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A member registered Oct 07, 2022 · View creator page →

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Was a very funny and entertaining game, and the animations and background were very good, Some sounds would have been a nice addition if given longer time this would have been good as a side scroller, perhaps access different parts of the mall! :-)

I love the hand-drawn characters and the different combos you can pull based on your position (jumping/crouching) would have included some sound effects if possible, made the play button a mouse click instead of an enter press and made the button inputs clearer

the style was very fun! reminded me of old click and point adventure games where the 2D sprites go back and forth from the background to the foreground, A health implementation and some sea shanty music would have been nice! :-)

Was a fun game although i feel it ended too soon, the controls and fighting actions were pretty smooth, more could have been done with the gravity ability, maybe add some sound effects too!!

(p.s. esc button didn't seem to want to register)

Would have been nice to have a bit more to the game, maybe a block function, music, some interesting character designs, e.c.t.

illustrations were unique and pleasant to look at, controls were very responsive, attacks felt nice, I'm not sure if it was just my playthrough but i got stuck on the first room and couldn't get out, i would have added sound effects and music too!

This was a quite an entertaining game, the music was good, the background and character models had a lot of charm to them, however the controls felt really sluggish and slow at times, I would have also added a border at the edge of the map

This was a very enjoyable game, appreciate the "how to play" section, not many entries included one, The art style and shading was really well done. Hits felt very responsive although the hitboxes on the enemies could have been smaller. Sound effects and music would have been a nice inclusion!

Appreciated the inclusion of both single-player and multiplayer, although I only played single-player.  Some of the stars on the twinkle twinkle song appeared to cut off on the far left of the screen and also the white text made me a bit confused. For Ken's theme, i feel like there were way too many notes you had to hit on time and it didn't seem feasibly possible, however, i did appreciate the hand made look to the assets. 

Side note it seemed like only the middle of the asset would be recognised when hit on the green line, no room for early notes

Understandably it is unfinished however I have to ask, would the background have changed as you kept walking if you managed to put in the assets, or would it just be the character that Jess made walking right in front of the blue background?

Responsive and fun gameplay. However you could have sped up the gameplay over time and put different dog breeds and have stuff to catch you out, such as cats if you pet a cat you get a point deducted or something, this would have made gameplay interesting.

The art was lovely, and the gameplay was very responsive and fun however it feels like once you miss one click it's over as it's difficult to catch up with the second player. I would have personally increased the amount of rounds to 5. 

I'm unsure whether this is an issue with the web build but I found rotating the camera to aim at your destination a bit annoying and tedious, I would suggest fixing camera controls for next time, and also if you want to not clip on the edge you might want to utilise invisible barriers. How long did the velocity bar take?

I like how you managed to make this game randomly generated however I feel like the design was very bland, maybe giving the assets themes like a fish in a tube or something would have been interesting. the game controls well however i find it a bit boring.

The ball feels weightless and unresponsive at times like there's some invisible lag to your input, this makes getting in between certain obstacles a challenge, I would try, either to make the gaps between obstacles larger or increase the velocity of the ball falling down. Did you find this an issue when you tested the game?

(1 edit)

I went through the "mean route" and also the A+ route and was delighted by the humourous responses you received (especially the paper crane death line). The dialogue was fun however the text font and colour was hard to read sometimes. How did you decide the rating system at the end?