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A member registered Aug 27, 2021 · View creator page →

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This is fun! I really like how fast paced and chaotic it is.  Is there any way to lose when the music special ability makes it so you can't take damage?

I reviewed/tested this game in a youtube video: 

My Discord name is enforcer9232. I should probably change it to MeanSquaredError also.

This game makes me happy.  I made a video documenting my testing/review of this: 

This is fun, and the gameplay is polished. The movements and attacks all worked well.  I wish there was a way to attack the robots quicker when they get right on top of you, but I guess it just gives more incentive to avoid them.

You can see my testing/review in this video: 

Nice work on this. I like the effort you put into creating a little story, and it was fun how those robot faces kept sneaking up on me in the maze.

You can see my testing/review here: 

This is good stuff. I really like exploration games, and the spookiness of moving through the dark city with a flashlight is a nice touch.

You can see my review/testing in this video: 

Wow, this is really hard!  Good job getting the game mechanics working here.

You can see my review/testing in this youtube video: 

This is a great idea. Is there a way to keep the suspicion meter from going up?  You should definitely keep going with this and add more to it.

My review/testing is in this video: 

I like this.  The gameplay is really smooth and natural, and the constantly-changing words could be viewed as some sort of alien code. Or maybe like the matrix.  (Do the letters follow any sort of pattern or mean anything?)

You can see my testing/review of the game in this video:

This is really creative. All of the enemies and obstacles were unexpected, which was a good twist. Thank you for including a small story to explain why everyone was angry. It's pretty funny.

My testing/review is in this video:

I definitely think you should keep going with this.  Every feature you've added so far works perfectly, so once you start adding more (houses? rivers? rocks?) this could become a very immersive game.

Checkout my testing/review of the game here: 

First of all, I think the music is amazing.  It sounds futuristic, and intense, and yet retro at the same time.  Also, it is hilarious how high the "goombas" can jump. I really enjoyed that.

You can see my testing/review of the game here: 

This game is excellent. It is futuristic, fun, strategic, and musical.  If you choose to do more with this, it would be really neat if you added different instruments. 

 You can see my testing/review of it here: 

This was hard.  I do like how all of the characters look: kind of robotic/futuristic, but in a charming way. I also like your choice to make ammo infinite, but you have to reload regularly. I think it's a good balance.

You can see my review/testing of it in this video:

Nice work on this. Everything seems to work well. I think a really simple enhancement would be to add different colors/models for the spaceships and variable speeds too, if you ever choose to work more on this game.

You can see my review/testing of it here:

Whoa the ASCII art is super cool! I've never played a game like that before. (also, was I running into stop signs? is that what those are?) 

I've put my review/testing of the game into a video:

The controls are unique: it's a good challenge to actually make the turns cleanly, which is normally something I would take for granted.  You can see my review/testing of the game here:

This game is crazy! Everything comes so fast!  I really like the music, too. This is a great challenge.  You can see my review/testing of the game in this video:

Wow that was so hard!  The gameplay is really good and smooth.  I put my review/testing of it in a video:

I'll never have to use boring old notepad or wordpad again. Thanks!

I put my testing/review of this into a video:

This is a really creative, fun idea.  Placing blocks and then not being able to see them is a unique challenge.   I like the futuristic color scheme, too.

I've put my testing/review of this game into a video:

That was really hard!  All the gameplay was smooth and refined, so good work with that.

I've posted my testing/review in this video:

You could turn this into a homework assignment for an intro CS course!  If you choose to do more with this, I think the first thing should do is add not gates, because then you could make it so much harder.

My review/testing are in this video:

Nice. I like how it saved the high score, even after I closed my browser. Can anyone beat 11,099?

I posted my testing/review of this game in a video: 

Nice job! I really like the upgrade system of getting better blasters.   You can see me testing/reviewing the game in this video:

Wow! This is really polished. The "future vision" works really well, and the game is challenging.  I tested/reviewed it in a video:

You forced me to use my knowledge of binary to decimal conversion while playing Pacman?? That is awesome. Thank you.

I tested/reviewed this in a video:

Nice puzzle game. Thank you for forcing me to think a little bit.  You can check out my review/testing of the game in this youtube video:

Wow, I had to click really fast to keep up with the robots! Fun to play.   I put my review/testing into a youtube video: