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A member registered Apr 23, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thank you! It's very much still a prototype, so I'm flattered!

Gross, but cool idea! Maybe you could lose hairs while rolling around? That would make hairs even more valuable. I didn't really see a need for the crystals (unless I didn't get far enough) but I feel like they were a little unnecessary. I think sticking with your core (ball of hair that gets bigger when it collects hair) is best. Losing hair would make you more mindful of where you jump as well, so that would definitely be a challenge for level design. Nice art, too!!

I can't download the game :(

I love being able to climb onto the hairs like this, imagine it in VR :P! Maybe add it so that the lice can attack you? The movement has a lot of potential and I would love to see more.

When your computer thinks Gotta Shave 'Em All is a virus.... Anyway... My hairball minions >:) yes! It would be nice to see where you shaved before. I like the hairballs a lot, you should focus on them more than the shaving imo! Collect them, train them, sacrifice them... I dunno. 10/10 hairballs

Exactly! Sounds like a frustrating game, but one Twitch streamers would love to speedrun xD

Oooh a stealth game about hair, I never considered that! Maybe some objects can cut off the hair at a certain point so you have more freedom with level design? Picking up hair growth serum would help you grow it again. Maybe you can use the hair as a bridge too?

Oh man, this makes me wonder: Is the player a flea? If so, maybe you could add projectiles that are anti-flea shampoo you have to avoid. Interesting idea!!

I really like this strange mechanic, and the idea of a bat hairdresser :D maybe instead of cutting the hair being the goal, the goal would be to carry the heads through levels with the saws, until the very top of a level? Or keep the hair at a certain length through out the level? 

Ooo that's great feedback! Thank you!

Great point! Thank you so much :D

I didn't really know what the difference is between the scissors and sword, maybe find a way to make that more clear in the beginning? 

Hahaha I loved this! Excellent game mechanic, it has a ton of potential. You can get stuck quite easily though, I'm not sure how you would be able to fix that. That was the only frustrating part. I would love to see more levels! 

I keep dying in level 2, I guess I am a noob xD great job though, I really enjoyed this! Maybe you could constrain the rotation of the scissors, so you don't rotate from hitting the corners of the level? Keeping it could add more challenge though.

What happens when you finish all levels? 

Unfortunately I couldn't really tell how to use the blowdryer/hairdye, I feel like I'm doing something wrong. I tried every button but it didn't really work. I'd be interested to see where you go from here, though!

I genuinely laughed so hard at the start of this XD Great concept!! I also like the addition of the scrollwheel to move forward or backwards a lot. I never considered it to be a thing, even.  

The '!' graphic also makes you die unfortunately, maybe you can make it so the flappy bird can only hurt you? Though I'm sure this is just a bug!

Maybe you could also add some things to pick up, like coins you can spend in a shop (being able to buy the ability to attack for example?) 

Really fun idea! I unfortunately didn't have a player 2 :( Perhaps you could add a way to increase the size of your hair momentarily, add some randomness to the game. Maybe you could also control the hair with the mouse instead? Loved it! :D

Yay, cracked egg!!

Maybe you could add some power ups? A boost to shave faster, a HUGE razor for a limited amount of time, and maybe a way to lose?

Thank u for the feedback!! The watering can, if used while standing on top of the hairs, make the hairs 'permanently' stay. 

I like the idea of the clouds not showing certain areas of the level. The movement was a little too clunky (I think it was hexagonal tiles you moved on?) so perhaps you could have 'regular' tile movement instead. Because the character has a sword, I expected some combat. 

Maybe have a tutorial in-game on what to do? You could also have the plants/ingredients show their purpose in their sprites,  so you kiiiinda know what they will do. It was hard to distinguish the plants from another so if they have more memorable designs that will help. Now I don't remember which plant does what.

When you move in the same direction as you shoot it kinda glitches out a little bit, and the delay between shooting and the projectile being shot is a little too long. It was satisfying to play though! 

I like it! I'm assuming that with the power up the radius of walls you are able to see gets bigger? Maybe you can add a way to jump over certain walls (when you pick up a certain power up, perhaps) or just barge through them. The wall of death could go also go a little faster imo.

Maybe you can add objects to find so you can take them with to other portals? Maybe combining certain items in certain 'biomes' will cause a certain effect? Were you supposed to reach the house? If so, I couldn't really find a way to get there just yet. 

Too bad the cards don't work yet, maybe try to incorporate the theme a little more? 

Whew this is weird, but cool! i could see this being a puzzle game, or maybe some weird exploration game in which you speak to beings from different dimensions. Finding things to give to them, something like that?

Password (if it asks for it) is hku

Dear Inouschka, I will try to fix the bug you are experiencing. Unfortunately as a student I don't have much time at this current moment, but I promise it will be fixed as soon as possible. Thank you so much for your interest <3 !!

I like this A LOT! Het scherm waar je de controls uitlegt is een beetje confusing (in ieder geval voor mij) dus heb ik een beetje via trial en error gespeeld. Ik heb geen goede score behaald om te showen helaas :P

Thank you for playing! We really tried to make it feel accurate and feel right, so this is a huge compliment. Thank you again. <3

I'm... surprised! It gave me some nostalgia, something about it just made me think of older games. I liked the trippiness of it :) 

The controls are a bit slow, though when you get to the 'coin' collecting it feels immensely satisfying. GREAT animations! Very addictive game :D

I liked it! I didn't quite get it at first but then I figured out how to add to the quest board. Unfortunately they still seemed sad! I think with an update this will be even better, and I'll keep an eye out for it :) 

This is a really neat game! It took me a bit to get used to but as I did I really started planning my shots ahead. Great job :D 

Thank you! I don't think I will add a score list at the end, because the game is just supposed to 'stop' (in the download it's more prevalent, it just shuts down) but thank you for your feedback :D 

That was awesome! I got to a point in which the police were at the house, and couldn't go further: is that the end? 

I loved the sound and I love that you didn't use cheap jumpscares to set the atmosphere. It genuinely creeped me out! 

Thank you so much!

They sure were supposed to do things, but I ran out of time haha, maybe it fits in the whole.. spooky theme? I don't know. :) Thank you!!

Exactly what feeling I wanted to portray :) Thank you so much!