcuts that the other car doesn't take so you can use them to catch up but you get no points from. 

I haven't really seen any other games like this in the jam though so props for that

I like the idea It seems cool, I liked the water putting out the fire but I couldn't make it though the dark parts sorry :( I was having frame rate issues as well and it too tough to manage

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there is supposed to be a down side (lower acceleration with more ships and slower fire speed with more guns) unless you get the right ships to balance it out, however for some reason your stats max out at the start of round 2 🤦

yha I get what you mean with the forward , Im not a good artist, kinda wish I had just bought a sprite pack but was trying to do as much as I could my self

hummm interesting , there shouldn't be a limite to how much you can add but if you get shot bits come off

a genuinly fun mini card game, the writing really work well especially for a short experience.

It felt a little light on meeting the theme and could have used a little feedback (seeing dam numbers on screen)

but over all a super great entry which put a smile on my face

fun puzzle, I like the music but agree that some way to check the image would be nice

very cool, i really liked how you ramped up slowly.  would have cool to see like more mechanic , like presser plates or something

wow! very cool experience , I love the idea behind the radio, it is a gamy concept but very intuitive. well done

cool concept and I like that you added story too it, one side fighting while the other picked up items is a mechanic that ive not seen in other games so props to that, I wish the mana recharged a little quicker.

very cool idea, really smart use of assests and some fun puzzles, wish there were a few more levels but better that then wishing there were a few less. smart use of the indicator helped the controls feel more responsive 

Really well polished game, the characters we fun and engaging and the core game play loop was fun with some clever interactions. I think it should be a little less harsh on mistakes, maybe being able to slowly pull your friend back to you could be a good addition ? 

over all a fantastic game one of the best i've seen

good fun little puzzle game, loved the double duty of the command block, that last puzzle was a real head scratcher but got there in the end. having some way to pick up certain block would be nice

Neat idea with some fun level design, especially level 5. more / unlimited lives would be nice, I died a lot 

yha annoyingly I did have some punishments which you can sort of see in the first wave but some bug I still haven't fount max's your stats at the start of the second round.

You are right we did have some similar ideas! Epically interesting we both added power up parts that did similar things!

I actually took out self damage from mine because I got too sad when I blew up part of my own ship, maybe you could have the shot not go though you but also not damage you?

a fun and well built mechanic , I like how strong enemies force you to start going the other way round. I do think the player needs some way to deal with enemies that get too close, maybe something on a cool down. The sprites were very pretty

I like that this feels like it follows the fun, you can do some fun manoeuvres with the walls that other games might try and design around but you embraced them, good job

fun puzzler, I wasn't too impressed until the y axis was introduced which was a stroke of geniuses.

shame there is no level select

fun game, good momentum and the addition of a second rope really maximises the potential.

Just wish the correct angle was a little bigger on some levels and the anchor hot boxes were a bit bigger


one thing that stood out to me was the platforming feeling very good, to sloppy jumps or anything like that so good job. 

you managed to get the platforming and the puzzling working well

fantastic presentation and a cool gameplay loop, I kind of feel like it should have leaned more towards mini golf obstacles but with how much you got done in 48 that's only a small issue

really lovely animation! I really liked the mechanic of coins increasing your range, it felt like a fun twist on the metroidvaina system, but instead of big leaps forward it was lots of little ones!

I do think you should be more carful with the boxes the magnetism didn't seem to work for me and its easy to get soft locked

very satisfying when you get up to top speed and get a kill but pretty challenging, I love the sprite work!

fun puzzles, I like that they were partially skill based adds another dimension in a jam with quite a few puzzle games already

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I loved the presentation and the core gameplay loop, some power ups would have added a lot and its a slightly weak link to the prompt but an overall great game, would love to see more stuff in this style

annoyingly there was an arrow for the boss that broke at the last second, for any one having trouble it spawns in the top left. 

Great atmosphere building and I loved the sombre story that played out, a slight shame that some of the text triggers at the wrong time but hay it is a game jam game. great use of lighting really emotive 

fantastic all round package with the final level / puzzle making the systems shine.  A great piece feels like it could be built out into a full game

I wish I could give a 6 for presentation, easily the most impressive game I've seen on that front, not just polished but with interesting character design and great music.

also great use of the 3d space, not many games go 3d but you didn't do it just for style, your levels only work in 3d.

super solid little game, took me a few try's to get into the swing of things but kind of zen when it is all flowing nicely 

yha I deffo leaned towards easy, It doesn't help that starting at wave 2 for some reason your fire speed stat gets maxed out when you should need to collect satellite ships to achieve that. thanks for the feedback

one of the most satisfying games I've played so far! great production value while still having a lot of content like a tutorial and enemy variety

Neat puzzler, I loved the presentation and challenge level.

I felt it could have been a bit more in keeping with the theme, but overall a fun game!

one of the best feeling platformers I've played this jam. I think this would make a great speed running game. A+ on the art (not sure how I feel about the animal slaughter though)