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A member registered Mar 10, 2021 · View creator page →

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I see what you did there.

I thought this was pretty neat! I like the pixel graphics and crafting system. The fact that it's a roguelike is also very interesting.

I think the game is definitely too difficult, though. Particularly, I think the melee enemies move too quickly and are hard to maneuver around in the limited space of certain areas. Also, the throw curve of the potions is too high to hit enemies close to you, so when they close in on you, you have to look down at the ground in order to hit them.

The enemies would also sometimes attack too quickly so I would lose hearts really fast when trying to run around them. It would probably be better if they got locked in the direction they attack you in, then have a delay between each attack to make them easier to dodge and move around.

I was curious what other ingredients there were and I would have played it longer if I thought I'd be able to beat it.

I second this, I also experienced this problem.

Glad I bought that Corolla.

This was a great game in all fields and I really enjoyed it. The controls felt very tight and the level design was properly challenging.

There wasn't very much of it and it wasn't the game's focus, but I think the weakest part of the game was the combat. The enemy AI seemed finicky to me and I mostly found myself standing back and spamming potions to defeat everything.

The potions also didn't have any purpose outside of combat other than launching yourself upward. I think it could have been interesting to incorporate different types of potions in the level design, there's a lot of potential for ideas there. For example, using the explosion potion to perform a long jump or a fire potion to melt ice.

Also, I think some of the obstacles were maybe too easy to brute force? An insta-kill from fire would be really annoying but I also found it pretty easy to jump through some of the later game obstacles while only getting hit once or twice (not enough to kill me).

Definitely looking forward to a full version of the game! It's very impressive that this much was done in such a short amount of time.

All abilities are implemented.

There are four abilities at the start:

Whip - 2 silver damage, up to 2 range

Crossbow (Iron Bolts) - 2 damage, up to 6 range

Crossbow (Silver Bolts) - 2 silver damage, up to 6 range

Thwack - 2 damage, up to 2 range, pushes 4 spaces

In order to attack things you must be in the same column/row as them and have line of sight. Silver damage deals +1 damage to enemies vulnerable to silver.

When you switch from whip to crossbow, it allows you to increase the range of your attacks, but consumes bolts.

This game is pretty cool! I enjoyed poisoning myself in order to learn what the status effects do.

I would definitely limit the amount of cards that can be in your hand. It can be really difficult to select the right card sometimes. Perhaps there can be a draw pile for any cards gained beyond a hand limit? I saw in another reply you said you plan to add an infinite pile of rocks, which would be nice. Kind of reminds me of the squirrels in Inscryption.

Also, my deck didn't seem to be clearing upon death? I still had all the potions I brewed in my second run.

I also think the game might be too difficult. There's a certain extent to which resource management and preparation should be required, but sometimes I find myself in a situation where I'm not even sure it's possible to get out of. This might be advanced, but I think it could be smart to write an algorithm that simulates a playthrough of the entire dungeon and checks to ensure there is at least one possible way to beat each path.

Thanks for the feedback!

What browser were you using? It doesn't compile well for Firefox.

I'm able to beat the entire game in the Chromium Browser.

Nice! Well designed game with balanced mechanics.


For you and anyone else interested, I wrote another post that gives a more detailed view of what's done so far:

I've been working on a turn-based roguelike dungeon crawler the past few weeks and it's going pretty well.

Features I've implemented so far:

  • Room generation
  • 5 different classes (Knight, Wizard, Elf, Dwarf, Lizard)
  • Enemy AI (patrolling, pursuing, searching)
  • Slime enemies which can split into smaller slimes
  • Element absorption for slimes (for example attacking a slime with an ice attack can turn it into an ice slime)
  • Movement and combat in 8 directions
  • Melee, ranged and magic weapons
  • Elemental damage from fire, ice, lightning, or poison weapons
  • Different types of armor with physical defense, magical defense and evasion bonus
  • Line of sight calculation for ranged attacks
  • Field of vision using symmetric shadowcasting
  • Status effects
  • Attributes (STR, END, DEX, AGI, INT, WIS)
  • Perception and stealth
  • Equippable items and inventory management
  • Message logs
  • XP gain and level up

I still have a lot on my to-do list before I would consider the game complete enough to release a public demo. This includes:

  • Skill trees
  • Allowing the player to select an attribute to increase upon level up
  • Tooltips
  • Traps
  • Teleports
  • Food, potions and beverages
  • Room decoration and obstacles (barrels, tables, cracks in the wall, etc)
  • A wider variety of enemies (ranged attacks, magic attacks, AOE attacks, healing other enemies, two movements per turn)

I also plan to create more complex enemy AI where each enemy has its own behaviors that can further distinguish it from other enemies. For example, some will retreat when their health is below a certain amount, some will correlate their movements with others, some will protect other enemies, some will alert other enemies of your presence, and others will block the player's escape routes.

I want to create an experience where the dungeon and its enemies feels very dynamic. The player should have many tools to use at their disposal while also needing to meet a variety of unique challenges.

I'm developing the game using Godot with gdext bindings to Rust.

The dungeon is generated using an algorithm I wrote called Tatami. Feel free to use it for your own games if you want! It's intended for people who know the Rust programming language.

I played Minecraft a lot when I was in middle school. When I was 13, I watched YouTube tutorials about Java programming so that I could learn how to make Minecraft mods. That ended up being a gateway for me that got me more interested in game dev and programming in general.

Hey, I really like these.

By the way, I've seen other people post about this, but I can't find a full spritesheet image.

I'm not using Unity, so I have to build a spritesheet out of each individual image.

These are very nice, high quality icons. I especially like the elemental weapon designs.

These are great! I'm using them for my roguelike game.

Step 1: Open GIMP

Step 2: Use the Rectangle Select Tool to select the 16x16 sprite you want

Step 3: Go into "Image" and click "Crop to Selection"

Not that hard dude.

These are great! Will you be adding attack animations?

I'd appreciate help, especially with level design, music and art.

I make my own micro engines using Rust libraries such as Piston and Rapier. Doesn't take much work if you know how to program.

I also like LOVE2D and Godot. I only make 2D games though.

Definitely gives me horror vibes due to the color and distortion of the background, x's on the eyes and liquid-like font. The roses also remind me of the horror anime The Promised Neverland, which has a similar gentleness mixed with horror to it.

In terms of genre my guess would be either visual novel or top-down RPG.