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A member registered Sep 01, 2022 · View creator page →

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Maravillosommmm <3

Yo here from the discord server, leaving comments here so you got all in one place:

As other mentioned yeah, could use some more clarity on the tooltips for controls but also I think it was fun to do some player discovery myself. 

Aside from that, and this is a note for improvements giving the time contrains of a jam, I would love some planning on tilesets to be able to identify faster my size to where I can sneak through ratio. Just some corner work with some coding (communicational, not programmatical) that allows me to see faster which direction I should be using my sizes to solve the level.

On the positive side the passing through mid jump/falling to scale to destiny was VERY well managed, gave me a sense of challenge and satisfaction worth of keeping playing a few levels more! Me thinks it's here where you got the meat of your design, where is more focused on player agency rather than designer assumption.


So fun to play, but I fail to grasp the theme in it. The quality is crazy! Y'all should be very very proud as a team.

LOL didn't notice the error on the control tips! thanks, it was the last asset made xD

Uff what an adventure it is to make games that require balances in this meassure for game jams, but honestly amazing approach. What I can say is really good direction is the fact that the core goal makes you FEEL the power. But then power becomes a bit gassy when it's the only req to overpower the system.
Of course with more time this can go into very interesting places!

You got a point there, we will look into a more clasical billiard trayectory view, we also don't want to make it very obvious, pero something could bring it together. Thanks for the feedback! <3

I dig the concept of music scales as the centerpiece , like other comments and undo for 1 movement would be nice as the perspective lock sometimes can be tricky and get 1 piece stuck from a miss on a key. The C Major level took me a bit by surprise that scale-ated quickly :P

Art is 10, 10, 10 across the board!

Fun! excelent concept. A little skewed from the theme aside from the little guys big suit. Otherwise excelent fun

Loved how art is resolved simple but effectively, level select menus and tooltips could be a tad more clear! Otherwise super fun to play!

Ta dificil pero ta muy bueno, musica 10/10, assets y effectos re divinurah

loooooved it, no notes! I hope you'll expand on this idea <3

I am at awe, the writing is expectacular. Thank you very much for this feeling journey <3

Nice, calm and not punishing. I was expecting a more in my face grow/shrink game and it was a bit slow to click on that end. But a really nice cool game. The jumping mecanic is so clean it makes me wanna do just that :p

I feel the rush adicted to NOT DIE IN LAVA. Nice concept, and the expected feeling of the player to rush and use the elements is NICE.

Tried other similar entries but this one doesn't make you rotate pieces and that's kinda nice, the puzzles are a bit more deliverate and let's you think one sec more by not adding too much decisions <3

oh wowow sounds nasty, we didn't see those in our testing, will look into to polish after jam <3 tankiouuuu

Want brains please finish <3

Yooo thank you <3 , if there is any way you can show us where you got stuck?
I know there are some parts that are TIGHT! we will be improving on that for full release <3


Awesome short experience!! Very rewarding!

Queridxs! Que hermoso el arte, no tengo muchas notas en ese sentido.

En cuanto a la jugabilidad tengo un par:

El agenciamiento constante de unidades entrando y saliendo de combate lo alejan bastante de la idea de armar una estrategia y verla desarrollarse. Aca me parece que un lindo elemento del autochess es que hay elementos que nos avisan a que nos vamos a enfrentar y con que tenemos que contrarrestar. Esos elementos en esta demo lo vuelven un poco frustrante y friccionante. Como jugadore preferiría poder tener mas certezas sobre mis opciones.

No entiendo por que poner a mis personajes mirando (wasd mechanic) para lugares donde no pueden atacar a un enemigo de frente me sube el ataque, pero si elijo atacar frontalmente baja mi stat de ataque, parece mas un bug que una decisión.

El concepto de la energia esta interesante pero me pregunto si no hay formas mas efectivas de utilizarla con las unidades ya en el board en vez de tener que manualmente hacerlas entrar y salir. En el mismo tutorial tratar de vencer a la wave del ante-ultimo paso no parece ser viable o evidente en que estrategia deberia utilizar.

Un detalle menor pero en la pantalla del mapa en el tutorial no se termina de entender que tengo que clickear. Creo que se podria hacer mas claro para el usuario.

Overall veo que hay muy lindas ideas pero todas juntas me parece que estan haciendo mas ruido que sinergizando.

Si les da ganas de charlar sobre el proyecto saben que pueden contar con esta marikona para pingpongear ideas!


Arrived too late for the community copies!

So far all I've seen on the socials looks awesome on the storytelling tool side, will be looking into the Creator Kit to dig a bit and come back to comment some more.


Que hermosa experiencia, destaco muchisimo el timing reflectivo y por momentos casi nebuloso. Aguante ser una nubesita, queria apagar todo el fuego.
