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Max Maletin

A member registered Jan 09, 2019 · View creator page →

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Hey, saw your game on stream and wanted to say it's super cute! Here's the link if you missed it:

I'm honestly a bit surprised nobody else ended up with exactly the same game idea as my team, at least from what I've seen. This one is the closest, but still very different. Other than some criticism that's already in the comments, I'd say press space to separate prompt on level 2 would be helpful, thankfully it is in the description, and the game doesn't allow you to progress until you figure it out. Oh, and your screen transitions are awesome.

Thank you for playing! If it was a full game, levels 9 and 10 would either be optional or they'd be much later in the game. But it's a jam game, and I wanted to show that these mechanics can be used to make some proper brain melters. Good job completing 9, that one is also not easy.

Hate it when ants are everywhere, but at least they're not gorillas, that would be a bit worse

Thank you for playing! Would love to see your first experience and initial thoughts, but having a walkthrough for people who get stuck is great as well.

(1 edit)

Ok so  the start is a little tough, I couldn't figure out why clicking didn't do anything, turns out I just needed to make the first jump and then it worked. Fullscreen didn't work in firefox. And other than that, I absolutely loved it.

I mean, the music, the art, little captain's hat in the water after you get eaten, it's so charming. Great job y'all. 5/5 in all categories.

Love the cheeky name, but damn, you have to hit z to start, and it doesn't tell you to do that anywhere? That's rough, you might want to put it in the description at least, and as close to the top as possible. I tried two different browsers before figuring it out.

Other than that it's a bit of a mixed bag, love the artstyle, but not a huge fan of the music, great that you've implemented checkpoints, but those slippery platforms could use some sea salt on top. That said, you've got all that, two different movement styles, and cutscenes, and that's a lot of work in 96 hours.

Yep, and level 9 is the one I struggled with the most! 2+ hours of tweaking, and it was about 3:30 a.m. when I finished it. I really wanted a level where you would lock yourself out of the ability to change size, ended up using every mechanic in the game on it. My personal favorite is level 10 though, where all complexity is created by barrels.

Reading the description I thought we made the same game. Then played it. Turns out they are very, very different :)

Neat game, quite an original concept, loved a little bendy robot design and the environments. Shame there's no sound, I wonder what this world would sound like.

Great looking game, nice level design and puzzle mechanic, but definitely wasn't a fan of real-time traps and canons. They were fine and even cool at first, but later levels left no room for error, and that's when the game became more frustrating than fun for me. Also the voiceover, this is the first game from the jam I've played that has any, that was definitely a surprise! Acting wasn't perfect, but still it added to the experience. There's no way I would've read that much myself while also doing puzzles, but because of narration I got puzzles and the story at the same time.

Ahhh, see, now, now we're thinking with portals! Very polished and enjoyable. Great music too!

At the beginning I was like well the solution is obvious, there's only one way to go that'll get me anywhere. And then there were multiple options and my brain went oh no :) Designing levels for this game must've been hard. We made a more traditional puzzle game and I still spent hours on some of them.

Fun fact, every level forces you to a certain size before you can exit. I didn't want to implement it as a system so we did it in level design instead! You're probably thinking about levels 5 and 6, but you can go to level select and see for yourself, you can't really exit 5 as a kitten. That middle section is intentionally not very hard because we wanted to make sure players have mastered the mechanics before throwing hard levels at them.

Yeah, time is very limited. I wish I could implement an undo button in our game, but ended up spending that time on level design and I think the game is better for it.

I guess what this game is teaching us is death is not that bad if you get to play with balls along the way

Wow those restarts are brutal. I guess I didn't want those pickles that much

Apparently I am a sort of cat who's not very good at jumping. Oh well...

Gotta love puzzle games with cats

Nah, I think it's fine as is, at least for me. That said, inverted controls is one of those things where people have different preferences, I'm sure some would appreciate the option. For example one of the jam games I played was a flight game with no option to invert Y, and I pretty much couldn't play it because I always play flight games inverted.

Very charming, nice tunes, an original concept that fits the theme perfectly - one of my favorites so far! And so well polished too.

Nice tunes! I'd say the controls are a bit wonky, but I had one of those maze toys when I was a kid and those were pretty hard to control as well. Had a nice moment of hey this level is unbeatable, wait, what do you mean scroll, ohhhhh :)

I was googling if any English words actually start with ko- when I came up with the name and merriam-webster suggested kopeck and kovsh ;)

100% agree about undo button. I would probably attempt it, but decided to spend some of my time on level design instead. Might add it after the jam is over

Got stuck for a while before press down to slide prompt. Apparently there's a double jump? Not sure if this part is beatable without it, and it's not explained. Would also be great to have some sound effects. Oh, and air dashing is fun!

Interesting visual style, but the sound effects are a bit obnoxious, especially the one for scaling things up

Reached 73, not sure if it's a lot. Fun concept and a very cute cat. Could use some meows though.

Really nice looking game, and surprisingly nice sounding. All this equipment sounds almost musical when it's working. I do have to agree that controls could use some improvement, like making a belt that is several sections long in one click or moving between tiles of the same scale while zoomed in. An option to delete everything could be nice too. That said, this is a game I'll probably return to when the jam is done.

Controls are a bit janky and tutorials could use some improvement. I do like the style though.

Looks really cute and plays well, but I fish the parts were always on the right layer, it's a bit frustrating when you adjust one part at the bottom and it all becomes a train wreck. Oh, and great screen transitions, wanted to do something like that for our game but ran out of time.

Интересная головоломка, но немного не хватает полировки. Большие фигуры сложно поставить в нужное место. Не помешала бы небольшая победная анимация перед запуском нового уровня. Ну и если честно не совсем понимаю насколько игра соответствует теме. Но выглядит классно!

Really wish it had an option for inverted controls, since it's a flight game and my brain really wants to play those with inverted. Loved the visual style

This game takes me back to the days when I was learning how to code, and my only graphics editor was ms paint. Also, it's a nice tree. Maybe a nice tree is what we all need after those long gamejam hours.

Ah, a fellow connoisseur of moving boxes strategically genre of games! Finished it and had fun, excellent level design. May I humbly suggest that if you liked this game (and especially if you made this game), you might also like our game - kotoban. Same concept with a different twist!

Really wanted to get to 30k, but 29381 is the best I could do. Love the artstyle.

Thank you for playing!

An opening cinematic, cool concept and all of it in 48 hours? Damn, that's impressive

Great idea, great execution, a nostalgia trip with a fun twist

Wow, this game looks great! Pixelized look combined with this pallete feels like it's from 1994, and I love it. Title screen is great, and I see it more and more when I get a bit impatient and try to speed up. Keeping it alive ain't easy.

If I had to nitpick, it would be really cool if the body was moving more and more with each inserted organ. It would also be cool if I could finish it without any health loss :)

Not surprized at all to see another great little game from you, keep up the good work!

Ok, so first of all the sad part. I haven't seen a final screen after my first playthrough. It was just black. But on the bright side, i had to play your game again!

Honestly, this game is too good for a game jam. It just works. Graphics and gameplay and everything. I was real cautious, but then i died and realized that game doesn't reset, which is a good call for a story driven game. Double jump helps too, saving you from spikes and other dangers. I'll be honest, at first i thought that ability was flatulance based. Until i got infinite jet pack. My bad.

All of that, best boss battle in the history of videogames, and soundtrack still manages to steal the show. So yeah, excuse me, i'm gonna go spam the link to everyone i know.