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Mark Keeble

A member registered Apr 16, 2020 · View creator page →

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Really great game! Super super scary and unsettling, so you nailed that aspect. It also felt like the gameplay loop was well-thought-out and worked very cohesively. The visuals, audio, and story were all 100% there as well. I think if you wanted to you could definitely spend another week on it maybe adding several different endings and end up with a really fantastic, finished, and well-polished game. Good job!

(7 edits)

Haha I did find that file and I did unlock the .exe! I meant the actual program itself asking what models to use. Hopefully I'm responding in time to catch you. I do really want to finish the game but unfortunately am a bit dense I suppose lmao.

NEVER MIND I GOT IT (but now I'm stuck on what to do after getting it 😖 I don't want to say anything too explicitly here to avoid spoilers for others lmao)

AHA I GOT IT. So I only just realized how I'm supposed to be interacting with the .trts which also lead me to using the .stp files. Once I unlocked hide things happened where they weren't happening before. Super sick. Love the ending. Just a really awesome game man. I played more of this game than most of the other games I've played combined lol. 

Super polished. Beautiful game! I tried playing the real thing but got stuck after password unlocking asm.exe. Couldn't figure out where the information needed to run the program was sadly. Really just awesome though. Loved getting used to the command line. Felt super smooth once I had more experience with the commands. The sound design was great and the visuals perfect. Nice work!

The artwork was super good! I loved the little glitching effect on the dialogue. The puzzles were simple but for a game jam that's probably for the best!

Sometimes when I opened up the letter puzzle screen the letters would be on top of one another which got a little annoying, but overall really wasn't a huge issue. Cool game!

(1 edit)

Very cool game! Would've loved a map or maybe even something like a limited number of collectable markers you can pick up during those first 2 minutes that you can place in front of hallways that you've already been down. I know obviously part of the game is this feeling that your stuck in this winding maze so it's more than fair to disregard this suggestion entirely lmao.

This is one of the games that actually made me the most afraid while playing it. Very sense. Very good atmosphere. Very good sound design. Visually it looks awesome too! Also that font fits perfectly. Picking the right font is a small thing but adds so much to a game imo and you nailed it.

The voice acting was really really good and this is also one of the few games I've played which have felt like they have a complete story behind it. Well done there! The music and audio also fit very well too!

Maybe someone else has pointed this out already, but you should definitely start the timer from when Charlie gets unleashed rather than (I assume) at the very start of the game. I lived way longer the second time I played but my timer was at like 29 seconds whereas the first time it was over a minute.

I'd also love more info like a little arrow indicator on Ralph showing which way he'll go when you release or a power meter.

Overall super fun game though!

I thought the visuals and audio were really fantastic! The shader (I'm assuming) with the dithering and whatever was really really good-looking. The sound design on the voice in the beginning was really sick as well. Super imposing. The sound design in general was spot on, although all of the interactables having the same "you can't do that right now" sound was a bit funny. I tried to open the file cabinet, heard the sound and went "yeah that sounds right". Then I tried the blackboard and had a few questions as to what the blackboard was made out of lmao.

I definitely struggled a bit to really understand the gameplay loop. Maybe not enough feedback telling me I was doing the right thing by flicking through the radio channels. I did find one anomaly, recorded it, and sent it off to the server, but it seemed like it changed nothing? It's equally likely I'm just a dope and didn't really understand what was going on to be fair. You can easily tell that this is a game jam game that has a ton of potential and just needs a bit of time!

Super fun game IMO. The mechanic is really nicely done and the puzzles that exist make use of it well. I think the SFX got a little old pretty quickly personally. The art obviously wasn't super detailed but the gameplay was fun enough that it really didn't matter to me! I also would've loved the camera to be a little further out or just be given the option to control that myself. Especially that last level I found myself really wishing I could see just a little bit further. Very fun game overall!

The art was really really good. The music fit perfectly as well and was quite unsettling. It was a small thing but I really like the convex black shape that you put to denote which sides of the room had exits. Fit super well. I do think some more ambiance could improve the overall atmosphere. Also I think having the player "use" the items rather than their effects applying off-screen would add a lot to the experience too. Overall very well done though. I'm still in awe of the art!

Thank you very much! Yeah farming really keeps you busy lmao

Oh man I had no idea hahaha. Maybe a bit of a nudge in that direction if you get around to updating the game lmao.

Awesome awesome game. Really impressive. Feels like one of the most complete games I've played this jam!

Very cool and novel idea! I think there were probably way too many items to keep track of. It definitely was for me but I may just be dumb lmao. Maybe just focusing on one or two shelves with fewer items would be better. I really like having to slide around so would love to preserve that. The art was super good. Nicely done!

