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A member registered Mar 06, 2020 · View creator page →

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I have not used it in a while because I made another editor after I finished the game, but I think it is right click. If you are unsure about the editor you can always look at the code. Just try not to use it as an example for "good code." I rushed to make it in the middle of the jam, so it's pretty poorly designed.

The game uses the keyboard exclusively. You have to press enter to start. Sorry for the confusion.

I think I messed up some settings in Godot that made the web build not work right. Sorry.

Thanks for your feed back so much. I cannot believe that you looked for 20 minutes. I definitely agree that that level design closer to the end was one of the major flaws. I think that there were two or three things I could have done to make the level design more clear. Firstly, I feel that the entrance to the boss area was not memorable at all. Something like the Black Egg Temple from Hollow Knight is important and it sticks in your head. The other thing that I could have done was to make the rooms more distinct. One of my friends played the game in front of me and he kept thinking that he was in the same room when he was not. I need to remember to spend more time on level design next time. Thanks again, have a great day!

Thanks so much for the feedback. I talked about the whole kick incident in a different reply, but I did also mess up a bit of the level. One of my friends also got lost when they played it, which was not something that I really thought through to much. I think that because I designed the levels, I did not think from the perspective of a new player. With more art, I would have been able to make the areas more distinct, but I maybe should have just made it smaller. I did not totally think through the fact that the most important part of a Metroidvania was the level design. Have a great day.

Thanks so much! I very much agree on the kick. I was trying to make a ability that would give a lot of movement flexibility, but I ended up not teaching it to the player very well and more so used it as a more powerful jump. I think that it should have been a jump upgrade/double jump that used the same key. It is also too difficult. You always forget that you are the best player at your game. Have a great day.

Sounds great, thanks!

It was sort of a bug turned feature for me. I definitely agree with you, but I couldn't think of any really good ways to show it without flat-out saying that you can. Any ideas?

From the error message, the problem is that you do not have pygame version 2 or above. The pygame.SCALED flag is something that was not in previous pygame versions. 

You should be able to run from the source code if you have pygame installed. I do not currently have a Linux machine, so I cannot make a Linux build. Sorry.

I have looked into a web build a bit and I do not really think that it is possible. Python cannot be compiled due to various reasons and the supposed "web builds" are just some sort of web emulations. I could include a link to one of these if you like, but the ones I have tried are very laggy.

Thank you so much. This just made my day.

It was a very interesting puzzle concept done very well. I loved the sounds too.

Yeah, I did have a couple of reusable scripts beforehand, so I did not have to make the collision system, tile system, etc.

I'm sorry. I have not used unity in a while. Thank you for trying.

Very good game. Please include a web build if you are using a game engine.

The graphics were great. My only complaint is that you should include a web build if you are using a game engine that can export to the web.

With pixel art games, you want to have a consistent pixel size for the most part. Also, if you are importing images, make sure that there is no kind of filtering that will mess up the perfect pixel. My favorite part was how you were able to incorporate the bounce you get when defeating enemies in with the locations of the collectables for an extra challenge. Overall, this is a pretty good platformer.

You can collect one body part multiple times. I do not think there should be a timer before it gets deleted. It is also a good idea to include a web build if you are using a game engine. The concept and art was pretty good, but the previously mentioned bug took away from the experience.

Almost perfect. Some of the hitboxes for interaction were a little small.

The game was pretty fun overall. I would try to make the hitboxes much larger in the future. I know that it is much harder in SFML. Sometimes it helps to draw a rectangle with low opacity or just the rectangle outline to see the hitboxes. That being said, the voice acting more than made up for the small hitboxes. I enjoyed it.

Very fun. The controls take a bit to get use to, but the art and sound make up for it.

It was pretty fun. I like how it is a game and simulation of sorts at the same time. 

Thanks so much

It was very fun. At first I did not know what to do though.

It was fun. I would like some volume options. Also, it becomes a little predictable after a while.

I think a better tutorial would benefit the game a lot.

Great job. The voice acting is amazing. The gameplay is fun too.

The game looks great, but the gameplay feels a little bland. It might be better if there was a puzzle element instead of go here, do this. A song also might make it more enjoyable.

Great game, the sound effects and art are great. I would love to be able to jump and move at the same time though.