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A jam submission

Hardcore FrogkourView game page

Froggy Platformer
Submitted by CornerPoint — 5 minutes, 25 seconds before the deadline
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Hardcore Frogkour's page


CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Technical Implementation#453.7503.750

Ranked from 16 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

How does your game utilize the limitation and theme?
The gem system complete the theme and limitation. To pass a level you must grab a gem (collectable) and return it to the start of the level (there and back).

What was your team size?


You and one other jammer

Which of the following content in your game is NOT 100% newly made for the jam?


(Other than general-purpose custom code)

Affirm you have followed ALL jam rules. (Select all below or your entry will be disqualified.)

We have credited all assets used in the game including our own name(s) or team name(s)

All original game code and original assets were made during the jam period

The game does not include NSFW or hateful content

The game works on the web or as a Windows 10 download

We have answered all submission questions honestly and completely

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Really fun game that becomes very satisfying the better you get at it. The music was quite nice as well :) I don't think there's much I'd change about this one!


Very cool mechanic idea, I wish the tongue hitting wall had more feedback to make it clearer but overall very nicely done ;)


As prior people have mentioned, grabbing on gems seems to be a bit of an issue.  Didn't really become a problem till level 9 where a gem is right in the way of a wall you should grab onto. I do like the general mechanic of swinging around using your frog tongue however it just feels a little slow for my taste. The music and sound effects were pretty nice, but the frog honestly looks more like a snake than a frog. The tongue also not sticking to the pixel art design is a little disappointing.

Honestly I would love to see this game expand into more levels with more complex art and a faster swing. Seems like it would be rather fun.


That was really fun and surprisingly difficult.   The only negative I could find it that sticking to the gems was a bit of an issue when in situations where to collect the gem I had to attach to the wall behind it.  I would either make it so the player can't attach to the gem and the tongue passed right thought it.   Alternatively the gem would be collected when attached to and fully reeled in.  


Thank you for trying and leaving your thoughts! I agree that the gem grabbing could use some work! Maybe something I could do after the jam (if motivated). 

I'll make sure I check your game out soon!


This game is fun! I loved the graphics, music and hard levels of the game! 


I love how you control the frog. I would have made the tongue more visible and added some shake. I like minimal graphics in this kind of games.


Thank you for the advise! I might do some work work after the jam so I'll keep screen shake in mind! I'll definitely check out your game in a bit!


Very cool! Very original! I really like the movement mechanics a lot, and the levels were well made. Sometimes it didn't exactly do what I wanted it to do, but besides that the controls were good. I think if you polished it up a bit, I would buy it. Could be a cool mobile game as well. Nice job!


thank you for your thoughts!


omg this game is so cool and fun!

Hope you'll checl out our game too😀


glad you liked it and will do.


Super fun game! I managed to get up to level 15 but couldn't clear it, so I stopped to write this review. The tongue physics work super well and aren't frustrating! The one suggestion I have however would be to allow the frog's tongue to go through the thing you have to collect. I lost a couple of times because of that LMAO. Other than that, pretty solid game worth a play! If you have the time, I'd appreciate it if you also played my game!


Ah it seems you have made it to the final level! I totally get the gem issue and I should have found a work around for it (it grabbles to the gem collider or adding to the distance from the gem to allow for a more accurate grapple). Thank you for your thoughts! I will gladly take a look at your game!


That was the final level? Aw man I should've finished it then LMAO


The concept is good, the game just needs more polish in graphics and music. Grappling hook physics felt good, good job!

Check out my game when you can, and tell me your opinion :D!


Thank you for your thoughts! Definitely will take a look at yours soon!


Really funny and fun to play! I took a bit more time than necessary on the first level I think because I thought my tongue would pass through the gems. Great game!


I really appreciate you checking it out!


Who doesn't like grappling hooks?? Or in this case its frog tongues..? Really like it and would like to see more of it with a tiny bit more polish. Good job!


Thank you for checking it out!


Really fun to play! It took me some time to go through all levels but that's just because I'm bad x)

Only detail is the UI looking a bit messy but it's understandable for a game jam. Overall great work you managed to create a fun experience!

Developer (1 edit)

Thank you for your honesty! I agree the UI was rushed, but I really wanted to focus more on content. Glad you enjoyed the game! 


Great game, the best so far in my opinion! Only improvement I would like to see is some mouse cursor other that default. Would love to have my game rated by you as well!


Thank you for your review/thoughts! I'll definitely go check yours out!


I can't play as I use  Mac :( Looks good though!

Developer (1 edit)

If you check out the game page I left a link to the webgl version! Hope you get to try it at some point!


its a cool idea! and you made good levels for. it ramps up really well! but sometimes, the tongue does not reach the wall i'm aiming at, although i'm near enough.

overall its really good, i liked it! nice job!


Thank you for checking it out and giving it your honest opinion!


Cool gameplay! I was surprised by the amount of levels, and the difficulty curve was steady the whole way through. I did notice some weird collision detection with red walls and the collectibles, but besides that it was a pretty fun game! 


I did notice the weird collisions with the red blocks. Throughout the jam I had no idea what was causing it. Unfortunately, I had to submit as is.