Hey Lucas,
Thanks a lot for your sweet comment! I wouldn’t be participating if it weren’t for the fun of experimenting :D
That's brilliant! Before working on my last release this was my same idea, I wanted to set the whole story in Rome, with its specific references, emergent local bands and collectors that are only known to native Romans, local slang and such! Still, while the idea was thrilling, I am afraid I didn't trust enough my guts, mostly because it would have made sense only to few players, while everybody else would have need a whole "dictionary" to get the references and decypher expression. It was probably way longer and more complicated than creating a whole rhymed game 🤣 Too bad I wouldn't be able to get your references, I would have loved to play this version! Great idea, love it!
Finalmente riesco a vedere questa submission, che lavorone dev'esser stato! Ottima idea, magari fosse così comodo poter implementare una roba simile ogni volta che abbiamo un gioco con personaggi a scelta ma nessuna variabile nel testo! Complimenti, e chissà che prossimamente non si riesca a fare qualcosa a quattro o più mani con diversi sviluppatori!
Per ora ho calcolato 12 ore, ma non è completo. Conto di finirlo nei prossimi giorni per tirare le somme e stimare in percentuale quanto è lungo un lavoro simile rispetto a una traduzione standard, immagino sia un ottimo spunto per un post di riflessioni :) Grazie, felice che tu l'abbia trovato anche godibile!
Wow, just got here to try and understand what language it was, then stayed when realized it was from Basque country. This looks like nothing I've ever seen before, and th eonly way I could have ever linked this to my knowledge is because I know some terms from traditional Basque dances and they looked similar to what I was reading. So cool, I wish I knew more!
Se non infiammi la sfida, godi solo a metà =P
"Morta male dalle risate" è il feedback migliore che si possa ricevere. Non so se si può fare spam qui, anche perché tanto non me ne viene niente in tasca, ma se apprezzi queste idiozie potrei suggerire Frog Detective. Potrebbe esserci il mio zampino (palmato)
Ah ah aha, grazie, felice di sapere che abbia funzionato, ammetto di aver riso quando l'ho scritta, è un po' "da me", ma ho perso non poco tempo a pensare se fosse più educato "invocare" "chiamare" "scomodare" e altre alternative, per non parlare dell'aggiunta o meno della menzione del calendario per rendere ancora più esplicita la cosa XD
Grazie mille 🥰
Tempo permettendo, con molto piacere! Sto tenendo aperte tutte le schede dei giochi che voglio provare, a breve Chrome mi abbandonerà, lo sento!
Grazie mille, c'è da dire che anche il lavoro in solitaria ha i suoi vantaggi in termini di libertà e rapidità, ma quello in squadra è senza dubbio più spassoso!
Bellissimo il logo della squadra, complimenti!
I love the autosave! I'll keep this in mind for future jams, if you don''t mind! May I suggest to add a screen to explain you have introduced the autosave feature? This way people will know they can close the game even if they don't land on this page where you explained it :)
I also tried the recorder hack and the skip dialogue options, they work like a charm, congrats! (maybe you could also add the CTRL description to the Options screen!)
Wow, now that's what I call a post mortem! Very thorough, a perfect guide for beginners, but it still sums up all the processes that even an established translator should never forget!
I know you said you had little time and maybe it wasn't worth it for such a small project, but I assure you that no project is too small to import into MemoQ! Even just - and you probably already know this - to avoid relying on external tools to check consistency or spelling. The time you spend passing the file through external tools is probably greater than what it takes to import a project. And I assure you that I am a total noob who only has the most essential knowledge of MemoQ, but if I can help you, I'll be happy to explain the import of a basic project like one for a jam :)
Congratulations on the work and for taking the time to share your process, that's truly the perfect spirit for enjoying a jam!
I love the wordplay for the title! And the graphics too, I shortly tried to copy the same font but then didn't have much time and asked my partner to do so, and he picked a different font. I played the first part, wished I could play some more but you know, Monday morning, not enough time... 🤣 Great job, guys!
Hi F3rus, confirmed, I just went back to check and it appears when hovering on that "fishy" specific part of the poster (but only once you're allowed to get closer, when examining it a second time). I'll leave a spoiler picture hosted here: https://prnt.sc/q-yocavfS4iN
Thanks for your help!
Bravi e brave! Mi sono fatta qualche bella risata! Complimenti soprattutto per scelte di nomi e di insulti! Finalmente un nome inusuale, Pertugia Lucchetti fa davvero la sua egregia figura! (non che Giusepporta o Drogaldo siano da meno!) Apprezzabilissime anche le frasi da acchiappo di Xandar e il Cassero!
Scusate, scrivo in italiano perché è tardi, sono stanca, e non credo che riuscirei a esprimere in inglese quello che voglio esprimere.
Mi avete fatto spaccare. Ho davvero riso più del dovuto. Ho deciso di dare la precedenza a questa localizzazione perché il nome prometteva grandi sorprese, e devo dire che avete mantenuto alto il nome del team. Il doppiaggio rende giustizia a tutte le sfumature, un plauso a Xandar e al tizio spiaccicato, che mi ha quasi fatto sputare un polmone. Non so bene se il suo gergo è tuttora attuale, se è figlio del suo tempo, o se è così vecchio che ha fatto il giro ed è tornato in voga. Ma mi ha ribaltato. "Cristoforetti" è stato l'apice. Non so quanto sia politicamente/socialmente corretto, ma una roba simile poteva calzare a pennello solo in quest'epoca. Davvero complimenti. E a giudicare dalla descrizione sembra anche che siate un bel gruppetto affiatato e immagino che abbiate passato un fine settimana fantastico. Che meraviglia <3 Bello bello bello :D
Oh nooooes! I would have loved to check your take on the prince's flirty lines and Mandrache's ways to describe Portia's death! Congrats, I loved it, sounded incredibly fluent, and Dedalonia is such a good choice! Incredibly, Portia and Armandio's names seem to be quite popular, but I'll have to share my appreciation as I shared it the first time I read those names! Have to say that I read "Sono proprio una cima" with the same metrics as the original line, good catch! Also, I might have to reconsider my "Of course I am not you idiot", when Mandrache lands on the planet. I guess that without a comma we interpreted it in two completely different ways, and I am starting to think yours is the correct one! Well, I'd love to read the rest of the translation, if you'll ever have time/will to get back to it. Very cool, and not as "sboccato" ad I dreaded ;)
Ciao Bene e Vale! Good job :D I have to admit I almost choked when I read "A burini"! The Roman lines were also "orthographically" accurate, which isn't always the case! I loved Armandio's name, as well as Portia Pomello, of course :) Worth to mention "Colata di vomito", it's so fitting, I just couldn't think anything catchy and direct! Congrats!
Ciao Bene e Vale! Good job :D I have to admit I almost choked when I read "A burini"! The Roman lines were also "orthographically" accurate, which isn't always the case! I loved Armandio's name, as well as Portia Pomello, of course :) Worth to mention "Colata di vomito", it's so fitting, I just couldn't think anything catchy and direct! Congrats!
Hey, Laura! Thanks for your comment - and the introduction, I would have never remembered, sorry, my memory is rotting! Of course I now remember :D Well, sounds like a plan, but there are surely better games to test your new language skills =P Thanks a lot, I haven't had the chance to check anything yet but I should have some time today, I'll slowly catch up and have a look around! I hope you had fun, take care and until the next time!
As previously said, it was my pleasure. I did it because I believe in your quality and potential, and I'd love to see you working in the industry :) Not to mention that if I managed to proofread ~12.000 words in two hours, it was thanks to an already spotless translation! See you in the next Jam, hopefully!