(1 edit)

Really loved this game. The aesthetics were amazing. The super retro visuals + pink sky and man the audio (oh my god the ambiant track is so good.) I have no idea how I found the exit (one of the exits maybe?), I just sorta kept moving and wound up outside the maze lmao. Loved being handless, was very freeing of responsibility. Amazing game, you should be super proud tbh.

Genuinely a really charming game. If one of your little cousins did any of the art then you need to congratulate them right now. I loved the werewolf sprite! As a side note, wow playing two characters is not something my brain is equipped to do lmao.

Good game! Very satisfying being able to hear that ding a couple times in a row.

Thanks for playing!

Thanks! Yeah, they're a little unorthodox for sure. I wanted something other than just regular mouse movement to stand out a bit plus it makes it harder to turn and so easier for things to perhaps sneak up behind you 👀

Thank you so much!

(1 edit)

The ambiance was so perfectly eerie. The child noises too... shudders. Really nicely done! Very good looking game as well. I would say the trek from the train to the town was maybe a little long. Felt a little empty in my opinion. But honestly really cool game. Doing a game jam alone is really hard. Considering that, very very nice job!

(2 edits)

The environment looks awesome. And the dude running past the window definitely got me lmao. The main menu was also really sick. Nice work!

(1 edit)

Lowkey a fantastic experience with solid, gut-wrenching voice acting. Almost cathartic really. My only suggestion would be to make a little display showing how much more you've got to mash to prevent yourself from poopin'. It would add a lot IMO. Overall GOTY quality submission.

Loved it! Very straightforward but very engaging. I thought the difficulty was maybe a little bit harsh. I think I missed two notes t hen just died. Perhaps a little bit mean lmao. I also think that the audio wasn't super lined up with the notes which threw me off a little, that's super hard to get perfect for a jam though.  Overall it was a genuinely really fun game and the audio was perfect. Nice submission!

Love the graphics/visuals. I felt a little bit aimless while playing. I didn't really know what I should be doing other than wandering around, so I wandered around a bunch but nothing happened. Lots of potential here though! Nice work!

(1 edit)

Absolutely fantastic game. It's got everything, to be honest. The story was incorporated really nicely. The models and environment were stunning, the audio and atmosphere was solid, and the gameplay works great. Easily my favourite game so far! My only two complaints are that the pipe kept fricken breaking too often for me to focus on the other tasks and maybe a step-by-step walkthrough of each task in a more interactive way could've been helpful. I'm amazed by how polished and feature-rich this game is. Really well done!

"Favourite game of the jam so far" feels like high praise! Thank you so so much! 

Super cool setup. I think I would've appreciated a little bit more direction, but I love the vibe walking around with the flashlight. Good job!

(1 edit)

I've played through a decent number of submissions and yours is the first to go this direction. Very cool! I had a bit of a tough time controlling the camera. And a more in-depth explanation as to what to do would be appreciated. Super cool idea though! The ambiance is fantastic!

Great idea and honestly a really fun game. Obviously needs a lot of work with models, audio, adding juice, and so on. But genuinely I had a blast playing it. Really nicely done!

(1 edit)

Looks awesome and sounds awesome. Felt like the difficulty was maybe a little high. Overall really cool and super impressive for someone who's just starting to learn a new engine? Fantastic work!

The atmosphere was fantastic! Loved all the fog and the sounds were on point. The little bits of story from dialogue were great. I might appreciate a little bit more direction as I got stuck for a little bit wondering what to do next at one point. Then I went up the stairs and the lady spawned. Not sure if going up the stairs was what triggered it or not. The chase was cool too! Great game!


Your game was cool! Thanks for playing and for the feedback, I'll definitely have a think on it!

Thank you so much!

Haha I'm glad that I was able to spook you! :D

Thank you!

Cool game! The visuals are really nice and they fit the vibe beautifully. I think that there's a lack of audio overall. Stuff-like ambiance, maybe some creaking when you open the fridge door or some squelching when you stick your hand in the stew/soup or whatever it is. Stuff like that helps sell the experience a huge amount. I also think that you should try to move some of that dialogue out from that one note and spread it around a little bit more. I felt like I had to click/read an excessive amount there. It was pretty overwhelming haha. Good submission overall though! Lot's of potential here.

Super sick game! Visuals are awesome and really add to the experience. Sometimes I got a little confused as to what to do, but the vibe was really cool.

Really cool concept and the dolls are horrifying. Lowkey the camera bob adds a lot to the experience. The scream is definitely a little loud relative to the rest of the audio in my opinion. Puzzles were cool. Awesome submission! Wouldn't be surprised to see you high up in the rankings!

(1 edit)

Absolutely fantastic work on the aesthetics. Was a beautiful game too look at. I actually think for a game jam it was scoped fairly well, maybe a little on the short side but it's so hard to blame anyone for that in a game jam lmao. Maybe would be better to give the player less time. It felt very generous haha. Loved the UI as well, everything fit great. Awesome job!