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A member registered Aug 22, 2021 · View creator page →

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Friend Request accepted!

Sure, I'd be happy to!  Sorry if this is coming in late, I stopped checking this site for a bit.

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Hello!  I am an aspiring game developer and a passionate pixel artist.  If any one wants to reach out and make a scary game with me, then I'd be happy to work with you!  I also consider myself a jack of all trades, so I can help with other aspects as needed.  With this taking place in October I know I'll be busy with college, so I may not always be available, but I'll try my best to help when I can.

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While I've downloaded Godot and have planned to use it, I've never actually did.   I want to know if anyone has good advice on how to quickly learn the ins and outs of this game engine, just enough to make a semi-functional game.  I'm also curious if there are any recommended plugins and addons for the engine.  Also, good luck with your own project!

Alright, sounds easy enough.  Thank you for your help!

Hello!  Me and my team are new at submitting game jams as a group and we are not sure how to start a group.  Is there something specific you have to do to register as a group, do all of us have to be registered for the jam, or do we have to create something for it?  Thank you for your help!


My discord name is LPCurse

Alright, sounds good!


I have gone solo every time, so this is a first.

I do have a discord account.

Alright, you can go ahead.

Hello!  While I am pretty new at it, I can make music.   I use Beepbox, so I hope you don't mind an 8-bit retro soundtrack for your game.

Just do the best you can with the amount of time you have.   If you have very limited experience with the game engine you're using, then now would be a good time to get practicing and refining your skills.  I recommend watching a couple of tutorials and looking up anything you don't know how to do, try and mix and match tutorials to achieve the effects you want, along with experimenting with other aspects of the engine.  You could also set up a team with developers and designers who have the skills you don't currently have and who would like to help you make your game.  But the most important thing is to have fun while making your game.

This game was really cool.  I'm a big fan of top down shooters, so this was pretty fun.  Using the guns as health is also very clever and a really fun mechanic.  The music was pretty alright at first, but once I got to the third level, it was exceptionally well done.  The character design is really good, simple yet creative.  I also really like the weapon slots.  There were a couple of problems I had.  First, I don't enjoy the recoil on the guns, it's a little bit extreme. Firing one gun felt a lot better, but the more guns I had the worse it felt.  Which is a shame, because it is the main draw to your game.  I also think that the area that the player can see should be increased, it felt really restricting to see so close to the player.  Overall the game is great and I had a lot of fun.

Really good job.  This game has a lot of character.  I love your story about how you accepted the game for what it was instead of over scoping.  The humor made me chuckle and the execution was really good.  The main game mechanic wasn't the most interesting, but the buildup to it was the highlight.  If you were to expand on this game, I would recommend doubling down on the story and the "game-in-progress" aspects you have added for your game, it makes for a very interesting experience.

Thank you for your feedback!  I was thinking about allowing the player the ability to jump on enemies, but I wasn't too sure how to go about it.  The brown bouncers actually do serve a purpose, as they are the ones that summon the other enemies.  It appears I didn't communicate that too well, however.

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I only had a Nintendo Switch controller with me, and that didn't appear to work, so I didn't get too far.  The art was really good and the level design was really well put together.   I wasn't too big of a fan of the music, didn't fit too well.  I see a lot of potential with this game, though.

I really loved this!  The presentation was really good, the audio was punchy, and the graphics were simple and clean.  The ship moved around a bit too slow though, I don't know if that is intentional.  The bullet switching messed with my brain too much, so I couldn't get far, but overall I had a blast.

Loved the music, I think you should make more music for the different levels.  It felt a lot like Just Shapes and Beats.  The ice spikes were really tough to avoid, maybe a bit too tough, it felt like I needed to get into the perfect spot in order to dodge everything thrown at me.  The background was also a bit distracting.  The game is very impressive, though.  I think you did really well.

Really cool game!  The movement feels a little finicky, but because of it, it made it even more enjoyable.  The audio is strange, as there is a sound constantly playing.  Overall the game was fun and has an interesting concept.

This is my game, I hope you enjoy!

Thank you for your feedback!  That would be a very interesting implementation of the jump feature.  The brown bouncing blocks aren't actually suppose to hit the player, as they are the ones spawning the enemies.

Really cool game!  The visuals were really good and the audio provided a lot of feedback.  The aiming system was very difficult.  I think increasing the size of player projectiles would be better.

