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A member registered Apr 28, 2022 · View creator page →

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Really liked the premise of the game! But I ended up falling out of the first map :(

I really liked the sound of that as soon as I tought about it B)

Love the art and sound, the physics feel good!

I got a bug where there was a phantom copy of a piece of my building, but it didn’t prevent progress, had fun!

Really loved the mechanic of changing size with the doors, but I was in love with the further downsizing of the unlocked item!

Loved the vibe and the graphics, but controls felt a little slugish and walk speed was a little to slow for my taste.

Glad you had fun! I’ll definetly have to work on clerar instructions tho! ^^U

Loved the physics for the fruit, but it’s sometimes hard to click on them to drag them to the scale, also the scroll speed feels kind of fast

It’s challenging but it has a great game feel, and I loved the music!

The swinging was kind of hard to wrap my head around but it was satisfying

Thanks for the feedback! I definetly need to make it clearer what upgrade is selected. And I also did’nt even know Enter could be used! I’m still new to Godot UI nodes so it’s kind of weird for me.

I’ve been able to click on all upgrades and see the effect, but maybe because I grew used to it, will look into the matter, thank you very much!

And yes font is a problem, I was going to include a font switch option but oh well, time ^^U

A good contemplative piece of media, makes you think about the scale of the individual within society wink wink

Cute pixel art!

There are some problems when jumping into moving objects, but other than that it’s a cool game! :)

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Building up a swarm is a nice take on the theme!

I had a random crash trying to go for the watermelon :(

The main problem I had was that I could’nt really see where my moth were at times, some kind of outline would be a nice visual indicator!

The eating fruit event looked like a QTE so I spammed F more than I would like to admit before realizing it was timed ^^U

Also! Great graphics!

Time constrains and life got in the way so I couldn’t really design any more weapons, but I laid the ground work to do so more easily in the future.

UI design was one of the last aspects I put attention to so it really shows :( any suggestion for how to convey things better?

Some upgrades apply effects without clicking on the stas tho!

Thank you very much!

Thank you! It was something I tried to focus on!

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The window scale effect really took me by surprise!

It’s a nice and juicy game, I love top-down shooters so new ones are always welcome!

That slow-down mechanic wasn’t really super clear at the start but deffinetly was helpful!

A very cool and simple concept, very well executed!