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A member registered Oct 24, 2022 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Pseudo 3D space shooter? Oh man, It looks amazing! I can see how it could be really fun... if you would like to revive it some day I would gladly help you with it I love an idea of a pseudo 3D space shooter. The graphics you used are gorgeous, did you do them yourselves or use assets? (I am not saying about the starcraft icons ofc :) )

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Yeah, I am using tween at the moment, but there is one twist I am just implementing to tweak the forward and backward motion illusion a little further. although I have no idea how can I get turning and sidestepping animation to work without actually baking additional animations, I'm still considering if I should upgrade the looking around. I try to get resources as low as possible, especially when web doesn't work well with many post-effects. Thanks for appreciating efforts, I am curious what did you do with pseudo 3D? I would love to see something of yours.

Thank you,  Loved your game!

My nephew (almost 6yo) says it is a little too fast at first. But the tutorial is nice, menu, music and graphics, game fits the theme and overall, very good score! Great, professional quality!

nice game,

Nice graphics, there are some problems with music, and my niece says it's too difficult and punishing :)

Listen. I solved it! I know why it could not work on linux (probably in your case too). Initially I thought that GDevelop version was too old, (as it wasn't updated), because on the web version the gamepads worked and on games online too. Long Story Short. No, Snap or Flatpak versions of GDev are sandboxed and due to the sandboxing they get limited access to peripherals, thus gamepad input cannot be accessed unless you elevate the apps access in some way(Although I did not test snap!). The solution in my case was pretty obvious. I use an Appimage, And it works like a f#(%!#@ charm. The same problem occurs with Godot engine. I also recommend using Appimage on Linux due to filesystem access. (I could not use external text editor, vim, micro etc) I am not mad at flatpak, it does what it supposed to, it makes your system safe, and apps are up to date, but Appimage is the way to go for Gdevelop and Godot especially if you are on debian family.

(2 edits)

Nice that you appreciate it, I am fascinated with human perception and illusions, I will be expanding on that in next releases and other games (along bugfixes and more features ofc) But I see your games is pretty neat and 3D, congratulations!

Thanks man, Shame I could not manage to show you what another-separation-themed things I had planned, but they will appear in next update :) let's say it has to do more with splitting into parts, than collecting them ;) What did you mean about the map? I couldn't catch that.

Thank you, I am working on it. Coming soon.

I will happily play the updated version!

I know now why I stopped to think. Have you ever heard about fear of mistake? the fact that you measure and display whenever I will do a wrong cathegorisation makes me stop and think, because I don't want to let even one go into the wrong basket because it will mean something about me. perfected brainless game should have no punishment of that sort.

I don't know myself no more. I hate platformers, though I couldn't keep myself from replaying this. this game is in its own weird way...magical.

This game is magical... I don't know why. I hate platformers, a chicken? how boring... and yet I couldn't stop myself from replaying this. I don't understand who I am right now...

This is amazing, wonderful, captivating, pulling in, beautiful, and atmospheric.
Just why couldn't you give me ability to accellerate those subtitles... waiting for them takes for ever, just one click to make the text write itself to the end or just speed up to my reading speed, it's not much is it?
Anyway wonderful gem you made.
It's a gem.

(2 edits)

Naaah, too engaging! Mindless task is when you do not stop to think. I had to stop to think couple of times...Make it beans you have to just tap to eat, and beans which are bad which you ignore! THEN I do not have really think at all, just tap, tap tap tap...
Anyway, great game! many stars! (also it could be a good feature to display a ytitle of the podcast, it is a little bit unnevrving "what am I listening to?" "who is it?" "when is it?")

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well, some of my close people say to me: "don't tell em!", But I will be straight, it is prerendered 3D graphics pretending to be 3D this is COMPLETELY 2D game. I love exploring the idea that our human perception is basically 2D, more things are to come, please follow me to not miss on them :) (I will be sharing later also how I did the code in GDevelop)

My friends, VISIT THE GAME PAGE for the link to browser version or CLICK HERE TO PLAY:

it is playable in browser! what is the issue? if tab doesnt work, you just have to click the screen, so browser won't steal the "tab" key.
or you can't find link? You just have to view the game page or here:

(1 edit)

You have to click in the window/go fullscreen, then press tab. (browser steals tab, sry game supposed to be desktop originally, my bad)

Thanks, do you mean dungeon crawling, realtime fight or collecting chunks of the female?

I hate it, every time I die I have to change position move my hand to mouse, then click, and then quickly return to the keyboard position and hope I am going to make it. It's torture, as if you were trolling people. Last platformer I checked.

Thought I owe you a closure, for all of you who went and collected all parts of Judy :)

Thought I owe you a closure, for all of you who went and collected all parts of Judy :)

Thought I owe you a closure, for all of you who went and collected all parts of Judy :)

Thought I owe you a closure, for all of you who went and collected all parts of Judy :)

Thanks for appreciating that, I was aiming to bring something little different. Sorry for  inconveniences, last day of the jam was crazy and I could not fit in the time fixing bugs or bad defaults(like the open map at the beginning), and the Tab problem basically was something I didn't take at all into consideration until I played it myself for the first time in a browser. The After-Jam Version except story and gameplay improvements will be filled with a lot of comfy fixes, "I promise I will put this game together!"

