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A member registered Jul 24, 2019 · View creator page →

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Recent community posts for game with out effects

 if anyone wants to follow my game i have a twitter for it

very nice little porotype, not much of game play here but liked the art

wasnt sure what to do at start and still a bit confused maybe have it a bit more clear and maybe show what you are clicking on, took me a while to figure out. Still not 100% sure what to do.

was a bit confusing at first what to do but was fun, a bit frustrating trying to get a item though.

hey thanks for your feedback try my mobile version it's allot more polished would love your feed back on that version 😊 

i am a sucker for wizards, my first attempt i was 30 grams off, love the bowls expression and the wizard is very cute.

fun little project, not much of a game, could be something more if you decided to put more time into it, i enjoyed it, music was cute and charming just wish it was a bit more to it, i played it a couple times to see if there was a way to not eat the chestnuts but nope he goes buuuurp!!!

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not good at puzzle games so i couldnt figure out what to do, but cool dragon and art style.

really digging the animation and art, but the game it's self was a bit to straight forward, but it was neat. I love when he bobs his head to the music.

really good spin off to pokemon games, really neat, my only concern is it was a bit to rng at times, i struggle to win the first battle but once i got the hand of it i manage to get further. 

really well made remind me of the Mario rabits game a bit, didnt beat it but i got to i think wave 5 or 6, before i lost all my men, good game although i dont know what it had to do with baking though, but great job anyways.

nice i got to the end, really cool concept. 

nice i got to the end, really cool concept. 

simple cute and well done, music good too

wow this was wonderful my favorite game so far of this jam perfect score

really fun a bit hard to control at times and kind rng but nice game.

wonderful took a bit to getting use of but great concept

gameplay isnt much just go around shooting stealing certain cars, boat, going to the bar, shooting people, the good stuff gta offers, i had three days to work on this but i learn allot in those 3 days and quite happy with the product. I hope you all enjoy it your self. :) Cops are a bit op atm might nerf idk.

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yeah no missions one bar one gun 3 cars one boat to steal and tons of people to shoot at, and op cops who bust you faster than it takes to walk the whole map.

i be down i cant vc though i can chat but i am unable to talk.

oh thanks, yes, finally someone caught on to my way of showing where to go, and to avoid the fake exits.

a bit confusing at times but great entry, maybe have dash to something else as i had sticky keys on for some reason.

i really enjoyed it, although a few times the cells didnt work right when i lined it up, very good game though, music was nice, one thing i wish is that you can hold the arrow key down.

thankyou all for your nice feedback ill see if i can get around to playing your games as well I also made allot of changes to polish it more.

early build of new major update is up.

Maybe it seem like it was blending but I'm probably wrong. 

thankyou all so far

The art is phenomenal, the music is soothing, probably my favorite game so far from this jam, keep it up 

the contrast is great, the difficulty is a bit to much though, it does teach you what's to come, as for the laser hit box, i think it was way to big, , i find the acceleration and deacceleration  of the player and the hit boxes need a bit adjustment. Art is nice, the difficulty is a bit to much though.

I wrote a review on your page by mistake, but the game has a nice feel to it, a bit confusing at first, and the rng through me off, but good game regardless. As what i said idk maybe i am being picking but i think the blending makes more than 5 colors.

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RNG beware, i lost allot of easy settlements, the game is pretty fun though, i am not sure if i counted more than 5 colors since some blended in, great work regardless, and i can see you put allot of work into it, keep it up. I could not quit for some reason though.

Really cool concept, i only got to wave 3. i love the idea of changing your paint marker to the enemy color, really well done, music sounded nice too, and the effects were great, over all nice game.

really interesting game, i enjoyed the spitting and using self destructing to solve puzzles, and the boss idea was pretty neat too.

Thankyou for at least giving it a go, i will make sure to make it more clear next time

I am aware about this, i didnt have much time to make this game, so i rushed at it and made it as simple as i can. As for not fitting the theme idk i think the death mechanic is fine. you do more damage the more you level but have to die each time , once you get enough exp.

thanks so much, sorry no main menu and probably wont make one, keep it simple, as main menu stuff could take a day to work out.

thankyou for your comment.

really well made love the super paper mario speech effect love the art work keep it up