I wasn’t aware that everyone needed to be on the itch team, I’ll make sure to add them all to it. Thanks for playing! I really appreciate you playing the game and leaving a review. Thanks! :D
Logan Baker
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I’m glad you enjoyed it! I spent so much time trying to fix the ragdolls, but unity joints are the death of me so they kind of just turn into twisted human crabs (which im not against lol). I’m happy you noticed lots of the small details, we put way more effort into the different projectiles than we probably should have!
Very nice! I love the layout of your itch page! This game has improved a lot since I played earlier in the jam, I like the visual addition of showing where you are aiming, though I feel like the time it took for the cannonballs to get to that location was a bit long so it still made it hard to aim even with the target. I'm not sure if that is part of the design though, I'm just here to say well done :)
Okay I've had my fun. Playing for like 45 mins, villagers move at the speed of light and collect all the wheat in less than a second (Upgrades started costing >100k) 10/10. Was confused at the start though. The 'Q' attack I feel is pretty useless as by the time I unlocked it I was already unstoppable.