I love crows so damn much. It's always nice to see a 3D Project in a Game Jam. I had a small issue with the bow, it sometime would hit the skeleton and not deal damage. It would've been nice to see the coins and potions end up doing something, but I assume there are plans for Round 3. It's overall a great start the I really look forward too!
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I love crows so much. The game could definitely use more enemy variation and later in the game I'd just get hit by an enemy before I could see there was an enemy on screen, but it was a minor issue. The ability to increase crit chance and crit damage is something you don't see that often in Jams, but incredibly welcome. Although, no amount of gameplay can extinguish my joy upon seeing crows.
Awesome game. Superb story. And LOTS of math. Every time a new mechanic was introduced, it was given ample time for the player to learn what they do. Some levels felt much easier than others, but overall the game stayed at a nice difficulty curve that never swayed to far in either direction. Excellent work!
A wild improvement from Round 1! The first game was already a super cool concept with a great execution, but now you've really made an awesome game. The music adds a nice touch, although the SFX gets a little annoying in the later levels. The turret variations are all really fun and force you to approach each obstacle slightly different. Fantastic work!
I wish the knife was more usable as a melee weapon, but it's range is genuinely so bad you are damn near forced to throw it constantly, and given how there are zero repercussions for spamming the throw button, it leads to the melee combat feeling underwhelming. Which is a shame, as I LOVE melee combat. It was fun game nonetheless. It's fairly rare to see a 3D Game, so great work!
I almost got ending B on my first try, but instead I got hit once. Loved the gameplay! It was all so lovingly crafted to be as fine tuned as it could be. The movement felt so natural, the combat was fluid and fun, and the upgrades added so much enjoyment. The visuals and audio are also on point. The story was great!
huh, I swear i tried to kill them, but oh well. My main issue with boss fight was, like you mentioned, not knowing what attack they would do. Everytime I got past one attack, I'd die to the next. Other than that, I think it was a pretty greatly designed fight! I think I was just in a bad mood when I played your game. Also, by Icon I meant cover art lol. I just couldn't think of the right name. Fantastic work!
A REALLY polished and well thought out platformer. My only real complaint is the Boss Fight, but that might be more of a me problem, as I can't put into words why I didn't care for it. I also wish you could kill more of the enemies. The birds being the only killable enemy made some levels feel less interesting than the could've been. Regardless, the art is so fun to look at, and the audio is really nice! The only feedback I can give is to have a better icon for the game itself lol.
A really simple and fun platformer! The story was filled to the brim with character, and the art was really nice. The combat didn't really seem necessary, and I had an issue with the gun not reloading if you turned around before the animation was done. Not a huge issue, but it causes me some confusion. The end scene reminded of Cuphead, so that was fun! Great work.
Without question, the best platformer I've played so far! Loved the characters, they were just fun to listen to. My main issue was that there are a TON of areas where you just have to restart because you didn't do down a ramp fast enough. There were also a good amount of times I died because the speed you need to clear some areas removes all the reaction time I have. Beyond that, this is an amazing game. Fantastic work!
The platforming controls themselves have a had a major improvement from Round 1! That being said, I deeply miss the old system of collecting animals an items. They allowed for so much creativity and cool problem solving options! The new system of shooting things to make them bigger is just, in my humble opinion, a much less interesting concept. Regardless, still a good platformer!
As others have said, this game seems way to hard. Not that making a difficult game is bad, but when most of my deaths were caused by the cat just killing itself constantly, it begins to build frustration. The puzzles were fun! It's just that every section the lacked a wall just sucked to play. Even with my complaints, I would love to see a more polished version of this game! It has a great concept, lovely art, and wonderful audio. The only thing holding this game back for me is the seemingly unfair difficulty.
This is, so far, my second favorite game in the entirety of Round 2! I love golfing games, and creepy imagery, so this game couldn't be more perfect! The controls were a little hard to use at first, but after I got the hand of it, I did another 5ish runs. My best run was 8 total shots! It's hard to say anything other than, THIS IS AN AWSOME GAME.
* Spoiler Warning for Below*
I found the secret path and all the hidden messages, but I couldn't figure out how to escape. I don't know it it was a bug or just a user error. Regardless, fantastic game!
I really like the visual aspect of this game! The cutscene at the start, the animations of the gameplay, and just every bit of art looks great! The music was really loud on launch, but It was easily fixable in the settings. The game loop is super fun! I'd love to see different difficulty options, along side a ramping difficulty curve as the game goes on. Great work!
New favorite Game Jam game just dropped. This is genuinely in the top 5 of ALL Game Jam games I've ever played. The story was super fun! I wish more viruses were just cats lol. All the gameplay was really captivating, managing to ensure I never looked away from my screen for a second! I would love to see an expanded version of this game, similar to "There Is No Game." I would buy it in an instant!
Ah, I remember playing this in the first round. What a fantastic improvement! I absolutely adore the extended game loop of managing your moveable platform, whilst trying to outrun the rising lava. The enemies didn't add all that much, but the boss fight at the end was fairly fun! I understand why you made a big text wall, considering I did almost the same thing, but it's still makes the story feel rushed. You did fantastic!
You can tell I spent WAY too much time doing things, other than implementing story. I had 3 hours left to make what I did and most of that was spent trying to make the game build work. Not an excuse, but a good reason as to why. As for the difficulty, I'll try to add a hard mode and more attack variety next round, if I can that is. I appreciate you giving me the time to play!
Still haven't beaten Undertale, yet I love the 1/2 hour I did play. As for the unfair fights, I'll make some more player agency, so you have options other than out damage the enemies. Also, I don't even know how the sprite sheet loaded like that. It has never done that In my testing. Regardless, thanks for playing!