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A member registered Feb 15, 2019 · View creator page →

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I really liked this tutorial/article :)

I was planning in doing this for a project and had in mind using the Material aproach, but after reading this i have decided that i'll do it by metadata, the simpler the better!

(It was really hard to find this page omg, next time i might just directly search inside itchio's blogs. Today's search engines are BAD)

Ooooooh makes sense, i completely forgot Unity had an EdgeCollider component, that's a smart use!

Your game is brimming with charisma! Definitely one of my favourites!


Dude, GREAT mapping skills, I was quite enjoying the exploration, painting every block, it even builds suspense not being able to see the map until you cover it.

I also liked the jump, having a fixed direction jump is usually very clunky but in this game you have a lot of control as in height and inertia.

A relaxing puzzle it's cool already, but changing the objetive of each level? Very refreshing!

Very nice voice acting!

This, as an intro for a full game would be sooo cool

This art style is so cool, and i LOVE classic dungeon crawlers. 

I wish this was a full game with a story and silly dialogue 🤤

Duuuuude the leaking effect is so satisfying!

Hahaha heavily inspired in Patapon indeed

We really need more games like Patapon!

Aaaah that makes so much sense! i'm sorry you ran out of time

The idea is cool! 

Although i have found a bug that you might have already encounter but want to share just in case. When i click quickly instead of holding the ink blob in the platform place, the collision still holds in the bolb, following the mouse, this way the player can easily cheese the level just flying around (since both have collisions). I hope i was helpful^^

Simple game, no bugs, clean, expand mechanics recoloring characters, quite good overall!

How can i play it? I have never played a Pygame and i don't know where to click or if i need to install something else...

Cute game!

But i don't quite like the game design.

Ir seems like the only reason Robert is in the game is because of the limitation, but it doesn't add anything to the game (In fact i would argue it makes the player play worse).

I would have seen the point if Dumbus didn't recieve damage but can shoot and Robert couldn't attack but can get hurt so it's like splitting mechanics, but right now the squid is bad design just for the sake of the limitation :/

In my opinion at least

Still i liked the presentation and enjoiedthe game a bit :)

I see a lot of people is thinking the theme of the Jam is the Limitation, but those are different things.

So this game follows the theme about Ink (also love the title btw), but it doesn't follow the Limitation of the Jam wich is "The player must control multiple entities" (in this case the player only controls the color machine).

Anyway I love the art! I didn't expect a game for a gamejam to have a galery with descriptions and lore about its characters xD

Damn, i'm a sucker for tower defense games xD i really liked this one.

The concept of refilling your towers with ink is interesting, though i would have made the controls differently, like, why press spacebar to refill your ink from the ink generators when its way more convenient to just refill it when your are close enough to it?

In spite of its bugs, the game design is solid.

Although the game crashes at after killing the last enemy in the arena... now i don't know if there's more game after that :(

Where can i play the game? i can't find a way to download it :(

Those screenshots looks promising

Previous Comment is right,

the exported game should be a .zip folder with all the folders Unity provided next to the .exe

So inside the .zip should be the following files: (Assuming your game name is "Inkio")

  • Inkio_Data
  • MonoBleedingEdge
  • Inkio.exe
  • UnityPlayer.dll
  • UnityCrashHandler64.exe

I hope this helps you for future GameJams!

Cool game!

It wasn't hard but i enjoied it.

I'm curious, how did you implement collisions for the line?

I kinda love tower defense games, but survival tower defense? I love it and i think it has potential

(1 edit)

Yup you nailed our intention tbh xD, but we kinda run out of time and only had 10 minutes to make a lvl before uploading the game.

We even planned to make another weapon so there can be a Rock/papers/scissors kind of puzzles and combat.

the art and the story at the start is so cuuute! and the score definitely hooks you into trying again.

The limitation is very well implemented as well.

Maybe it's a little bit slow the gameplay tho, i think it could be cool if the enemies attack faster the more you play.

Mmm, creo que la velocidad en sí está bien ya que una velocidad más alta haría más difícil de controlar la pistola con precisión.

Quizás puede ser por la longitud del nivel por lo que de esa sensación. Aunque también podría haber puesto un botón para correr. 

De todas formas muchas gracias por jugar, me alegro que te haya entretenido un rato <3

Ya veo, buscaré alguna forma de solucionar el problema.

Muchas gracias por el feedback :)

Muchas gracias por el comentario, desde luego no vamos a ganar ningún premio de la jam pero me alivia saber que hay gente que lo haya podido disfrutar ^^

Muchas gracias por el comentario (y por haber jugado el juego), reconozco que el tiempo se me ha echado encima en esta Jam y al final se hizo el diseño de niveles lo último casi...

En cuanto a los gráficos yo personalmente no considero que sean muy buenos la verdad xD pero me alegra que la música te haya gustado

Estoy de acuerdo con lo que dices, la verdad es que debería haber planificado más tiempo para el diseño de niveles, aunque no acabo de entender lo de la cámara ¿Podrías detallar en por qué la cámara está mal implementada? Si no, no se como podría mejorar