Thank you for your feedback!  Sorry that you didn't enjoy the audio.  I'm not the greatest with audio design and I hardly know music theory, but I managed the best I could.  If you could be a bit more specific with what aspects of the audio you didn't enjoy, that would be much appreciated!

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Thank you!

Thank you for your feedback.  I do agree that some more visual flair would've added a lot to the game, but I'm still not quite sure how the particle system works.  I should have done a better job at communicating the screen bouncers.


I really liked the visuals of the game, the sprite work is really nice!  I don't know if the music fits the mood too well.  Gameplay is fun and the enemies are very diverse, yet work together in an interesting way.  The jump feels a little too quick and heavy, but the level design keeps it from becoming too much of a problem.  I think you should add a power up or mechanic that speeds the player up a bit if they start falling behind.

Thank you for the feedback.  I did struggle with making the jumps a good distance, I'm still figuring out the engine I am using, and I messed up the sizing at some point.  The brown enemy isn't suppose to collide with the player as it is the one that is spawning the other enemies.  I figured that having to dodge an enemy on top of them spawning more would be too chaotic.

Really good, one of the best games I have played so far.  The art is simple yet really effective.  I like how you taught me how to use the bazooka without really telling me.  The controls could use some work though.  It is really difficult to aim behind you, especially since everything is coming toward you.  It felt kind of like old Resident Evil, but I assume that wasn't the feel you were going for.  Really nice game, though.  It was fun and I had a good time.

Honestly quite a pleasant surprise.  The music, while doesn't have the best start, really builds up the more you play and is really good.  The enemies were basic, but served their purpose well.  The only problem is that the player is never encouraged to kill the enemies.  You could fix this issue by rewarding the player when they kill an enemy.  The last few seconds were really intense and epic.  I would tone down the strength of the big guys, or keep them spawning until later.  A really fun game with a lot of potential

I really liked playing this game.  The game looks really good and the strangeness of the audio and creature design really adds to the experience.  The music was good and the level is really detailed.  I would give a bit more structure to the tree and bush placement, though.  The problem is that while they add a nice visual flair, the player can still collide with them.  Placing them randomly throughout the map can make navigation and combat feel unfair.  You don't have to remove them, but place them in a way that provides an interesting and fair challenge for the player.  This is a really good game, though.

The art and audio were pretty great in this game.   The game works well in terms of structure and premise, however falls a little short in some areas.  I only had one person to play with, (me) so the game wasn't too fun, but I can see the potential.  The  jumping and walking felt way too fast.  The projectiles also spawned only in a few areas, creating a lot of safe space.  The delete key is also a very strange button for shoot.  Overall it was a good experience, but needs a bit of tweaking.  

The audio and visuals were probably the best part of the game.  The gameplay was really fun, if a bit repetitive.  It was also sort of buggy in places, like some sprites would stretch to weird proportions.  The enemy attacks also sometimes  didn't land, I think removing collisions when the projectiles hit each other would do well to fix this.  The music was also pretty good.  Overall a really great experience.  If you wanted to expand this, I would recommend adding more enemy variety.

This game was really good.  I really liked the flow of the game and the upgrade system.  I it's like choosing your own difficulty, but the game still gets more difficult.  The art was simple and effective, but I am confused about who the main character is.  I think sound effects could have been a bit louder and more energetic, and music would really improve the game.

I feel like the structure is there, there just isn't too much in there yet.  However, it is really good for only being made in 5 hours.  The art style is very consistent and appeasing, although the lava could maybe use a bit more work.  The cloning mechanic was very easy to overuse and exploit, however it has potential.  I think providing a lower limit of clones would be a good idea, and maybe give them a "calculation" timer where they stand still for a while before they start copying you.  It is a good start and a strong base for something bigger.

I feel like the structure is there, there just isn't too much in there yet.  However, it is really good for only being made in 5 hours.  The art style is very consistent and appeasing, although the lava could maybe use a bit more work.  The cloning mechanic was very easy to overuse and exploit, however it has potential.  I think providing a lower limit of clones would be a good idea, and maybe give them a "calculation" timer where they stand still for a while before they start copying you.  It is a good start and a strong base for something bigger.

There!  I hope you enjoy it and I will take a look at your game.