This game kinda lit
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Thanks! Actually the boss isnt invincible, you can deal damage but the boss doesnt flinch. There are certain ways to interrupt the boss such as waiting for the boss to perform a red aura attack, then if you time your dodge properly you can press the attack button for a counter, which should charge up 1 bar of momentum, with which you can perform a spinning attack by pressing E which stuns the enemy. I actually rushed this game in a week due to committments and wasnt able to make a proper tutorial for the game so sorry about that....the main page of the game contains all the instructions abt the game's mechanics.
YO I love the boss designs (both visuals and their behaviour), neat art ....took me 2 attempts to win normal mode lmao...But hard mode is def crazier lol. Beating the bosses felt really satisfying...sounds music, visual and audio feedback is really good.
I realized we have double jump only after reading the comment below me lol (I jumped at the very very last second for the final boss)
Overall this is a very solid game! Very polished!
It makes me so happy that you saw the game till the end!
Maybe we have to change our transition animations as it is quite slow.
For flight it might be coz we have press and release for flight. (or maybe its because there is a hitstop before flight is done)
And yea frost wasn't given the ability to sprint coz we thought that would balance the game (it probably is way too unnecessary honestly, we will def buff the player a little bit if we ever update this game!)
Thanks a lot for the feedback! (Honestly these were the words that I really expected to hear lol)
Thanks for playing our game!
The timing window on reflect is actually 12 frames for all attacks....the reflect mechanic works just fine If the game runs smoothly.
Right now reflect input gets accepted only during that 12 frames...if you pressed right click anywhere in that 12 frames the parry will happen during the damage event.
But yeah I agree with you that writing bulletproof logic is hard.
There is much more to learn for us.
I'm really glad you liked the music and sfx!
And you know what? We might just update this game after the jam! (Right now you unlock combos before the final boss...we will make some balancing to this game and make it not so frustrating to play)
Thanks a lot for your feedback!
ayo thanks for playing! It's kinda funny (cries inside) now that we've got a Lotta bugs that we thought we fixed.
I tried running the game on my IGpu....resulted in bad frame times.....this made parrying not work properly as the parry window and parry events use animation events. Frame rate is prolly the same reason for the falling from the top thingy.
We actually put in most of the work in boss design for the 2nd phase of the final boss, but the game being too hard or bugs ended up making people not get to the ending (some did so I'm kinda happy lol)
Plus there's a glitch of shooting frost ball at point blank range causing insta death for boss.
This is the 3rd game we've ever we'll take all your feedbacks and consider bug fixing as an important task and balancing the game as well.
That was a long rant...Anyways Thanks for the feedback dude!
Thanks for playing! All of those are valid points, Though Frost can do a 5 hit combo in the end ye maybe I could have let the other character do at least a 1-2 combo. And yes the game insta kills the boss if you shoot frost balls near the enemy, we got this bug around the end of the jam and we couldn't fix it. But you can use frost balls on the enemy when hes in any state.
But anyways, Thanks for the feedback!
Really cool mechanics and gameplay, Nice boss design and attack patterns. But I found it too hard lol (maybe health values could be adjusted :p )
But I'm not the one to talk coz people said my game was too punishing as well.
(I prolly died like 10 times to the first boss *skill issue*).
But still, this is a really good entry :)
The artstyle, sound design, atmosphere and overall vibe of this game is Insane. (ma jaw dropped)
But I didn't quite understand the goal of this game, and no sense of progression (idk if that's intentional)
I beat every monster that came in my way but I didn't really know what I need to do after that , I was just shooting at the huge Tetrahedron like a mad man with both weapons.
Did I lose but I didn't get the lose screen? DUDE WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO
Wow! Thanks for playing! I'm really glad that you had a lot of fun.
I do agree that the first 2 bosses have the least interesting patterns.
The best boss in the entire game is phase 2 of speed and he has 2 more special attacks in it (its where most of the work was put in, if you have the time you could use level select and retry the final boss :D)
And as for the Input keys.....We just assumed people would prefer Mouse because of games like Sekiro. We did plan to have J and K for attack and parry but we didn't include it in the end sadly :(
Anyways, Thanks a lot for the feedback!
WOAH. This is amazing work. This game is so complex compared to other games.
Randomness makes this super replayable like the comment below says. Exchange mechanic implementation was really good.
The game is pretty hard lol.
I think that it could use some more sfx. But other than that...The dynamic music and artstyle is peak!