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A member registered Aug 08, 2017 · View creator page →

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This is really good for a first game! The movement of the screen feels good and moving the frog around feels super crisp with some nice animations! Keep up the good work!

This one's cool! Really nice UI showing the letters you've picked up it feels nice shooting them! I thought the steering was a bit floaty at first but once I got used to it it was pretty satisfying! 

Hey VexedAxolotl! I remember you from Game Idea Jam! This is pretty cool! It's satisfying to watch the plants grow and it's cool switching between the menu and the garden. It could def benefit from starting up a little bit quicker but overall a nice submission! Keep up the good work!

This one was really fun! Incorporating two styles of gameplay in the levels is really cool and the sound effects and music really add to the experience in a good way. Nice opening, too!

Great submission! The prompts were pretty spot on, the humour was fun (give us silksong, cherry), well presented and augmented well with button clicks and music. Really well done with the time you used. I found out you can keep pressing the buttons when you're in the game over screen and made it to round 200. (Without cheating, 8's my highest haha)

Thanks for playing! I really appreciate the feedback! I was pretty lax with the visuals and the game page, so I'll know to give it a better look in the future to set expectations a bit better. 

Thanks again!

Thanks so much for playing! I'm really glad you enjoyed it! Haha I'm still getting used to making the game clear for players. In my playtest build I didn't even mention what button progresses dialogue so they didn't get past the first line! 

Thanks again for the feedback!

This game has so much character! The opening was great and really funny starting from the zoom out on the prompt. Fantastic. The speed being measured in fermis too is really fun. And the driving controls were fun to get used to and get better with! It would be nice if there was a way to replay the race though without doing the intro again for repeated races!

Single player uno totally works! It's a really neat idea! Easy, fun and smooth to play! I think it'd be nice if there was some incentive to place cards or to shake the board up though. Otherwise you can just draw cards until you find a sequence of cards you can play that will get rid of your entire hand at once.

I think this game is really really cool! I love the concept and what you got done in 16 hours is really impressive. The game looks really nice too. The bloom on the white makes it seem very bright and sharp looking. All the assets are also easily distinguishable at a glance which is great when you need to be managing two players at once. I found that the game becomes much easier if you aggro all the enemies onto the player that cannot open the gate and run around collecting medicine. It kind of eliminates the need to manage two characters at once. Additionally, it's a bit inconvenient to use the mouse to continue or restart a level since both your hands need to be on the keyboard to play the game. This is especially noticeable in level 3 where one of the enemies starts really close to one of your players.  Overall though this is really really solid. With a bit more refinement it could be a really neat game! But having this many unique levels and having everything work so well is really impressive for the short amount of time you had to work on it!

There's some really cool stuff in here! I think the animations at the start and end are really ambitious and I love the storytelling. And the music too! It really pulls you into the cyberpunk theme. The tutorial levels definitely do a good job of easing you into the gameplay as well which is really impressive. Level design is tough and takes a lot of time and you got a lot of quality levels and designs in! If the controls and mechanics were refined a little bit I think it would be a really strong game. The jumping feels a bit odd at times and the character reacts strangely with walls and ceilings.  The mirror walls also reflect bullets a bit strangely. 

The music and look of the game are pretty nice and clean! It feels a bit random though which pillars will grow so it's hard to determine if you should jump anywhere or just stay in place. 

The gameplay is pretty simple but there's some nice stuff in there! The way that the character is animated when they move feels really responsive and really displays which direction you're moving in. Really cool! And the animation at the start of the game was really fun too! You hit 100% of your prompt too!

I think the concept behind this game is really neat! It's a cool spin on the genre. I like the tradeoff of fighting more guys or sending some to the village. I think that'd be a neat decision to make. Keep it up!

Nailed the presentation and prompt! The music and art pulls it all together, making it a really cohesive game. And just really funny too. Lots of effort went into making multiple levels with different rules! 

I love the presentation! The music, visuals and animation are all really cohesive and fun. I like the mechanic where you get a jump reset on touching a wall. It feels pretty nice and feels good to get better at! It adds a surprising amount of depth for a one button game! I like that it's on a timer too! It gives it a lot of replay value and makes it feel really nice to get better at it. There are a few stretches where it feels pretty punishing to miss jumps. You need to wait a while to get back around to reattempting the jump, which is especially tough when you're starting out. 

Thanks for taking the time to play through the game! I'm glad you enjoyed it! That feedback is super valuable too. There's definitely room for improvement and clarity in the UI. Music and sound effects were something I was looking to implement but didn't quite get to this time haha. 

Thanks again for playing and offering feedback!

Played through it! It was pretty fun. I like the addition of the music which is cool. There are some nice design aspects that I like. Every second tile is just about perfectly the distance you can jump if you just tap and hold a direction key. That makes the level designs feel very smooth and well put together.  I'm also really impressed by how smoothly you can move between the stages you've already played and how smoothly it load them. Although I feel like there were times that it was difficult to tell how far I was moving in the air. Because you can only see your movement relative to the platforms, if all the platforms are moving or you can't see your shadow it can be a bit tough to tell how far you're going like in level 11. The random blocks are also a little bit mean in some levels. 

I like the menus! I was pretty impressed that you had the sound and video settings totally implemented.  I feel like this is a really ambitious project. Going for three different control schemes and designing the levels individually is a lot of coding and a lot of time spent. It's kind of like doing three different games haha. It's a tradeoff though because it's harder to totally get into and adjust each of the levels and mechanics within the time constraints of the jam. 

(1 edit)

I really like how you control the character in this game! It feels really neat and the way the character bobs naturally really makes it seem like they're underwater. It feels really consistent too which is cool. I never really had a moment where I felt I would lose him and didn't or where I felt I wouldn't lose him but did. It feels really clean. I think the current obstacles could use more of the control scheme though. I feel like the walls of sharks incentivize some really precise micromovements and keeping the guy really close to the centre of the circle, which is cool, but the unpredictability and wildness of using the outside of the control circle is really fun too. I think there's a lot of depth in your concept and controls that you're still able to tap into! Really neat game!

Lol this is goofy but kind of fun. The opening animation is fun. Like, it's not ideal that the character doesn't spin in the centre of the model but it's definitely funnier. I think my biggest problem is that the spawn points for the lava balls aren't randomized so the gameplay doesn't really change so much as you play or between runs. 

Ok I have hit 588

I spent a good amount of time playing this one! First off, the presentation is great. Really great use of the assets to put your setting together! The music is really fitting too and makes it feel really exciting. The randomness of each stage also makes running around pretty exciting. Choosing to do one of the billboards vs just running for the exit offers some decision in gameplay too which is really neat.

There was definitely a bit of a learning curve for the keyboard experience just because you have to make that mental note of A = down and the like but I bet on controller it would be much less of an issue. Once I got it down it was pretty fun and the QTEs felt rewarding to hit!

This is really impressive for a solo project! There's some really nice atmosphere and modelling going on here. I love the UI on the stat selector too. It's a super clean looking screen. I'm also really impressed that you were able to make and add music. I think if there was a bit more clarity in the game mechanics it would really tie the whole experience together. Really cool!