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A member registered Mar 21, 2020

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This is definitely one of the best games I've played during this jam! I very much enjoyed it and I hope you make a full release of this game! I'm not sure if I missed it, but an undo action button would work well (I accidentally deleted my structure near the end :') ).  I also love that you need to keep in mind the physics of the ball and can't just make straight paths. Would be interesting to see some types of obstacles in the game in the future. Great job!! 

Oh This game is amazing, I love the main mechanic the growing and the speed haha, it took a moment to get used to but its great! 

Super cool concept! I still think that the game fits the theme, I hope you guys do more with the game haha. The controls were just a bit confusing, maybe explain that in the page content or in the game. I had a bit of fun playing this game haha. Hope you have time to play our game as well! 

Fun little game, "Fitting the scale", haha. I enjoyed it! Maybe try to make the weights of the scale move in realtime as you drop a weight inside of it. maybe also add more moving elements in the game to make it look less static. Anyways it was great fun! If you have time I would love it if you could try my game as well! 

Fun little game! Although it was really short. I would add a restart button (if you get stuck), and some explanation on how to "kill" the enemies by jumping on them. I did however, figured it out quickly haha. Hope you add some more levels and interesting things to the game! If you have time, please also check out our game!

I really enjoyed this game! Very relaxing, I think making the characters/objects of the game have some sort of animations or movement would really go a long way in making the game feel less static. Would love to see what you do with it! Hope you continue development on it! Also feel free to check out our game! haha

Loving the game! It really fits the theme! 

Cool game, cool concept! Amazing art and nice music! Would've loved to gave more explanations within the game and maybe some examples at the start to illustrate the point of the game. 

Great game, style is simple and nice, the game/controls is/are challenging. I enjoyed it, but I think the learning curve could be a bit less steep. Would love to see a full version of the game! 

Fun concept! Would love to see a polished version of this game!

The game should have a better difficulty curve, it was a bit hard learning how to control the character. Also I would say to make the character less floaty, the gameplay would feel a bit better then. But great job! Hope to see a more polished version of this game soon!

Liked the concept of the game, climbing the tower. However, the path could be a bit clearer when you're towards the top.  Adding some interesting types of obstacles would also make the game more interesting. Would be cool to see the game being developed some more!

Pretty cool game! I like the concept and would love to see the game fleshed out. Unfortunately, there is a bug with the weights (6g wasn't heavier than the 4g). Hope you continue development and add more interesting elements to the game! 

The mechanics of this game are great! Very enjoyable gameplay, the sounds fit the game nicely, and the game fits the theme perfectly! 5/5 rating for me.