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A member registered Apr 03, 2024 · View creator page →

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sure, a full gender bending is def possible.  i may go back and add them to older enemy's or add them to newer enemy's.

I guess that could apply to mini bosses or main bosses , where the player is sorta toyed with for a while.

sort of? having a transformation that effects the players sprite creates a bunch of extra work for me animation wise, but curses can be acquired to game new ability's.

ill get to it eventually. i might incorporate it into the next enemy come to think about it.

currently they can only eat you, but ill add a alternate path where they can transform you later in development.

ill add it to the list of things that might get implemented.  I'm always trying to improved combat since I'm still in the early stages. ill play around with it sometime in the future. 

its probably not going to happen? maybe some time in the future if there's a scenario where the player losing makes sense as them being the pred? maybe a hormone that causes the player to be a pred out of there control. idk if you got a good idea for a scenario please share it.

could be? if i have a cyber themed area sometime in the future.

possession for sure. there a lot of leway with that so kitsune possession could be cute. slime possession too.

depend on what contributions are made. when it comes to anything visual like sprites ect if it matches my style then maybe. sound track are totally acceptable if you find a good track that isn't copyrighted. as for code contributions, those are also open so long as its a improvement to the current code or makes something more efficient? it depends on the contribution. just contact me about it and depending on what it is ill give the go ahead. my code is open source and free to modify so go crazy.

awwww you guys ^_^. it makes me very happy to see so many people enjoying my game. this little project of mine has been my passion so i want make sure i engage with my community as much as I can.  you guys help inspire me and push me to improve this game into something amazing some day. one small thing   is that i have had soo much time to work on this project cause i am on summer break which ends in a few weeks. so soon i wont be able to work on this project as much once i go back to college, but i will likely keep working on this project when i have free time as best i can. this project is my magnum opus and as long as i have some free time i will continue to evolve this project with new features and content.

100% also there will be more npcs that are cursed humans who retain there sense of self too.  ill probably leave logs about other humans experiences in dangerous places as well.

I plan to work the explanation into the story sometime in the future but ill answer it a little now for clarity since you asked. ^_^ the curse is meant to work as a sort of virus that infects the hosts blood transforming them. for most who are infected, they lose there sense of self for the most part and lose there memory. however that isn't always the outcome of being curse. some who get infected are able to retain there sense of self through the transformation but nobody knows why some retain there identity. 

also my boyfriend

D/D/D Duo-Dawn King Kali Yuga'ed 

me :-:

some time in the future i might implement mobile support. however i would likely need to change a few thing to get the tile set to load and to correctly handle the inputs for mobile users. it will likely be a while before i attempt to get it working for mobile.

tag added ^_^

ya, ill def add it to the list of ideas i might try sometime down the line.

I kind of like that idea, however it would be a lot of work to implement, its tricky because i would have to make new sprites for every enemy with the players new cursed sprite potentially.  still though i will consider it if i can find a efficient way to do it. perhaps i might implement a item that allows you to control cursed enemy's. when i get to the story section of Phantoms Curse, i will probably have player taking control of some of the cursed npcs during some story sections potentially.

oh I see. the tileset isn't loading for you? ok I'm going to need some details about the machine your running it on as well as the browser your using. also are you able to still move around and interact with entity's like the sign, or does the game just freeze?  if it does freeze I'm going to need you send me screen shots of your browsers console. you can access it by going to the games page, having the game load, then hit f12 and go to the console tab.

what? what do you mean by sword demon? what exactly happened?

not likely? at least for now. could be a fun alt game mode.

unfortunately mobile controls are a long ways off. ill definitely consider them in the future. thanks for posting ^_^

are the save files greyed out?  if you have saved in one of the files, you have to erase it first in the load menu using the trashcan icon. the save file will be greyed out if you are trying to make a new save on a save file that already exists.  if your getting a error when trying to make a new game and you haven't made a save file before then I might need you to send me a screenshot of the console. simply press 12 and click the console tab and send me a screenshot of what it spits out. 

that's not good. is it possible for you to send me more details. could you hit f12 while you are trying to launch the game,  could you send me a screen shot of what it spits out?

what are you playing the game on?  I could allow for the altering of game controls in the future. ill add it to the list.

potentially. hehe ill add it to the list. could be a option in the settings. course i got to modify all the animations where the player is eaten, but it shouldn't be too much work. after the first vertical slice is done.

unfortunately this issue may be one on my end. it could be a issue with webgl not wanting to load the tileset image as it is rather large. if everything else is working correctly. likely i will probably need to start cutting up my tilesets which is gona be a potential pain. for most it just loads but ill have to do some more digging as to why you are running into that issue while others arnt.

also i fixed the discord link. shouldn't expire and thank you for bringing that to my attention.

(1 edit)

that's troubling. likely a graphics issue. most cases can see the tile set, but the game is playable, but all the levels are blacked out? 

implied fatal, most of the time? currently yes.

sure. i don't see why not. size diff is a definite yes.

actually. excellent work Sesquipedalian thanks to you i was made aware of two bugs. ill update the version with the fix right now. fixed a bug where the sound would cause the game to freeze because the destroyed slime could not reference its own slime audio function since the slime was destroyed. also fixed a bug where the player could hold shift while grabbed to clip out of bounds. ^_^

1. how is the slime being prevented from being killed?  does it not die after hitting it? can you elaborate on why its not dying?

2. yes to Monster fucking. its a work in progress. each sprite can take some time to create. the tiger as an example is going to have alt animations for that. probably Girls with big dicks as well, but probably not  cock vore.

ok. I'm also running it on chrome. shot in the dark but have you tried clearing your cookies?  other people seem to be running the game just fine so I'm very curious as to what might be causing this.  either way, have a good night. ^_^

there's quite a few. I should probably throw together a list. mainly vore, transformations, along with the usual stuff. if you have any suggestions as to things your looking for feel free to post them ^_^

hmmm, ill look into this.  can you give me any details or screen shots related to this? I'm still new to uploading here so I am still ironing out a few bugs.  if you hit f12 it should pop up with the console log. screenshots of those logs would help quite a bit. also, what browser are you using?