Artstyle is very cute!
(Btw how did you make your game launch without sharedArrayBuffer (I use Firefox and my godot games launch only in new window but your one not somehow))
I understand that this is maybe a dumb question but I wonder if VN is like just text + art with minimal interactable moments or can it be story-based game where you can walk around and interact with environment, solve puzzles and quests to proceed in story?
For example, if Mad Father participated in this jam, would it be removed? Would Undertale be removed? IK these games are too big for this jam but imagine it's 30 min demos
Thank you for this even though I can't really decide in which category my entry (Spider girl in my basement? Nah, there is no one) should fall. I tried to make cozy and cute story with creepy and unsettling elements with romantic impliactions so it's "Creepy / Atmospheric / Psychological" or "Cozy / Cute / Heartfelt". If I could make my category I would put it in "Creepy / Cute" or something like that
Sorry if it sounded like reproach.
As for making stories longer, I can see it like going deeper in backstory and desires of characters for each one and trying to immerse player into ones. Your game actually does it partially but not enough for player to start feeling disgust, hatred or pity
But maybe it'd be really look like dragging them out, idk
That's really more than jam entry. Really, it looks like what would've been sold for money.
Especially, I want to praise voice actors. Idk how to describe it properly but I would listen to audiobook with them with please (and yeah, with that audio design, too)
I don't want to sound like it I don't notice work of artists, they are also great (for example I like how artist drew emotions of Old Friend), I just focused on a things that most visual novels don't do
I like the atmosphere and the overall idea of messed up family (don't like romanticized killers though but I really liked story with creepy kid, maybe that's my kind of these). I unlocked all ending and really freaked out when they looked at me.
I think it would be good if stories were a little longer but idk
That's really excellent work! I just can't believe it was made within a month. Art is cute, music deliver that melancholic mood and there is even sound design. And even without voice acting I can hear voices of characters in my head, that's how good they are written
I worked several times with team as lead and It was really tough. It's really hard to communicate with teammates and guide them resolving occuring conflicts. All of you did your best for this entry and I respect that
I'm not really turn-based games player so I can't understand what's purpose of "echacolate" move? It's like skipping your turn. And idk if I really able to defeat last boss with *insert name*, I just each time run out of supplies. Additionally, treat-or-treating segment lacks of variety I think, you are given choice like this:
But music and visuals are great!
The idea is good overall but I like more when there is focus on visuals. For example, when you write "*blushes*" line you can use sprite with blushing character and sorta. And I want to say that composer really did a good work making vibe for the story thought I think music in the end should be more menacing.
Btw there are characters without sprites and idk if it's bug or you couldn't make it in time.
Artstyle is truly beautiful (description doesn't lie) and sounds are good. As for gameplay, since it reminds me of Slay the Spire I want to compare them but on the other hand that's really different games. Nonetheless, I can say that gameplay lacks some deep: there are only 3 options and there is no variety of different tactics for the playthrough which bad for rogue-likes. (I'm not rogue-like expert so I maybe wrong)
That game would be give a lot more fun with sound. You need to add at least sound when player shoot. Also I would recommend to indicate when enemy is hurt bc, as for me, I didn't understand when I hit it and thought that there is something with collisions.
I think map's size is ok for now but as an Ultrakill player I prefer having walls :D
Yeah, power ups are cool