(1 edit)

Great concept. Slightly mind bending, or mind-expanding, and that's really cool. You know what would be awesome? an ability to align your copies, so you can use them as a big one-direction great-ship, imagine how many cool strategies that introduces! Or your copies could be like an automated wingmen, which have their own ai. That's inspiring. Probably in one of my planned games I am going to use that splitting/ aligning/or automated ship mechanic, it really has some creative potential. I wonder if different kind of steering could be better, absolute controls, or mouse controls...just wondering... Oh and graphics and style is very cool as well.

How many words are there? on four runs I had two times Happiness...
I don't suppose I am lucky?
or am I?
Cool Idea, bonus for that, I would like you to make some other games in the future I like your thinking.

(1 edit)

Graphics, animations, style, and polish = amazing, I love your taste in style. Playing with two puppies at once = genius. It was a little too stressful for me to escape from the floating droid, but I imagine it would be a wet dream for a mario fans or speedrunners. Tthe flatforms were just so slightly too small/narrow/slippery for my sense. I personally do not like platformers at all. I would love to play this game on a top-down/tpp type of a game :)
Great, great polish. TOP quality for a 9 day game from scratch.

I made the same mistake :) never going to make that again :) you gotta click the screen with mouse and then click tab again :):) oh those rookie mistakes... :)

Hehe, you made the same mistake as I did with the Tab key :) I feel you :) Music is amazing, the characters are sweet, funny how I also made a story about blue and pink, another thing we have in common :) you got a bonus star for that for sure :)
Oh and that intro: Mesmerizing!

(2 edits)

I extremely appreciate your very kind and very elaborate feedback, friend.
1. Yeah the starting point is a little bug which for now I am going to cover up, (probably by enforcing 1st move forward), and return to it, once the rest of bigger bugs will be addressed.
2. Your character moves on releases of a button, not on its presses. The aim of the game is to allow you for different combos DirectionKey+AttackKey (Didn't make it to implement them) Maybe back+attack wasn't the best choice for fusing Judy, I think I'm gonna rethink it or give a very clear feedback, that you use your energy and FUSE JUDY PART , that way you will know you used  your power, not punched the air. In this demo, fusing doesn't work properly(But I already fixed the issue)
3. If you are curious about the inner work once I reach version 1.0.0 (now it's 0.8.2) I will be open-sourcing everything on GitLab But I can e-mail you the 0.8.2 version if you like. I can make also a video explaining how I came up with the idea to do it in GD. You are also welcome to collaborate on expanding the QBots to make it complete and reach more people who would love it. I will be making also a fantasy total conversion. When I learned about GDevelop my pants were wet because I had this dream of Making a Dungeon Crawler and now it is possible, and what's more fun I even learned to use Godot, so I can  program it on some more serious engine than GD (I am considering rewriting QBots or the next fantasy title in Godot, But I am not sure yet, I am thinking about couch coop and other areas of expanding the game and it's lore)
I didn't know that many people will really be convinced it is 3D,  I think that proves how powerful 2D technology can be, so I plan on expanding it (the fantasy version probably will be more painting-like, Barocco/Renaisance period type of paintings)
4. The DC Jam sounds Fantastic! I am scared of the competition, but it might be extremely learning and fun experience. I am up for it :) . We can collab if our ideas will match and if you like so I'm down. (doing game alone is fine, but on this gamejam I have almost killed myself doing graphics, music, sounds, coding all by myself, that's why the game is so buggy on the deadline)

(3 edits)

Greate piece of work, the menu, colors, graphics, LOGO and animations, music, great, so I'm gonna give feedback accordingly :)
1. oh if you use mouse already, make shooting with mouse not space! :)
2. mouseright-click has issues on web (I had the same problem with using Tab) (that could use spacebar )
3. Splitting seems too risky and uncontrollable to be practical, most users probably will use it very very rarely if at all. Some automatization or control over halves would be great.
4. Mouse cursor is invisible in this mess, it would be nice to make it stand out clearly. this is quite hard to achieve in these types of games, but would skyrocket the gameplay
5. Health cannot be numbers in action game, it has to be visual  with clear color and shape so player can instinctively at once understand without thinking how much life is left, there is no time to stop an count your health points.
6. I have some weird lagging in LibreWolf Browser. Probably due to some effect being little too heavy.

Other than that its amazing game in general and three times more polished than what I managed to make :) Congratulations :)

Nice, It's pretty hard to make a tower defense game, and I like the old retro style. I don't like personally these types of games, but I can appreciate that you have done a very good job at this and put a lot of work into this. Can I ask you what type of movement you used for enemies? is it some pre-made behaviour or is it custom made? The enemies seem to move on a square path, which I could not do using the default path behaviour, So I thought I would ask.
And one more thing... I fail to see anything about separation...

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of course I have, darn I was sure it was on the submissions page, my bad, here it is. Click on the screen or go fullscreen before pressing Tab to turn off the map. I must warn you, there are few bugs yet :( , fixes will be uploaded after the jam, so sorry I tried to make it.

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I love the idea of sticks controling seperate hands, and pushing triggers be grabbing and letting go. very intuitive. This game is hard though, but it might be because my right stick has messed up axes :)

OMG How did you make Gamepad controls? (which gamepad types you coded?) my generic gamepad works! I could not set it up to work with GDevelop!