Thanks for the feedback! I'm kind of new to godot and gaming physics in general, so, it's quite possible I messed up on the code from the ricochet hahaha, I'll take a loot into that too after the game jam!
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Hey! Thanks a lot for the feedback, it was partially intended (all the ways I tried to display the current information quickly became too much information on the screen, so, I preferred to cut them out), but, I'll fiddle with the UI a little more to see if I can come with something up!
And awesome idea about the healing part! Maybe some life steal? 👀
Thanks for playing!
Super polished game! I was astonished by the visuals too! Really cool work! :)
In my first playthrough, I just rushed to click Start Game without reading the tutorials, so I was a little bit lost at first, but, after coming back to check it, it all made sense (if you're looking to extend the game in some sense, maybe the UI should be self-explanatory in a way that it feels more natural to just click play, but, even then, really cool game, congrats!).